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the heir of redclyffe-第182章

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'Charlotte; of course;' said Charles; as he opened one。  'My Lady 

Morville; what's yours?'

'Only Mr。 Markham;' said Amabel; 'about the winding up of our business 

together; I suppose。  What does Charlotte say?'

'Charlotte is in a fit of impudence; for which she deserves 

chastisement;' said Charles; unable to help laughing; as he read;

'Our last event was a call from the fidus Achates; who; it seems; can 

no longer wander up and down the Mediterranean without his pius Aeneas; 

and so has left the army; and got a diplomatic appointment somewhere in 

Germany。  Lord Kilcoran has asked him to come and stay here; and Mabel 

and I are quite sure he comes for a purpose。  Of course he has chosen 

this time; in order that he may be able to have his companion before 

his eyes; as a model for courtship; and I wish I had you to help me 

look on whenever Philip comes; as that laugh I must enjoy alone with 

Bustle。  However; when Philip will come we cannot think; for we have 

heard nothing of him this age; not even Laura; and she is beginning to 

look very anxious about him。  Do tell us if you know anything about 

him。  The last letter was when parliament was prorogued; and he was 

going to Redclyffe; at least three weeks ago。'

'I wonder if Mr。 Markham mentions him;' said Amabel; hastily unfolding 

her letter; which was; as she expected; about the executors' business; 

but glancing on to the end; she exclaimed;

'Ah! here it is。  Listen; Charlie。  〃Mr。 Morville has been here for the 

last few weeks; and is; I fear; very unwell。  He has been entirely 

confined to the house; almost ever since his arrival; by violent 

headache; which has completely disabled him from attending to business; 

but he will not call in any advice。  I make a point of going to see him 

every day; though I believe my presence is anything but acceptable; as 

in his present state of health and spirits; I cannot think it right 

that he should be left to servants。〃  Poor fellow!   Redclyffe has been 

too much for him。'

'Over…worked; I suppose;' said Charles。  'I thought he was coming it 

pretty strong these last few weeks。'

'Not even writing to Laura!  How very bad he must be!  I will write at 

once to ask Mr。 Markham for more particulars。'

She did so; and on the third day they drove again to fetch the answer。  

It was a much worse account。  Mr。 Morville was; said Markham; suffering 

dreadfully from headache; and lay on the sofa all day; almost unable to 

speak or move; but resolved against having medical advice; though his 

own treatment of himself did not at all succeed in relieving him。  

There was extreme depression of spirits; and an unwillingness to see 

any one。  He had positively refused to admit either Lord Thorndale or 

Mr。 Ashford; and would hardly bear to see Markham himself; who; indeed; 

only forced his presence on him from thinking it unfit to leave him 

entirely to the servants; and would be much relieved if some of Mr。 

Morville's friends were present to free him from the responsibility。

'Hem!' said Charles。  'I can't say it sounds comfortable。'

'It is just as I feared!' said Amy。  'Great excitability of brain and 

nerve; Dr。 Mayerne said。  All the danger of a brain fever again!  Poor 

Laura!  What is to be done?'

Charles was silent。

'It is for want of some one to talk to him;' said Amabel。  'I know how 

he broods over his sad recollections; and Redclyffe must make it so 

much worse。  If mamma and Laura were but at home to go to him; it might 

save him; and it would be fearful for him to have another illness; 

reduced as he is。  How I wish he was here!'

'He cannot come; I suppose;' said Charles; 'or he would be in Ireland。'

'Yes。  How well Guy knew when he said it would be worse for him than 

for me!  How I wish I could do something now to make up for running 

away from him in Italy。  If I was but at Redclyffe!'

'Do you really wish it?' said Charles; surprised。

'Yes; if I could do him any good。'

'Would you go there?'

'If I had but papa or mamma to go with me。'

'Do you think I should do as well?'


'If you think there would be any use in it; and choose to take the 

trouble of lugging me about the country; I don't see why you should 


'Oh! Charlie; how very; kind!  How thankful poor Laura will be to you!  

I do believe it will save him!' cried Amabel; eagerly。

'But; Amy;'he paused'shall you like to see Redclyffe?'

'Oh! that is no matter;' said she; quickly。  'I had rather see after 

Philip than anything。  I told you how he was made my charge; you know。  

And Laura!  Only will it not be too tiring for you?'

'I can't see how it should hurt me。  But I forget; what is to be done 

about your daughter?'

'I don't know what harm it could do her;' said Amy; considering。  'Mrs。 

Gresham brought a baby of only three months old from Scotland the other 

day; and she is six。  It surely cannot hurt her; but we will ask Dr。 


'Mamma will never forgive us if we don't take the doctor into our 


'Arnaud can manage for us。  We would sleep in London; and go on by an 

early train; and we can take ourI mean mycarriage; for the journey 

after the railroad。  It would not be too much for you。  How soon could 

we go?'

'The sooner the better;' said Charles。  'If we are to do him any good; 

it must be speedily; or it will be a case of shutting the stable…door。  

Why not to…morrow?'

The project was thoroughly discussed that evening; but still with the 

feeling as if it could not be real; and when they parted at night they 

said;'We will see how the scheme looks in the morning。'

Charles was still wondering whether it was a dream; when the first 

thing he heard in the court below his window was

'Here; William; here's a note from my lady for you to take to Dr。 


'They be none of them ill?' answered William's voice。

'0 no; my lady has been up this hour; and Mr。 Charles has rung his 

bell。  Stop; William; my lady said you were to call at Harris's and 

bring home a 〃Bradshaw〃。'

Reality; indeed; thought Charles; marvelling at his sister; and his 

elastic spirits throwing him into the project with a sort of enjoyment; 

partaking of the pleasure of being of use; the spirit of enterprise; 

and the 'fun' of starting independently on an expedition unknown to all 

the family。

He met Amabel with a smile that showed both were determined。  He 

undertook to announce the plan to his mother; and she said she would 

write to tell Mr。 Markham that as far as could be reckoned on two such 

frail people; they would be at Redclyffe the next evening; and he must 

use his own discretion about giving Mr。 Morville the note which she 


Dr。 Mayerne came in time for breakfast; and the letter from Markham was 

at once given to him。

'A baddish state of things; eh; doctor!' said Char
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