north america-1-第92章
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y came to the same thing; as it left the two dollars a week; or eight shillings; with the girls over and above their cost of living。 The board included washing; lights; food; bed; and attendanceleaving a surplus of eight shillings a week for clothes and saving。 Now let me ask any one acquainted with Manchester and its operatives; whether that is not Utopia realized。 Factory girls; for whom every comfort of life is secured; with 21l。 a year over for saving and dress! One sees the failing; however; at a moment。 It is Utopia。 Any Lady Bountiful can tutor three or four peasants and make them luxuriously comfortable。 But no Lady Bountiful can give luxurious comfort to half a dozen parishes。 Lowell is now nearly forty years old; and contains but 40;000 inhabitants。 From the very nature of its corporations it cannot spread itself。 Chicago; which has grown out of nothing in a much shorter period; and which has no factories; has now 120;000 inhabitants。 Lowell is a very wonderful place and shows what philanthropy can do; but I fear it also shows what philanthropy cannot do。 There are; however; other establishments; conducted on the same principle as those at Lowell; which have had the same amount; or rather the same sort of success。 Lawrence is now a town of about 15;000 inhabitants; and Manchester of about 24;000; if I remember rightly; and at those places the mills are also owned by corporations and conducted as are those at Lowell。 But it seems to me that as New England takes her place in the world as a great mannfacturing countrywhich place she undoubtedly will take sooner or latershe must abandon the hot…house method of providing for her operatives with which she has commenced her work。 In the first place; Lowell is not open as a manufacturing town to the capitalists even of New England at large。 Stock may; I presume; be bought in the corporations; but no interloper can establish a mill there。 It is a close manufacturing community; bolstered up on all sides; and has none of that capacity for providing employment for a thickly growing population which belongs to such places as Manchester and Leeds。 That it should under its present system have been made in any degree profitable reflects great credit on the managers; but the profit does reach an amount which in America can be considered as remunerative。 The total capital invested by the twelve corporations is thirteen million and a half of dollars; or about two million seven hundred thousand pounds。 In only one of the corporations; that of the Merrimack Company; does the profit amount to twelve per cent。 In one; that of the Booth Company; it falls below seven per cent。 The average profit of the various establishments is something below nine per cent。 I am of course speaking of Lowell as it was previous to the war。 American capitalists are not; as a rule; contented with so low a rate of interest as this。 The States in these matters have had a great advantage over England。 They have been able to begin at the beginning。 Manufactories have grown up among us as our cities grewfrom the necessities and chances of the times。 When labor was wanted it was obtained in the ordinary way; and so when houses were built they were built in the ordinary way。 We had not the experience; and the results either for good or bad; of other nations to guide us。 The Americans; in seeing and resolving to adopt our commercial successes; have resolved also; if possible; to avoid the evils which have attended those successes。 It would be very desirable that all our factory girls should read and write; wear clean clothes; have decent beds; and eat hot meat every day。 But that is now impossible。 Gradually; with very up…hill work; but still I trust with sure work; much will be done to improve their position and render their life respectable; but in England we can have no Lowells。 In our thickly populated island any commercial Utopia is out of the question。 Nor can; as I think; Lowell be taken as a type of the future manufacturing towns of New England。 When New England employs millions in her factories instead of thousandsthe hands employed at Lowell; when the mills are at full work; are about 11;000she must cease to provide for them their beds and meals; their church…going proprieties and orderly modes of life。 In such an attempt she has all the experience of the world against her。 But nevertheless I think she will have done much good。 The tone which she will have given will not altogether lose its influence。 Employment in a factory is now considered reputable by a farmer and his children; and this idea will remain。 Factory work is regarded as more respectable than domestic service; and this prestige will not wear itself altogether out。 Those now employed have a strong conception of the dignity of their own social position; and their successors will inherit much of this; even though they may find themselves excluded from the advantages of the present Utopia。 The thing has begun well; but it can only be regarded as a beginning。 Steam; it may be presumed; will become the motive power of cotton mills in New England as it is with us; and when it is so; the amount of work to be done at any one place will not be checked by any such limit as that which now prevails at Lowell。 Water…power is very cheap; but it cannot be extended; and it would seem that no place can become large as a manufacturing town which has to depend chiefly upon water。 It is not improbable that steam may be brought into general use at Lowell; and that Lowell may spread itself。 If it should spread itself widely; it will lose its Utopian characteristics。 One cannot but be greatly struck by the spirit of philanthropy in which the system of Lowell was at first instituted。 It may be presumed that men who put their money into such an undertaking did so with the object of commercial profit to themselves; but in this case that was not their first object。 I think it may be taken for granted that when Messrs。 Jackson and Lowell went about their task; their grand idea was to place factory work upon a respectable footingto give employment in mills which should not be unhealthy; degrading; demoralizing; or hard in its circumstances。 Throughout the Northern States of America the same feeling is to be seen。 Good and thoughtful men have been active to spread education; to maintain health; to make work compatible with comfort and personal dignity; and to divest the ordinary lot of man of the sting of that curse which was supposed to be uttered when our first father was ordered to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow。 One is driven to contrast this feeling; of which on all sides one sees such ample testimony; with that sharp desire for profit; that anxiety to do a stroke of trade at every turn; that acknowledged necessity of being smart; which we must own is quite as general as the nobler propensity。 I believe that both phases of commercial activity may be attributed to the same characteristic。 Men in trade in America are not more covetous than tradesmen in England; nor probably are they more generous or philanthropical。 But that which they do; they are more anxious to do thoroughly and quickly。 They desire that every turn
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