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The Dao produces them。 Virtue nurtures them。 Creatures give them form。Power configurations bring them to completion。 For that reason none ofthe myriad creatures fails to respect the Dao and to revere virtue。 Noone orders this respect for the Dao and reverence of virtue; for it alwaysoccurs of its own accord。 So the Dao produces them cultivatesthem; fosters them; nurtures them; gives them refuge; gives them peace;rears them; and shelters them。 It produces them without seeking to possessthem and acts without exacting gratitude。 It is senior to them yet doesnot rule over them。 It is called the dark and mysterious virtue。
The world has a beginning that acts as its mother。 Once one attains tothe mother; one can know the child。 Having known the child; return to holdingto the mother。 Then one will be in no danger though one should lose one'sbody。 Plug your orifices; close your gates; and you will be toil…free tothe end of your life。 If you open your orifices in order to aid in yourendeavors then you will never be rescued to the end of your days。 To seethe minute is called discernment。 To hold to the pliant is called strength。To use your inner light to return once more to discernment and thus avoidabandoning yourself to danger is to depend on the Constant。
Should I have the least bit of knowledge; fear only that I might use itas I set out upon the great Dao。 The great Dao is very smooth; yet peopleprefer the shortcuts。 If the court is immaculate; the fields will growwild and the granneries will become very empty。 To wear embroidered robesand strap on sharp swords; to satiate oneself with food and drink; andto have an excess of wealth and possessions 'at such a time' is calledbanditry and excess。 Oh! How such activities go against the Dao。
What is well built cannot be pulled up。 What is well clasped cannot slipfree。 By these means one's sons and grandsons will offer sacrifice unendingly。If it is cultivated in one's person; then virtue will be genuine。 If itis cultivated in one's family; then virtue will be ample。 If it is cultivatedin one's local community; then virtue will be enduring。 If it is cultivatedin one's kingdom; then virtue will be plentiful。 If it is cultivated inthe world; then virtue will be universal。 So observe each person in termsof that person himself; observe each family in terms of that family itself;observe each community in terms of that community itself。 Observe eachkingdom in terms of that kingdom itself。 Observe the world in terms ofthe world itself。 How do I know the way the world is? By this。
One possessing the fullness of virtue may be compared to a newborn baby。Hornets; scorpions; vipers; and snakes cannot sting 'the newborn baby'。The fierce beasts do not pounce upon it。 The raptors do not sink theirtalons into it。 The baby's bones are pliant; his muscles weak; yet hisgrip is firm。 He has never known the coupling of male and female; yet hasa full erection。 That is the height of vitality。 He cries the entire dayyet does not become hoarse。 That is the perfection of harmony。 To knowharmony is said to be constant。 To know constancy is said to be enlightenment。To augment life is said to be inauspicious。 For the heart and mind to exertcompulsion on the lifebreath is said to be forcing things。 When creaturescome to their prime they begin to age。 That is spoken of as the dao (course)of retrograde action。 What is on the retrograde dao is soon finished。
Those who know do not talk。 Those who talk do not know。'So:' Stop up yourorifices。 Close your doors。 Blunt your sharpness。 Release your tangles。Harmonize your lights。 Make same your dust。 So doing is called the darkand mysterious identity。 Therefore 'those who have attained to the mysteriousidentity' cannot be made to be intimate; and they cannot be alienated。They cannot be benefited; and they cannot be injured。 They cannot be ennobled;and they cannot suffer degradation。 Therefore they are noble among allthose in the world。
Govern the kingdom with uprightness。 Use weapons of war with guile。 Takethe world by means of non…doing。 How do I know the way it is? By this:If there are many prohibitions in the world; then the people will becomeeven poorer。 If the people have many sharp weapons then the kingdom willbecome even more chaotic。 If the people have many tricks then abnormalthings will abound。 If laws and commandments proliferate; then there willbe large numbers of bandits and robbers。 So the Sage says: I do nothingand the people transform of their own accord。 I like tranquility and thepeople rectify themselves。 I do not (have things to do =) meddle and thepeople themselves prosper。 I have no desires and the people themselvescome to the state of the Uncarved Block。
When governance is stifled the people will be wholesome。 When governanceis exacting; the people will be shifty。 Good fortune depends on disaster;and disaster 'in turn' is concealed in good fortune。 Who knows the end'of this cyclical process' or 'the extent of' its irregularity? The straightforwardchanges into guile。 Good changes into what is pernicious。 This has indeedbaffled people for a long time。 For this reason the Sage squares yet doesnot cut。 He is probing yet does no one injury。 He is straight and yet doesnot force things into line。 He is radiant and yet does not dazzle。
There is nothing as good as frugality for regulating the people and forserving Heaven。 Now only frugality can be called an early compliance。 Anearly compliance is spoken of as a double accumulation of virtue。 Whenvirtue is doubly accumulated; then there is nothing that is not overcome。When there is nothing that is not overcome; then no one knows your limit。When no one knows your limit; then you may possess the kingdom。 When youhave the mother of the kingdom; you can be long enduring。 That is spokenof as the deep root; the firm…set trunk; the Way to long life and enduringvision。
Regulating a large country is like boiling small fish。 When the Dao isused to oversee the world; then its negative (contractive) forces of naturewill not act as positive (expansive) forces。 Not 'only' will its negative(contractive) forces not become positive (expansive) forces; 'even' itsspirits will not (pierce =) injure humans。 Not 'only' will its spiritsnot injure humans; 'even' extraordinarily talented humans will not injurepeople。 Now when these two do not injure each other; then virtuous interactionwill return thereto。
A large country is at the low end of the watershed。 It takes the role ofthe female in the world。 In the interactions that take place in the world;the female always overcomes the male by means of her tranquility。 Becauseof her tranquility the female is the lower one。 {Therefore it is appropriatethat she be lower。} So if the large country takes the lower position withregard to the smaller countries; it can then take the smaller countries。If the smaller countries take the lower position with regard to the largercountry; then they can {be} take{n by} the larger country。 So either oneis lower in order to take; or lower in order to be taken。 The larger countryonly