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the heir of redclyffe-第160章

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her previous exhortations to Charlotte; about self…control; 'my own; 

own sister!'  To have Amy at home was an unspeakable comfort。

'Papa and mamma were both as kind as possible to Philip;' continued 

Amabel; 'but they could not bear to enter on _that_。  So I told him you 

had told all; and he was very glad。'

'He was not displeased at my betraying him?' exclaimed Laura。  'Oh; no! 

he was glad; he said it was a great relief; for he was very anxious 

about you; Laura。  He has been so kind to me;' said Amabel; so 

earnestly; that Laura received another comfort; that of knowing that 

her sister's indignation against him had all passed by。  'Now I will 

read you what he says。  You see his writing is quite itself again。'

But Laura observed that Amabel only held towards her the 'Lady 

Morville' on the outside; keeping the note to herself; and reading; 'I 

have continued to gain strength since you went; so that there is no 

further need of detaining Arnaud。  I have twice been out of doors; and 

am convinced that I am equal to the journey; indeed; it is hardly 

possible for me to endure remaining here any longer。'  She read no 

more; but folded it up; saying; 'I had rather no one saw the rest。  He 

makes himself so unhappy about that unfortunate going to Sondrio; that 

he says what is only painful to hear。  I am glad he is able to join his 

regiment; for a change will be the best thing for him。'

She laid her head on the pillow as if she had done with the subject; 

and Laura did not venture to pursue it; but went down to hear her 

mother's account of her。

Mrs。 Edmonstone was feeling it a great comfort to have her son to talk 

to again; and availed herself of it to tell him of Philip; while Laura 

was absent; and then to return to speak of Amy on Laura's re…entrance。  

She said; all through the journey; Amy had been as passive and tranquil 

as possible; chiefly leaning back in the carriage in silence; excepting 

that when they finally left the view of the snowy mountains; she gazed 

after them as long as the least faint cloud…like summit was visible。  

Still she could not sleep; except that now and then she dozed a little 

in the carriage; but at night she heard every hour strike in turn; and 

lay awake through all; nor had she shed one tear since her mother had 

joined her。  Mrs。 Edmonstone's anxiety was very great; for she said she 

knew Amy must pay for that unnatural calmness; and the longer it was 

before it broke down; the worse it would be for her。  However; she was 

at home; that was one thing to be thankful for; and happen what might; 

it could not be as distressing as if it had been abroad。

Another night of 'calm unrest;' and Amabel rose in the morning; at her 

usual hour; to put on the garments of her widowhood; where she had last 

stood as a bride。  Charles was actually startled by her entering the 

dressing…room; just as she used to do; before breakfast; to read with 

him; and her voice was as steady as ever。  She breakfasted with the 

family; and came up afterwards with Laura; to unpack her dressing…case; 

and take out the little treasures that she and her husband had enjoyed 

buying in the continental towns; as presents for the home party。

All this; for which she had previously prepared herself; she underwent 

as quietly as possible; but something unexpected came on her。  

Charlotte; trying to pet and comfort her in every possible way; brought 

in all the best flowers still lingering in the garden; and among them a 

last blossom of the Noisette rose; the same of which Guy had been 

twisting a spray; while he first told her of his love。

It was too much。 It recalled his perfect health and vigour; his light 

activity; and enjoyment of life; and something came on her of the 

sensation we feel for an insect; one moment full of joyous vitality; 

the next; crushed and still。  She had hitherto thought of his feverish 

thirst and fainting weariness being at rest; and felt the relief; or 

else followed his spirit to its repose; and rejoiced; but now the whole 

scene brought back what he once was; his youthful; agile frame; his 

eyes dancing in light; his bounding step; his gay whistle; the strong 

hand that had upheld her on the precipice; the sure foot that had 

carried aid to the drowning sailors; the arm that was to have been her 

stay for life; all came on her in contrast withdeath!  The thought 

swept over her; carrying away every other; and she burst into tears。

The tears would have their course; she could not restrain them when 

once they began; and her struggles to check them only brought an 

increase of them。  Her sobs grew so violent that Laura; much alarmed; 

made a sign to Charlotte to fetch her mother; and Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

coming in haste; found it was indeed the beginning of a frightful 

hysterical attack。  The bodily frame had been overwrought to obey the 

mental firmness and composure; and now nature asserted her rights; the 

hysterics returned again and again; and when it seemed as if exhaustion 

had at length produced quiet; the opening of a door; or a sound in the 

distance; would renew all again。

It was not till night had closed in that Mrs。 Edmonstone was at all 

satisfied about her; and had at length the comfort of seeing her fall 

into a sound deep sleep; such an unbroken dreamless sleep as had 

scarcely visited her since she first went to Recoara。  Even this sleep 

did not restore her; she became very unwell; and both Dr。 Mayerne and 

her mother insisted on her avoiding the least exertion or agitation。  

She was quite submissive; only begging earnestly to be allowed to see 

Mr。 Ross; saying she knew it would do her good rather than harm; and 

promising to let him leave her the instant she found it too much for 

her; and though Mrs。 Edmonstone was reluctant and afraid; they agreed 

that as she was so reasonable and docile; she ought to be allowed to 

judge for herself。

She begged that he might come after church on All Saints' day。  He 

came; and after his first greeting of peace; Mrs。 Edmonstone signed to 

him to read at once; instead of speaking to her。  The beautiful lesson 

for the day overcame Mrs。 Edmonstone so much that she was obliged to go 

out of Amabel's sight; but as the words were read; Amy's face recovered 

once more the serenity that had been swept away by the sight of the 

flowers。  Peace had returned; and when the calm every…day words of the 

service were over; she held out her hand to Mr。 Ross; and said; 'Thank 

you; that was very nice。  Now talk to me。'

It was a difficult request; but Mr。 Ross understood her; and talked to 

her as she sought; in a gentle; deep; high strain of hope and faith; 

very calm and soothing; and with a fatherly kindness that was very 

pleasant from him who had baptized her; taught her; and whom she had 

last seen blessing her and her husband。  It ended by her looking up to 

him when it was time for him to go; and saying; '
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