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the heir of redclyffe-第128章

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of relief from the fear of such misery; he could thus speak。  He could 

look onward to the joy beyond; even while his cheek was still blanched 

with the horror and anguish of the apprehension; and how great they had 

been was shown by the broken words he uttered in his sleep; for several 

nights afterwards; while by day he was always watching and cautioning 

her。  Assuredly his dependence on the joy that could not be lost did 

not make her doubt his tenderness; it only made her feel how far behind 

him she was; for would it have been the same with her; had the danger 

been his?

In a couple of days they arrived at the beautiful Lugano; and; as 

usual; their first walk was to the post…office; but disappointment 

awaited them。  There had been some letters addressed to the name of 

Morville; but the Signor Inglese had left orders that such should be 

forwarded to Como。  Amabel; in her best Italian; strove hard to explain 

the difference between the captain and Sir Guy; the Cavaliere Guido; as 

she translated him; who stood by looking much amused by the 

perplexities of his lady's construing; while the post…master; though 

very polite and sorry for the Signora's disappointment; stuck to the 

address being Morville; poste restante。

'There is one good thing;' said the cavaliere; as they walked away; 'we 

can find the captain now。  I'll write and ask himshall I say to meet 

us at Varenna or at Bellagio?'

'Whichever suits him best; I should think。  It can't make much 

difference to us。'

'Your voice has a disconsolate cadence;' said Guy; looking at her with 

a smile。

'I did not mean it;' she answered; 'I have not a word to say against 

it。  It is quite right; and I am sure I don't wish to do otherwise。'

'Only it is the first drawback in our real day…dream。'

'Just so; and that is all;' said Amy; 'I am glad you feel the same; not 

that I want you to change your mind。'

'Don't you remember our resolution against mere pleasure…hunting?  That 

adventure at Interlachen seemed to be meant to bring us up short just 

as we were getting into that line。'

'You think we were?'

'I was; at least; for I know it was a satisfaction not to find a 

letter; to say Redclyffe was ready for us。'

'I had rather it was Redclyffe than Philip。'

'To be sure; I would not change my own dancing leaping waves for this 

clear blue looking…glass of a lake; or even those white peaks。  I want 

you to make friends with those waves; Amy。  But it is a more real 

matter to make friends with Philip; the one wish of my life。  Not that 

I exactly expect to clear matters up; but if some move is not made now; 

when it may; we shall stand aloof for life; and there will be the feud 

where it was before。'

'It is quite right;' said Amy; 'I dare say that; meeting so far from 

home; he will be glad to see us; and to hear the Hollywell news。  I 

little thought last autumn where I should meet him again。'

On the second evening from that time; Philip Morville was walking; hot 

and dusty; between the high stone walls bordering the road; and 

shutting out the beautiful view of the lake; at the entrance of 

Ballagio; meditating on the note he bad received from Guy; and 

intending to be magnanimous; and overlook former offences for Amabel's 

sake。  He would show that he considered the marriage to have cleared 

off old scores; and that as long as she was happy; poor little thing; 

her husband should be borne with; though not to the extent of the 

spoiling the Edmonstones gave him。

Thus reflecting; he entered the town; and walked on in search of the 

hotel。  He presently found himself on a terrace; looking out on the 

deep blue lake; there divided by the promontory of Bellagio; into two 

branches; the magnificent mountain forms rising opposite to him。  A 

little boat was crossing; and as it neared the landing…place; he saw 

that it contained a gentleman and lady; Englishprobably his cousins 

themselves。  They looked up; and in another moment had waved their 

recognition。  Gestures and faces were strangely familiar; like a bit of 

Hollywell transplanted into that Italian scene。  He hastened to the 

landing…place; and was met by a hearty greeting from Guy; who seemed 

full of eagerness to claim their closer relationship; and ready to be 


'How d'ye do; Philip?  I am glad we have caught you at last。  Here she 


If he had wished to annoy Philip; he could hardly have done so more 

effectually than by behaving as if nothing was amiss; and disconcerting 

his preparations for a reconciliation。  But the captain's ordinary 

manner was calculated to cover all such feelings; and as he shook 

hands; he felt much kindness for Amabel; as an unconscious victim; 

whose very smiles were melancholy; and plenty of them there were; for 

she rejoiced sincerely in the meeting; as Guy was pleased; and a home 

face was a welcome sight。

'I have your letters in my knapsack; I will unpack them as soon as we 

get to the hotel。  I thought it safer not to send them in search of you 

again; as we were to meet so soon。'

'Certainly。  Are there many?'

'One for each of you; both from Hollywell。  I was very sorry to have 

engrossed them; but not knowing you were so near; I only gave my 


'It was lucky for us;' said Guy; 'otherwise we could not have traced 

you。  We saw your name at Altdorf; and have been trying to come up with 

you ever since。'

'I am glad we have met。  What accounts have you from home?'

'Excellent;' said Amy; 'Charlie is uncommonly well; he has been out of 

doors a great deal; and has even dined out several times。'

'I am very glad。'

'You know he has been improving ever since his great illness。'

'You would be surprised to see how much better he moves;' said Guy; 'he 

helps himself so much more。'

'Can he set his foot to the ground?'

'No;' said Amy; 'there is no hope of that; but he is more active; 

because his general health is improved; he can sleep and eat more。'

'I always thought exertion would do more for him than anything else。'

Amabel was vexed; for she thought exertion depended more on health; 

than health on exertion; besides; she thought Philip ought to take some 

blame to himself for the disaster on the stairs。  She made no answer; 

and Guy asked what Philip had been doing to…day。

'Walking over the hills from Como。  Do you always travel in this 

fashion; 〃impedimentis relictis〃?'

'Not exactly;' said Guy; 'the 〃impedimenta〃 are; some at Varenna; some 

at the inn with Arnaud。'

'So you have Arnaud with you?'

'Yes; and Anne Trower;' said Amy; for her maid was a Stylehurst person; 

who had lived at Hollywell ever since she had been fit for service。  

'She was greatly pleased to hear we were going to meet the captain。'

'We amuse ourselves with thinking how she gets on with Arnaud;' said 

Guy。  'Their introduction took plac
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