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north america-1-第83章

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 turning to his immediate neighbors; 〃the prayers of these holy men whom I see around me。〃  It had not been for nothing that the clergymen were detained。 Mr。 Everett lectures without any book or paper before him; and continues from first to last as though the words came from him on the spur of the moment。  It is known; however; that it is his practice to prepare his orations with great care and commit them entirely to memory; as does an actor。  Indeed; he repeats the same lecture over and over again; I am told; without the change of a word or of an action。  I did not like Mr。 Everett's lecture。  I did not like what he said; or the seeming spirit in which it was framed。  But I am bound to admit that his power of oratory is very wonderful。  Those among his countrymen who have criticised his manner in my hearing; have said that he is too florid; that there is an affectation in the motion of his hands; and that the intended pathos of his voice sometimes approaches too near the precipice over which the fall is so deep and rapid; and at the bottom of which lies absolute ridicule。  Judging for myself; I did not find it so。  My position for seeing was not good; but my ear was not offended。  Critics also should bear in mind that an orator does not speak chiefly to them or for their approval。  He who writes; or speaks; or sings for thousands; must write; speak; or sing as those thousands would have him。  That to a dainty connoisseur will be false music; which to the general ear shall be accounted as the perfection of harmony。  An eloquence altogether suited to the fastidious and hypercritical; would probably fail to carry off the hearts and interest the sympathies of the young and eager。  As regards manners; tone; and choice of words I think that the oratory of Mr。 Everett places him very high。  His skill in his work is perfect。  He never falls back upon a word。  He never repeats himself。  His voice is always perfectly under command。  As for hesitation or timidity; the days for those failings have long passed by with him。  When he makes a point; he makes it well; and drives it home to the intelligence of every one before him。  Even that appeal to the holy men around him sounded wellor would have done so had I not been present at that little arrangement in the anteroom。  On the audience at large it was manifestly effective。 But nevertheless the lecture gave me but a poor idea of Mr。 Everett as a politician; though it made me regard him highly as an orator。 It was impossible not to perceive that he was anxious to utter the sentiments of the audience rather than his own; that he was making himself an echo; a powerful and harmonious echo of what he conceived to be public opinion in Boston at that moment; that he was neither leading nor teaching the people before him; but allowing himself to be led by them; so that he might best play his present part for their delectation。  He was neither bold nor honest; as Emerson had been; and I could not but feel that every tyro of a politician before him would thus recognize his want of boldness and of honesty。  As a statesman; or as a critic of statecraft; and of other statesmen; he is wanting in backbone。  For many years Mr。 Everett has been not even inimical to Southern politics and Southern courses; nor was he among those who; during the last eight years previous to Mr。  Lincoln's election; fought the battle for Northern principles。  I do not say that on this account he is now false to advocate the war。  But he cannot carry men with him when; at his age; he advocates it by arguments opposed to the tenor of his long political life。  His abuse of the South and of Southern ideas was as virulent as might be that of a young lad now beginning his political career; or of one who had through life advocated abolition principles。  He heaped reproaches on poor Virginia; whose position as the chief of the border States has given to her hardly the possibility of avoiding a Scylla of ruin on the one side; or a Charybdis of rebellion on the other。  When he spoke as he did of Virginia; ridiculing the idea of her sacred soil; even I; Englishman as I am; could not but think of Washington; of Jefferson; of Randolph; and of Madison。  He should not have spoken of Virginia as he did speak; for no man could have known better Virginia's difficulties。  But Virginia was at a discount in Boston; and Mr。 Everett was speaking to a Boston audience。  And then he referred to England and to Europe。  Mr。 Everett has been minister to England; and knows the people。  He is a student of history; and must; I think; know that England's career has not been unhappy or unprosperous。  But England also was at a discount in Boston; and Mr。 Everett was speaking to a Boston audience。  They are sending us their advice across the water; said Mr。 Everett。  And what is their advice to us?  That we should come down from the high place we have built for ourselves; and be even as they are。  They screech at us from the low depths in which they are wallowng in their misery; and call on us to join them in their wretchedness。  I am not quoting Mr。 Everett's very words; for I have not them by me; but I am not making them stronger; nor so strong as he made them。  As I thought of Mr。 Everett's reputation; and of his years of study; of his long political life and unsurpassed sources of information; I could not but grieve heartily when I heard such words fall from him。  I could not but ask myself whether it were impossible that under the present circumstances of her constitution this great nation of America should produce an honest; high…minded statesman。  When Lincoln and Hamlin; the existing President and Vice…President of the States; were in 1860 as yet but the candidates of the Republican party; Bell and Everett also were the candidates of the old Whig; conservative party。 Their express theory was thisthat the question of slavery should not be touched。  Their purpose was to crush agitation and restore harmony by an impartial balance between the North and South: a fine purposethe finest of all purposes; had it been practicable。  But such a course of compromise was now at a discount in Boston; and Mr。 Everett was speaking to a Boston audience。  As an orator; Mr。 Everett's excellence is; I think; not to be questioned; but as a politician I cannot give him a high rank。 After that I heard Mr。 Wendell Phillips。  Of him; too; as an orator; all the world of Massachusetts speaks with great admiration; and I have no doubt so speaks with justice。  He is; however; known as the hottest and most impassioned advocate of abolition。  Not many months since the cause of abolition; as advocated by him; was so unpopular in Boston; that Mr。 Phillips was compelled to address his audience surrounded by a guard of policemen。  Of this gentleman I may at any rate say that he is consistent; devoted; and disinterested。  He is an abolitionist by profession; and seeks to find in every turn of the tide of politics some stream on which he may bring himself nearer to his object。  In the old days; previous to the selection of Mr。 Lincoln; in days so old that they are now nearly eighteen months past; Mr。 Phillips was an anti…Union man。  He advocated strongly the disseverance of the Union; so that 
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