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  They mix together
  into one。
  Its upper side is not bright:
  Its under side is not dim。
  Always the Not Namable
  moves on;
  Until it returns
  beyond the world of things。
  We call it
  the formless Form;
  the imageless Image。
  We call it
  the not describable
  and unimaginable。
  Confront it and
  you do not see its face!
  Follow it and
  you do not see its back!
  Yet equipped with this
  timeless Tao (the Laws of the Universe);
  You can control
  present realities and deal with the past。
  To know the ancient origins
  ( the beginning of the Universe ) is
  to know the true Tao (the Laws of the Universe)


  In times past
  the Complete Thinkers of the Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  were not obvious
  about what they did and
  could change to
  meet the circumstance;
  Their minds;
  strong and
  were too deep to be measured。
  Because their minds
  are unmeasurable;
  One can only describe them
  unclearly by their appearance。
  Slow to start
  like one crossing thin ice;
  Shy as if surrounded by danger
  on all sides;
  Careful and polite like a guest;
  Unbouded like ice on the point of melting;
  Genuine like an
  uncarved block;
  Hollow like
  a cave;
  Disordered like
  a muddy pool;
  And yet who else could
  quietly and gradually
  change from the muddy to the clear?
  Who else could
  slowly but steadily
  move from the lifeless to the living?
  The who keep the Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  does not want to be full。
  But precisely because they are never full;
  They can always
  remain open in thought;
  They do not become rigid in thought。


  Achieve the utmost Emptiness。
  Cling single…heartedly to
  interior peace。
  Become a part
  of all things;
  In this way
  see the pattern。
  Flourish they do;
  Each of them will
  return to its root。
  To return to
  the root is
  to find peace。
  To find peace is
  to fulfill one's destiny。
  To fulfill one's destiny is
  to be unchanging。
  To know the Unchanging is
  called Insight。
  If one does not
  know the Unchanging;
  One runs blindly
  into disasters。
  If one knows
  the Unchanging;
  One can understand and
  embrace all。
  If one understands and
  embraces all;
  One is capable of
  doing justice。
  To be just is
  to be a leader;
  To be a leader is
  to be one with nature;
  To be one with nature is
  to be one with the Tao (the Laws of the Universe);
  To be one with
  the Tao (the Laws of the Universe) is to become immortal。
  Such a one will be safe and whole;
  Even after the death of body。
  The Tao does not decay。


  The best type of leader
  is one of whose existence
  the people are barely aware。
  Next comes one
  whom they love and praise。
  Next comes one
  whom they fear。
  Next comes one
  whom they despise and defy。
  When you are
  lacking in faith;
  Others will be
  unfaithful to you。
  The Complete Thinker is
  quiet and uses few words。
  When tasks have been
  accomplished and
  things have been completed;
  All the people say;
  〃We ourselves have achieved it!〃


  When the Great Tao (the Laws of the Universe)
  was abandoned;
  There appeared
  duty and justice。
  When intelligence
  and jokes arose;
  There appeared people
  who said they were one way but lived the opposite。
  When the family
  lost their compatibility;
  There appeared respectful devotion
  and fatherly kindness。
  When darkness and disorder
  began to control a country;
  There appeared
  the loyal and trustworthy patriots。


  Drop wisdom;
  abandon cleverness;
  And the people will be
  benefited a hundred fold。
  Drop humanity;
  abandon morality;
  And the people will
  return to their natural affections。
  Drop cleverness;
  abandon greed;
  And robbers and thieves
  will cease to be。
  These three are a
  pattern of Tao (the Laws of the Universe);
  And are not sufficient in themselves
  they are only symptoms。
  They should be subordinated
  to a Higher principle;
  People need
  personal remedies。
  See the simple True Self
  and embrace
  your original nature。
  Forget you habits and desires;
  simplify you life。


  Have done with rote learning;
  And you will have no more frustration。
  How great is the difference between agreement and being the servant?
  What is the difference between 〃construction〃 and 〃destruction〃?
  Must I fear what others fear?
  What difficult stupidity this is
  ! All are joyous and beaming;
  As though feasting upon a sacrificial ox; As though mounting the SpringGarden;
  I alone am peaceful and give no sign; Like a babe which has not yetsmiled。
  I alone am forgotten as one who has no home to return to。
  All have enough and more:
  I alone appear to possess nothing。
  What a not knowing person I am!
  What a confused mind I have!
  All are bright;
  I alone am dim;
  All are sharp;
  I alone am silent; silent!
  Tasteless like the ocean;
  Aimless like the drifting wind。
  All settle in their paths:
  I alone am stubborn and remain outside。
  I am most different from others
  In knowing
  to take support from
  my Eternal Mother!


  It lies in the nature of
  To follow the Tao (the Laws of the Universe) and
  the Tao (the Laws of the Universe) alone。
  Now what is the Tao (the Laws of the Universe)?
  It is Something slippery and shifty。 Shifty and slippery!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Form。 Shifty and slippery!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Substance。
  Shadowy and dim!
  And yet It contains within Itself a Core of Energy ( the Force of Life)。
  The Core of Energy ( Force of Life ) is very real;
  It contains within Itself an unfailing Honesty。
  Throughout the ages
  Its Name has been preserved
  In order to recall the
  Beginning of all things。
  (We can see and hear the background radiation that was the Big Bangthe beginning of
  our Universe。)
  How do I know the ways of all things at the Beginning?
  By what is within me。
  (For are we not made of recycled Star Stuff。)


  Accept and you will be whole。
  Bend and you will straighten。
  Empty and you will fill。
  Grow old and you will be renewed。
  Have little and you will gain。
  Have much and you will be confused。
  The Complete Thinker
  embraces the One;
  Becomes a Pattern to
  all under Heaven。
  Does not make a show;
  Then shines;
  Does not justify self;
  Then becomes known;
  Does not brag of ability;
  Then gets credit;
  Does not show success;
  Then lasts;
  Does not compete with anyone;
  Then no one 
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