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the heir of redclyffe-第159章

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saying how he had hoped to watch its fulfilment; but he spoke of its 

having been; in truth; no blight; only that those fair blossoms were 

removed where nothing could check their full development or mar their 

beauty。  'The hope in earthly furrows sown; would ripen in the sky;' 

Charles groaned; saying it was hard not to see it; and they might speak 

as they would; but that would not comfort him in thinking of his 

sister。  What was his sorrow to hers?  But Mr。 Ross had strong trust in 

Amabel's depth and calm resignation。  He said her spirit of yielding 

would support her; that as in drowning or falling; struggling is fatal; 

when quietness saves; so it would be with her: and that even in this 

greatest of all trials she would rise instead of being crushed; with 

all that was good and beautiful in her purified and refined。  Charles 

heard; strove to believe and be consoled; and brought out his letters; 

trying; with voice breaking down; to show Mr。 Ross how truly he had 

judged of Amy; then listened with a kind of pleasure to the reports of 

the homely but touching laments of all the village。

Laura did not; like her brother and sister; seek for consolation from 

Mr。 Ross or Mary。 She went on her own way; saying little; fulfilling 

her household cares; writing all the letters that nobody else would 

write; providing for Charles's ease; and looking thoroughly cast down 

and wretched; but saying nothing; conscious that her brother and sister 

did not believe her affection for Guy equal to theirs; and Charles was 

too much dejected; and too much displeased with Philip; to try to 

console her。

It was a relief to hear; at length; that the travellers had landed; and 

would be at home in the evening; not till late; wrote Mrs。 Edmonstone; 

because she thought it best for Amabel to go at once to her room; her 

own old room; for she particularly wished not to be moved from it。

The evening had long closed in; poor Bustle had been shut up in 

Charlotte's room; and the three sat together round the fire; unable to 

guess how they should meet her; and thinking how they had lately been 

looking forward to greeting their bride; as they used proudly to call 

her。  Charles dwelt on that talk on the green; and his 'when shall we 

three meet again?' and spoke not a word; Laura tried to read; and 

Charlotte heard false alarms of wheels; but all were so still; that 

when the wheels really came; they were heard all down the turnpike 

road; and along the lane; before they sounded on the gravel drive。

Laura and Charlotte ran into the hall; Charles reached his crutches; 

but his hands shook so much that he could not adjust them; and was 

obliged to sit down; rising the next minute as the black figures 

entered together。  Amy's sweet face was pressed to his; but neither 

spoke。  That agitated 'My dear; dear Charlie!' was his mother's; as she 

threw her arms around him; with redoubled kisses and streaming tears; 

and there was a trembling tone in his father's 'Well; Charlie boy; how 

have you got on without us?'

They sat down; Charles with his sister beside him; and holding a hand 

steadier than his own; but hot and feverish to the touch。  He leant 

forward to look at her face; and; as if in answer; she turned it on 

him。  It was the old face; paler and thinner; and the eyelids had a 

hard reddened look; from want of sleep: but Charles; like his mother at 

first; was almost awed by the melancholy serenity of the expression。  

'Have you been quite well?' she asked; in a voice which sounded 

strangely familiar; in its fond; low tones。

'Yes; quite。'

There was a pause; followed by an interchange of question and answer 

between the others; on the journey; and on various little home 

circumstances。  Presently Mrs。 Edmonstone said Amy had better come up…


'I have not seen Bustle;' said Amy; looking at Charlotte。

'He is in my room;' faltered Charlotte。

'I should like to see him。'

Charlotte hastened away; glad to wipe her tears when outside the door。  

Poor Bustle had been watching for his master ever since his departure; 

and hearing the sounds of arrival; was wild to escape from his prison。  

He rushed out the moment the door was open; and was scratching to be 

let into the drawing…room before Charlotte could come up with him。  He 

dashed in; laid his head on Amabel's knee; and wagged his tail for 

welcome; gave the same greeting to Mr。 and Mrs。 Edmonstone; but only 

for a moment; for he ran restlessly seeking round the room; came to the 

door; and by his wistful looks made Charlotte let him out。  She 

followed him; and dropping on her knees as soon as she was outside; 

pressed her forehead to his glossy black head; whispered that it was of 

no use; he would never come back。  The dog burst from her; and the next 

moment was smelling and wagging his tail at a portmanteau; which he 

knew as well as she did; and she could hardly refrain from a great 

outburst of sobbing as she thought what joy its arrival had hitherto 


Suddenly Bustle bounded away; and as Charlotte stood trying to compose 

herself enough to return to the drawing…room; she heard the poor fellow 

whining to be let in at Guy's bed…room door。  At the same time the 

drawing…room door opened; and anxious that Amy should neither see nor 

hear him; she ran after him; admitted him; and shut herself in with him 

in the dark; where; with her hands in his long silky curls; and sitting 

on the ground; she sobbed over him as long as he would submit to her 


Amabel meantime returned to her room; and looked round on its well…

known aspect with a sad smile; as she thought of the prayer with which 

she had quitted it on her bridal day; and did not feel as if it had 

been unanswered; for surely the hand of a Father had been with her to 

support her through her great affliction。

Though she said she was very well; her mother made her go to bed at 

once; and Laura attended on her with a sort of frightened; respectful 

tenderness; hardly able to bear her looks of gratitude。  The first time 

the two sisters were alone; Amabel said; 'Philip is much better。'

Laura; who was settling some things on the table; started back and 

coloured; then; unable to resist the desire of hearing of him; looked 

earnestly at her sister。

'He is gone to Corfu;' continued Amabel。  'He only kept Arnaud three 

days after we were gone; and Arnaud overtook us at Geneva; saying his 

strength had improved wonderfully。  Will you give me my basket?  I 

should like to read you a piece of a note he sent me。'

Laura brought it; and Amabel; holding her hand; looked up at her face; 

which she vainly tried to keep in order。  'Dearest; I have been very 

sorry for you; and so has Guy。'

'Amy!' and Laura found herself giving way to her tears; in spite of all 

her previous exhortations to Charlotte; about self…control; 'my own; 

own sister!'  To have Amy at hom
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