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the heir of redclyffe-第188章

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some writing。  He was obliged to leave it to Charles to finish; and go 

out to walk with Amy。

Amabel came in before him; and began to talk to Charles about his great 

vexation at his friend's disappointment。

'I am almost sorry you threw out that hint about Mr。 Fielder;' said 

she。  'Don't you remember how he was recommended?'

'Ah! I had forgotten it was Philip's doing; a bit of his spirit of 

opposition;' said Charles。  'Were not the boys to have gone to Coombe 


'Yes' said Amabel; 'that is the thing that seems to have made him so 

unhappy about it。  I am sure I hope it is not true;' she added; 

considering; 'for; Charlie; you must know that Guy had an impression 

against him。'

'Had he?' said Charles; anxiously。

'It was only an impression; nothing he could accuse him of; or mention 

to Lord Kilcoran。  He would have told no one but me; but he had seen 

something of him at Oxford; and thought him full of conversation; very 

clever; only not the sort of talk he liked。' 

'I don't like that。  Charlotte concurs in testifying to his 

agreeableness; and in the dearth of intellect; I should not wonder at 

Eva's taking up with him。  He would be a straw to the drowning。  It 

looks dangerous。'

They were very anxious for further intelligence; but received none; 

except that Philip had a letter from his friend; on which his only 

comment was a deep sigh; and 'Poor Thorndale!  She little knows what 

she has thrown away!'  Letters from Kilcoran became rare; Laura 

scarcely wrote at all to Philip; and though Mrs。 Edmonstone wrote as 

usual; she did not notice the subject; while Charlotte's gravity and 

constraint; when she did achieve a letter to Charles; were in such 

contrast to her usual free and would…be satirical style; that such eyes 

as her brother's could hardly fail to see that something was on her 


So it went on week after week; Charles and Amabel wondering when they 

should ever have any notice to go home; and what their family could be 

doing in Ireland。  October had given place to November; and more than a 

week of November had passed; and here they still were; without anything 

like real tidings。

At last came a letter from Mrs。 Edmonstone; which Amabel could not read 

without one little cry of surprise and dismay; and then had some 

difficulty in announcing its contents to Philip。

       'Kilcoran; Nov。 8th。

'My Dearest Amy;You will be extremely surprised at what I have to 

tell you; and no less grieved。  It has been a most unpleasant; 

disgraceful business from beginning to end; and the only comfort in it 

to us is the great discretion and firmness that Charlotte has shown。  I 

had better; however; begin at the beginning; and tell you the history 

as far as I understand it myself。  You know that Mr。 James Thorndale 

has been here; and perhaps you know it was for the purpose of making an 

offer to Eveleen。  Every one was much surprised at her refusing him; 

and still more when; after much prevarication; it came out that the 

true motive was her attachment to Mr。 Fielder; the tutor。  It appeared 

that they had been secretly engaged for some weeks; ever since they had 

perceived Mr。 Thorndale's intentions; and not; as it was in poor 

Laura's case; an unavowed attachment; but an absolute engagement。  And 

fancy Eva justifying it by Laura's example!  There was of course great 

anger and confusion。  Lord Kilcoran was furious; poor Lady Kilcoran had 

nervous attacks; the gentleman was dismissed from the house; and 

supposed to be gone to England; Eva shed abundance of tears; but after 

a great deal of vehemence she appeared subdued and submissive。  We were 

all very sorry for her; as there is much that is very agreeable and 

likely to attract her in Mr。 Fielder; and she always had too much mind 

to be wasted in such a life as she leads here。  It seemed as if Laura 

was a comfort to her; and Lady Kilcoran was very anxious we should stay 

as long as possible。  This was all about three weeks or a month ago; 

Eva was recovering her spirits; and I was just beginning a letter to 

tell you we hoped to be at home in another week; when Charlotte came 

into my room in great distress to tell me that Eveleen and Mr。 Fielder 

were on the verge of a run…away marriage。  Charlotte had been coming 

back alone from a visit to grandmamma; and going down a path out of the 

direct way to recall Bustle; who had run on; she said; as if he scented 

mischief; came; to her great astonishment; on Eveleen walking arm…in…

arm with Mr。 Fielder!  Charlie will fancy how Charlotte looked at them!  

They shuffled; and tried to explain it away; but Charlotte was too 

acute for them; or rather; she held steadily to 〃be that as it may; 

Lord Kilcoran ought to know it。〃  They tried to frighten her with the 

horrors of betraying secrets; but she said none had been confided to 

her; and mamma would judge。  They tried to persuade her it was the way 

of all lovers; and appealed to Laura s example; but there little 

Charlotte was less to be shaken than on any point。  〃I did not think 

them worthy to hear their names;〃 she said to me; 〃but I told them; 

that I had seen that the truest and deepest of love had a horror of all 

that was like wrong; and as to Philip and Laura; they little knew what 

they had suffered; besides; theirs was not half so bad。〃  I verily 

believe these were the very words she used to them。  At last Eva threw 

herself on her mercy; and begged so vehemently that she would only wait 

another day; that she suspected; and; with sharpness very like 

Charlie's; forced from Eva that they were to marry the next morning。  

Then she said it would be a great deal better that they should abuse 

her and call her a spy than do what they would repent of all their 

lives; she begged Eva's pardon; and cried so much that Eva was in hopes 

she would relent; and then came straight to me; very unhappy; and not 

in the least triumphant in her discovery。  You can guess what a 

dreadful afternoon we had; I don't think any one was more miserable 

than poor Charlotte; who stayed shut up in my room all day; dreading 

the sight of any one; and expecting to be universally called a traitor。  

The end was; that after much storming; Lord Kilcoran; finding Eveleen 

determined; and anxious to save her the discredit of an elopement; has 

agreed to receive Mr。 Fielder; and they are to be married from this 

house on the 6th of December; though what they are to live upon no one 

can guess。  The Kilcorans are very anxious to put the best face on the 

matter possible; and have persuaded us; for the sake of the family; to 

stay for the wedding; indeed; poor Lady Kilcoran is so completely 

overcome; that I hardly like to leave her till this is over。  How 

unpleasant the state of things in the house is no one can imagine; and 

very; very glad shall I be to get back to Hollywell and my Amy and 

Charlie。  Dearest Amy;

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