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the heir of redclyffe-第3章

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was struck by my dear brother's bold; uncompromising ways; for he took 

to him to a certain degreeand my brother could not help being 

interested in him; there seemed to be so much goodness in his nature。  

I saw him once; and never did I meet any one who gave me so much the 

idea of a finished gentleman。  When the poor son was about fourteen; he 

was with a tutor in the neighbourhood; and used to be a good deal at 

Stylehurst; and; after the unhappy marriage; my brother happened to 

meet him in London; heard his story; and tried to bring about a 


'Ha!' said Philip; 'did not they come to Stylehurst?  I have a dim 

recollection of somebody very tall; and a lady who sung。'

'Yes; your father asked them to stay there; that he might judge of her; 

and wrote to Sir Guy that she was a little; gentle; childish thing; 

capable of being moulded to anything; and representing the mischief of 

leaving them to such society as that of her brother; who was actually 

maintaining them。  That letter was never answered; but about ten days 

or a fortnight after this terrible accident; Colonel Harewood wrote to 

entreat my brother to come to Redclyffe; saying poor Sir Guy had 

eagerly caught at the mention of his name。  Of course he went at once; 

and he told me that he never; in all his experience as a clergyman; saw 

any one so completely broken down with grief。'

I found a great many of his letters among my father's papers;' said 

Philip; 'and it was a very touching one that he wrote to me on my 

father's death。  Those Redclyffe people certainly have great force of 


'And was it then he settled his property on my uncle?' said Charles。

'Yes;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。  'My brother did not like his doing so; 

but he would not be at rest till it was settled。  It was in vain to put 

him in mind of his grandchild; for he would not believe it could live; 

and; indeed; its life hung on a thread。  I remember my brother telling 

me how he went to Moorworth to see itfor it could not be brought 

homein hopes of bringing; back a report that might cheer its 

grandfather; but how he found it so weak and delicate; that he did not 

dare to try to make him take interest in it。  It was not till the child 

was two or three years old; that Sir Guy ventured to let himself grow 

fond of it。'

'Sir Guy was a very striking person;' said Philip; 'I shall not easily 

forget my visit to Redclyffe four years ago。  It was more like a scene 

in a romance than anything realthe fine old red sandstone house 

crumbling away in the exposed parts; the arched gateway covered with 

ivy; the great quadrangle where the sun never shone; and full of 

echoes; the large hall and black wainscoted rooms; which the candles 

never would light up。  It is a fit place to be haunted。'

'That poor boy alone there!' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; 'I am glad you and 

your uncle are going to him。'

'Tell us about him;' said Laura。

'He was the most incongruous thing there;' said Philip。  'There was a 

calm; deep melancholy about the old man added to the grand courtesy 

which showed he had been what old books call a fine gentleman; that 

made him suit his house as a hermit does his cell; or a knight his 

castle; but breaking in on this 〃penseroso〃 scene; there was Guy'

'In what way?' asked Laura。

'Always in wild spirits; rushing about; playing antics; provoking the 

solemn echoes with shouting; whooping; singing; whistling。  There was 

something in that whistle of his that always made me angry。' 

'How did this suit old Sir Guy?'

'It was curious to see how Guy could rattle on to him; pour out the 

whole history of his doings; laughing; rubbing his hands; springing 

about with animationall with as little answer as if he had been 

talking to a statue。'

'Do you mean that Sir Guy did not like it?'

'He did in his own way。 There was now and then a glance or a nod; to 

show that he was attending; but it was such slight encouragement; that 

any less buoyant spirits must have been checked。'

'Did you like him; on the whole?' asked Laura。  'I hope he has not this 

tremendous Morville temper?  Oh; you don't say so。  What a grievous 


'He is a fine fellow;' said Philip; 'but I did not think Sir Guy 

managed him well。  Poor old man; he was quite wrapped up in him; and 

only thought how to keep him out of harm's way。  He would never let him 

be with other boys; and kept him so fettered by rules; so strictly 

watched; and so sternly called to account; that I cannot think how any 

boy could stand it。'

'Yet; you say; he told everything freely to his grandfather;' said Amy。

'Yes;' added her mother; 'I was going to say that; as long as that went 

on; I should think all safe。

'As I said before;' resumed Philip; 'he has a great deal of frankness; 

much of the making of a fine character; but he is a thorough Morville。  

I remember something that will show you his best and worst sides。  You 

know Redclyffe is a beautiful place; with magnificent cliffs 

overhanging the sea; and fine woods crowning them。  On one of the most 

inaccessible of these crags there was a hawk's nest; about half…way 

down; so that looking from the top of the precipice; we could see the 

old birds fly in and out。  Well; what does Master Guy do; but go down 

this headlong descent after the nest。  How he escaped alive no one 

could guess; and his grandfather could not bear to look at the place 

afterwardsbut climb it he did; and came back with two young hawks; 

buttoned up inside his jacket。' 

'There's a regular brick for you!' cried Charles; delighted。 

'His heart was set on training these birds。  He turned the library 

upside down in search of books on falconry; and spent every spare 

moment on them。  At last; a servant left some door open; and they 

escaped。  I shall never forget Guy's passion; I am sure I don't 

exaggerate when I say he was perfectly beside himself with anger。' 

'Poor boy!' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。 

'Served the rascal right;' said Charles。 

'Nothing had any effect on him till his grandfather came out; and; at 

the sight of him; he was tamed in an instant; hung his head; came up to 

his grandfather; and said〃I am very sorry;〃  Sir Guy answered; 〃My 

poor boy!〃 and there was not another word。  I saw Guy no more that day; 

and all the next he was quiet and subdued。  But the most remarkable 

part of the story is to come。  A couple of days afterwards we were 

walking in the woods; when; at the sound of Guy's whistle; we heard a 

flapping and rustling; and beheld; tumbling along; with their clipped 

wings; these two identical hawks; very glad to be caught。  They drew 

themselves up proudly for him to stroke them; and their yellow eyes 

looked at him with positive affection。'

'Pretty creatures!' said Amabel。  'That is a very nice end to the 


'It is not the end;' said Philip。  'I was surprised to
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