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the heir of redclyffe-第2章

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'How very sad for him to be left alone there!' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。

'Very sadvery;' said her husband。  'I must start off to him at once

yes; at once。  Should you not say soeh; Philip?'

'Certainly。  I think I had better go with you。  It would be the correct 

thing; and I should not like to fail in any token of respect for poor 

old Sir Guy。'

'Of courseof course;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 'it would be the correct 

thing。  I am sure he was always very civil to us; and you are next heir 

after this boy。'

Little Charlotte made a sort of jump; lifted her eyebrows; and stared 

at Amabel。

Philip answered。  'That is not worth a thought; but since he and I are 

now the only representatives of the two branches of the house of 

Morville; it shall not be my fault if the enmity is not forgotten。'  

'Buried in oblivion would sound more magnanimous;' said Charles; at 

which Amabel laughed so uncontrollably; that she was forced to hide her 

head on her little sister's shoulder。  Charlotte laughed too; an 

imprudent proceeding; as it attracted attention。  Her father smiled; 

saying; half…reprovingly'So you are there; inquisitive pussy…cat?'  

And at her mother's question;'Charlotte; what business have you 

here?'  She stole back to her lessons; looking very small; without the 

satisfaction of hearing her mother's compassionate words'Poor child!'

'How old is he?' asked Mr。 Edmonstone; returning to the former subject。

'He is of the same age as Lauraseventeen and a half;' answered Mrs。 

Edmonstone。  'Don't you remember my brother saying what a satisfaction 

it was to see such a noble baby as she was; after such a poor little 

miserable thing as the one at Redclyffe?'

'He is grown into a fine spirited fellow;' said Philip。 

'I suppose we must have him here;' said Mr。 Edmonstone。 Should you not 

say soeh; Philip?'

'Certainly; I should think it very good for him。  Indeed; his 

grandfather's death has happened at a most favourable time for him。  

The poor old man had such a dread of his going wrong that he kept 


'I knowas tight as a drum。'

'With strictness that I should think very bad for a boy of his 

impatient temper。  It would have been a very dangerous experiment to 

send him at once among the temptations of Oxford; after such discipline 

and solitude as he has been used to。'

'Don't talk of it;' interrupted Mr。 Edmonstone; spreading out his hands 

in a deprecating manner。  'We must do the best we can with him; for I 

have got him on my hands till he is five…and…twentyhis grandfather 

has tied him up till then。  If we can keep him out of mischief; well 

and good; if not; it can't be helped。'

'You have him all to yourself;' said Charles。 

'Ay; to my sorrow。  If your poor father was alive; Philip; I should be 

free of all care。  I've a pretty deal on my hands;' he proceeded; 

looking more important than troubled。  'All that great Redclyffe estate 

is no sinecure; to say nothing of the youth himself。  If all the world 

will come to me; I can't help it。  I must go and speak to the men; if I 

am to be off to Redclyffe tomorrow。  Will you come; Philip?'

'I must go back soon; thank you;' replied Philip。  'I must see about my 

leave; only we should first settle when to set off。'

This arranged; Mr。 Edmonstone hurried away; and Charles began by 

saying; 'Isn't there a ghost at Redclyffe?'

'So it is said;' answered his cousin; 'though I don't think it is 

certain whose it is。  There is a room called Sir Hugh's Chamber; over 

the gateway; but the honour of naming it is undecided between Hugo de 

Morville; who murdered Thomas a Becket; and his namesake; the first 

Baronet; who lived in the time of William of Orange; when the quarrel 

began with our branch of the family。  Do you know the history of it; 


'It was about some property;' said Mrs Edmonstone; 'though I don't know 

the rights of it。  But the Morvilles were always a fiery; violent race; 

and the enmity once begun between Sir Hugh and his brother; was kept 

up; generation after generation; in a most unjustifiable way。  Even I 

can remember when the Morvilles of Redclyffe used to be spoken of in 

our family like a sort of ogres。'

'Not undeservedly; I should think;' said Philip。  'This poor old man; 

who is just dead; ran a strange career。  Stories of his duels and mad 

freaks are still extant。' 

'Poor man!  I believe he went all lengths;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone。

'What was the true version of that horrible story about his son?' said 

Philip。  'Did he strike him?'

'Oh; no! it was bad enough without that。' 

'How?' asked Laura。

'He was an only child; and lost his mother early。  He was very ill 

brought up; and was as impetuous and violent as Sir Guy himself; though 

with much kindliness and generosity。  He was only nineteen when he made 

a runaway marriage with a girl of sixteen; the sister of a violin 

player; who was at that time in fashion。  His father was very much 

offended; and there was much dreadfully violent conduct on each side。  

At last; the young man was driven to seek a reconciliation。  He brought 

his wife to Moorworth; and rode to Redclyffe; to have an interview with 

his father。  Unhappily; Sir Guy was giving a dinner to the hunt; and 

had been drinking。  He not only refused to see him; but I am afraid he 

used shocking language; and said something about bidding him go back to 

his fiddling brother in…law。  The son was waiting in the hall; heard 

everything; threw himself on his horse; and rushed away in the dark。  

His forehead struck against the branch of a tree; and he was killed on 

the spot。'

'The poor wife?' asked Amabel; shuddering。

'She died the next day; when this boy was born。'

'Frightful!' said Philip。  'It might well make a reformation in old Sir 


'I have heard that nothing could be more awful than the stillness that 

fell on that wretched party; even before they knew what had happened

before Colonel Harewood; who had been called aside by the servants; 

could resolve to come and fetch away the father。  No wonder Sir Guy was 

a changed man from that hour。'

'It was then that he sent for my father;' said Philip。 

'But what made him think of doing so?'

'You know Colonel Harewood's house at Stylehurst?  Many years ago; when 

the St。 Mildred's races used to be so much more in fashion; Sir Guy and 

Colonel Harewood; and some men of that stamp; took that house amongst 

them; and used to spend some time there every year; to attend to 

something about the training of the horses。  There were some 

malpractices of their servants; that did so much harm in the parish; 

that my brother was obliged to remonstrate。  Sir Guy was very angry at 

first; but behaved better at last than any of the others。  I suspect he 

was struck by my dear brother's bold; uncompromising ways; for he took 

to him to a certain degreeand
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