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the heir of redclyffe-第121章

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and sorrow?  Perhaps she might be early taken from him in the undimmed 

beauty of her happiness and innocence; and he might have to struggle 

through a long lonely life with only the remembrance of a short…lived 

joy to lighten it; and when he reflected that this was only a 

melancholy fancy; the answer came from within; that there was nothing 

peculiar to him in the perception that earthly happiness was fleeting。  

It was best that so it should be; and that he should rest in the trust 

that brightened on him through all;that neither life nor death; 

sorrow nor pain; could separate; for ever; him and his Amy。

And he looked up into the deep blue sky overhead; murmuring to himself; 

'In heart and mind thither ascend; and with Him continually dwell;' and 

gazed long and intently as he rocked on the green waters; till he again 

spoke to himself;'Why stand ye here gazing up into heaven?' then 

pulled vigorously back to the shore; leaving a shining wake far behind 



Hark; how the birds do sing;

And woods do ring!

All creatures have their joy; and man hath his;

Yet if we rightly measure;

Man's joy and pleasure

Rather hereafter than in present is:

Not that he may not here

Taste of the cheer;

But as birds drink and straight lift up the head;

So must he sip and think

Of better drink

He may attain to after he is dead。HERBERT

Guy returned to Hollywell on the Friday; there to spend a quiet week 

with them all; for it was a special delight to Amy that Hollywell and 

her family were as precious to him for their own sakes as for hers。  It 

was said that it was to be a quiet weekbut with all the best efforts 

of Mrs。 Edmonstone and Laura to preserve quiet; there was an amount; of 

confusion that would have been very disturbing; hut for Amy's 

propensity never to be ruffled or fluttered。

What was to be done in the honeymoon was the question for 

consideration。  Guy and Amy would have liked to make a tour among the 

English cathedrals; pay a visit at Hollywell; and then go home and live 

in a corner of the house till the rest was ready; for Amy could not see 

why she should take up so much more room than old Sir Guy; and Guy 

declared he could not see that happiness was a reason for going 

pleasure…hunting; but Charles pronounced this very stupid; and Mr。 

Edmonstone thought a journey on the Continent was the only proper thing 

for them to do。  Mrs。 Edmonstone wished Amy to see a little of the 

world。  Amy was known to have always desired to see Switzerland; it 

occurred to Guy that it would be a capital opportunity of taking Arnaud 

to see the relations he had been talking for the last twenty years of 

visiting; and so they acquiesced; for as Guy said; when they talked it 

over together; it did not seem to him to come under the denomination of 

pleasure…hunting; since they had not devised it for themselves; they 

had no house to go to; they should do Arnaud a service; and perhaps 

they should meet Philip。

'That will not be pleasure…hunting; certainly;' said Amy; then; 

remembering that he could not bear to hear Philip under…rated; she 

added; 'I mean; unless you could convince him; and then it would be 

more than pleasure。'

'It would be my first of unattained wishes;' said Guy。  'Then we will 

enjoy the journey。' 

'No fear on that score;'

'And for fear we should get too much into the stream of enjoyment; as 

people abroad forget home…duties; let us stick to some fixed time for 

coming back。'

'You said Redclyffe would be ready by Michaelmas。'

'I have told the builder it must be。  So; Amy; as far as it depends on 

ourselves; we are determined to be at home by Michaelmas。'

All seemed surprised to find the time for the wedding so near at hand。  

Charles's spirits began to flag; Amy was a greater loss to him than to 

anybody else; she could never again be to him what she had been; and 

unable as he was to take part in the general bustle and occupation; he 

had more time for feeling this; much more than his mother and Laura; 

who were employed all day。  He and Guy were exemplary in their 

civilities to each other in not engrossing Amy; and one who had only 

known him three years ago; when he was all exaction and selfishness; 

could have hardly believed him to he the same person who was now only 

striving to avoid giving pain; by showing how much it cost him to yield 

up his sister。  He could contrive to be merry; but the difficulty was 

to be cheerful; he could make them all laugh in spite of themselves; 

but when alone with Amy; or when hearing her devolve on her sisters the 

services she had been wont to perform for him; it was almost more than 

he could endure; but then he dreaded setting Amy off into one of her 

silent crying…fits; for which the only remedy was the planning a grand 

visit to Redclyffe; and talking overall the facilities of railroads and 


The last day had come; and a long strange one it was; not exactly 

joyful to any; and very sad to some; though Amy; with her sweet pensive 

face; seemed to have a serenity of her own that soothed them whenever 

they looked at her。  Charlotte; though inclined to be wild and flighty; 

was checked and subdued in her presence; Laura could not be entirely 

wretched about her; Charles lay and looked at her without speaking; her 

father never met her without kissing her on each side of her face; and 

calling her his little jewel; her motherbut who could describe Mrs。 

Edmonstone on that day; so full of the present pain; contending with 

the unselfish gladness。

Guy kept out of the way; thinking Amy ought to be left to them。  He sat 

in his own room a good while; afterwards rode to Broadstone; in coming 

home made a long visit to Mr。 Ross; and when he returned; he found 

Charles in his wheeled chair on the lawn; with Amy sitting on the grass 

by his side。  He sat down by her and there followed a long silence;

one of those pauses full of meaning。

'When shall we three meet again?' at length said Charles; in a would…be 

lively tone。

'And where?' said Amy。

'Here;' said Charles; 'you will come here to tell your adventures; and 

take up Bustle。'

'I hope so;' said Guy。  'We could not help it。  The telling you about 

it will be a treat to look forward to all the time。'

'Yes; your sight…seeing is a public benefit。  You have seen many a 

thing for me。'

'That is the pleasure of seeing and hearing; the thing that is not 

fleeting;' said Guy。

'The unselfish part; you mean;' said Charles; and mused again; till 

Guy; starting up; exclaimed

'There are the people!' as a carriage came in view in the lane。  'Shall 

I wheel you home; Charlie?'

'Yes; do。'

Guy leant over the back; and pushed him along; and as he did so 

murmured in a low tremulous tone; 'Wherever or whenever we may be 

destined to meet; Charlie; or if never again; I must
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