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the heir of redclyffe-第110章

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Amabel; at whom he had hitherto scarcely looked; and said; very low; in 

his straightforward way: 'Can I speak to you a little while?'

Amy's face glowed as she moved towards him; and her mother said 

something about the drawing…room; where the next moment she found 

herself。  She did not use any little restless arts to play with her 

embarrassment; she did not torment the flowers or the chimney 

ornaments; nor even her own rings; she stood with her hands folded and 

her head a little bent down; like a pendant blossom; ready to listen to 

whatever might be said to her。

He did not speak at first; but moved uneasily about。  At last he came 

nearer; and began speaking fast and nervously。

'Amabel; I want you to consideryou really ought to think whether this 

is not a very bad thing for you。'

The drooping head was raised; the downcast lids lifted up; and the blue 

eyes fixed on him with a look at once confiding and wondering。  He 


'I have brought you nothing but unhappiness already。  So far as you 

have taken any interest in me; it could cause you only pain; and the 

more I think of it; the more unfit it seems that one so formed for 

light; and joy; and innocent mirth; should have anything to do with the 

darkness that is round me。  Think well of it。  I feel as if I had done 

a selfish thing by you; and now; you know; you are not bound。  You are 

quite free!  No one knows anything about it; or if they did; the blame 

would rest entirely with me。  I would take care it should。  So; Amy; 

think; and think well; before you risk your happiness。'

'As to that;' replied Amy; in a soft; low voice; with _such_ a look of 

truth in her clear eyes; 'I must care for whatever happens to you; and 

I had rather it was with you; than without you;' she said; casting them 

down again。

'My Amy!my own!my Verena!'and he held fast one of her hands; as 

they sat together on the sofa'I had a feeling that so it might be 

through the very worst; yet I can hardly believe it now。'

'Guy;' said Amy; looking up; with the gentle resolution that had lately 

grown on her; 'you must not take me for more than I am worth; and I 

should like to tell you fairly。  I did not speak last time; because it 

was all so strange and so delightful; and I had no time to think; 

because I was so confused。  But that is a long time ago; and this has 

been a very sad winter; and I have thought a great deal。  I know; and 

you know; too; that I am a foolish little thing; I have been silly 

little Amy always; you and Charlie have helped me to all the sense I 

have; and I don't think I could ever be a clever; strong…minded woman; 

such as one admires。'

'Heaven forbid!' ejaculated Guy; moved; perhaps; by a certain 

remembrance of St。 Mildred's。

'But;' continued Amy; 'I believe I do really wish to be good; and I 

know you have helped me to wish it much more; and I have been trying to 

learn to bear things; and so'out came something; very like a sunny 

smile; though some tears followed'so if you do like such a silly 

little thing; it can't be helped; and we will try to make the best of 

her。  Only don't say any more about my being happier without you; for 

one thing I am very sure of; Guy; I had rather bear anything with you; 

than know you were bearing it alone。  I am only afraid of being foolish 

and weak; and making things worse for you。'

'So much worse!  But still;' he added; 'speak as you may; my Amy; I 

cannot; must not; feel that I have a right to think of you as my own; 

till you have heard all。  You ought to know what my temper is before 

you risk yourself in its power。  Amy; my first thought towards Philip 

was nothing short of murder。'

She raised her eyes; and saw how far entirely he meant what he said。

'The firstnot the second;' she murmured。

'Yes; the secondthe third。  There was a moment when I could have 

given my soul for my revenge!'

'Only a moment!'

'Only a moment; thank Heaven! and I have not done quite so badly since。  

I hope I have not suffered quite in vain; but if that shock could 

overthrow all my wonted guards; it might; though I pray Heaven it may 

not; it might happen again。'

'I think you conquered yourself then; and that you will again;' said 


'And suppose I was ever to be mad enough to be angry with you?'

Amy smiled outright here。  'Of course; I should deserve it; but I think 

the trouble would be the comforting you afterwards。  Mamma said'she 

added; after a long silence; during which Guy's feeling would not let 

him speak'mamma said; and I think; that you are much safer and better 

with such a quick temper as yours; because you are always struggling 

and fighting with it; on the real true religious ground; than a person 

more even tempered by nature; but not so much in earnest in doing 


'Yes; if I did not believe myself to be in earnest about that; I could 

never dare to speak to you at all。'

'We will help each other;' said Amy; 'you have always helped me; long 

before we knew we cared for each other!'

'And; Amy; if you knew how the thought of you helped me last winter; 

even when I thought I had forfeited you for ever。'

Their talk only ceased when; at one o'clock; Mrs。 Edmonstone; who had 

pronounced in the dressing…room that three hours was enough for them at 

once; came in; and asked Guy to go and help to carry Charles down…


He went; and Amy nestled up to her mother; raising her face to be 


'It is very nice!' she whispered; and then arranged her brother's sofa; 

as she heard his progress down…stairs beginning。  He was so light and 

thin as to be very easily carried; and was brought in between Guy and 

one of the servants。  When he was settled on the sofa; he began thus;

'There was a grand opportunity lost last winter。  I was continually 

rehearsing the scene; and thinking what waste it was to go through such 

a variety of torture without the dignity of danger。  If I could but 

have got up ever so small an alarm; I would have conjured my father to 

send for Guy; entreated pathetically that the reconciliation might be 

effected; and have drawn my last breath clasping their hands; thus!  

The curtain falls!'

He made a feint of joining their hands; put his head back; and shut his 

eyes with an air and a grace that put Charlotte into an ecstasy; and 

made even Amy laugh; as she quitted the room; blushing。

'But if it had been your last breath;' said Charlotte; 'you would not 

have been much the wiser。'

'I would have come to life again in time to enjoy the 〃coup de 

theatre〃。  I had some thoughts of trying an overdose of opium; but I 

thought Dr。 Mayerne would have found me out。  I tell you; because it is 

fair I should have the credit; for; Guy; if you knew what she was to me 

all the winter; you would perceive my superhuman generosity in not 

receiving you as my greatest enemy。'

'I shal
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