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 raw materials for those who are good。 Should one fail to value histeacher or fail to love his raw materials; then although he might be knowledgeable;he would be yet greatly deluded。 This is spoken of as the cardinal mystery。


  Know the male; but keep to the female and be thus a valley to the world。When one is a valley to the world; the constant virtue will not desertone and one will return to the state of being an infant。 Know the whitebut keep to the black and be thus a model to the world。 If one is a modelto the world; then the constant virtue will not decline and you will returnto the limitless。 Know glory but keep to disgrace and so be a valley tothe world。 If one is a valley to the world then constant virtue will besufficient and you will return to the Uncarved Block。 When the UncarvedBlock is cut asunder it then becomes utensils。'But' should a Sage usesuch a man; that person would become a senior official。 Truly great fabricationdoes not involve cutting。


  Should one desire to take the world and control it; I see that there wouldbe no end 'to one's involvement'。 The world is a holy vessel and cannotbe controlled。 Those who try to control it harm it。 Those who clutch atit lose it。 For some things go before and some things follow。 Some thingssnort and some things blow。 Some things are strong and some things arepuny。 Some things are nurtured and others are destroyed。 For that reasonthe Sage gets rid of extremes; extravagances; and excesses。


  Those who use the Dao to aid the masters of men do not employ weapons totake the world by force。 That tactic is good at recoiling upon its origin:Where armies have trodden thorns and brambles spring up。 After the greatarmies there must follow bad years。 In the case of the good use of armies;they are employed only until results are obtained and nobody dares usethem to grab power。 When results are obtained they dare not brag。 Whenresults are obtained they dare not boast。 When results are obtained theydare not be arrogant。 When results are obtained it is solely because therewas no other way out。 When results are obtained they do not try to dominate。When creatures come to their prime they begin to age。 That is spoken ofas the Dao (course) of retrograde action。 What is on the retrograde Daois soon finished。


  Excellent weapons are inauspicious instruments。 Creatures always abhorthem。 So those who have the Dao do not become involved with them。 Whenthe ruler resides at peace he values the left; and when he takes up armshe values the right。 Arms are inauspicious instruments; not the instrumentsfit for a noble man。 Only when there is no alternative does he resort tothem。'And then' placidity and blandness are the best。 He does not regardvictory as glorious。 Those who glorify victory exult in killing people。Now those who exult in killing people cannot achieve their aspirationsin this world。 For auspicious affairs one elevates the left。 For inauspiciousaffairs one elevates the right。 The lieutenant generals take their stationson the left。 The full generals reside on the right。'Because the rightis the side of mourning; the above discussion' means one ought to treat'military' affairs with the rites of mourning。 Because of the large numbersof people who are killed; they are to be wept for with sorrow。 Victoryin war should be treated with the rites of mourning。


  The Dao is always nameless。 Although the Uncarved Block is insignificant;nothing in the world can subordinate it。 If the lords and kings can holdfast to it; then the myriad creatures will come to be their vassals oftheir own accord。

  Heaven and Earth will couple in order to let the sweet dew fall。 Althoughno people shall so command; the 'distribution of sweet dew' will be equitableof its own accord。

  Only after fabrication occurs are there names; and once there are namespeople ought to know where to stop; for by knowing where to stop they canescape danger。

  For example; the Dao in relation to the world is like the way the streamsand valleys supply 'water to' the rivers and oceans。


  Those who know other people are knowledgeable。
  Those who know themselves are enlightened。

  Those who overcome other people are forceful。
  Those who overcome themselves are strong。

  Those who know when they have enough are rich。
  Those who act strongly have aspirations。

  Those who do not lose their positions are long enduring。
  Those who die and yet do not perish have life everlasting。


  The great Dao reaches everywhere without regard to direction。 The myriadcreatures depend on it to reproduce themselves and be born; and none aredenied。 When accomplishments are made 'the Dao' does not claim them。 Itfeeds and clothes the myriad creatures and does not act as their master。Constantly without desire 'in regard of the myriad creatures' it can becalled insignificant。 The myriad creatures take refuge therein and yetit does not act as their master; so it can be called great。 Because itnever takes itself to be great it can therefore accomplish its own greatness。


  Grasp the great Image and 'all in' the world will approach。 They approachand are not injured; thus great is their peace and tranquility。 When thereis music and food; the passing travellers will stop in。'But' the Dao whenexpressed in words is found bland and flavorless; when looked at providesnothing to see; when listened to provides nothing to hear。'Yet' when putinto use; there is no way to exhaust it。


  If one would contract something; then one must first resolutely spreadit out。 If one would weaken something; then one must first resolutely strengthenit。 If one would have a thing be discarded one must first resolutely causeit to flourish。 If one would seize something one must first resolutelygive it away。 This 'approach' is called subtle discernment。 The pliantand weak overcome the rigid and strong。'So' fish cannot leave the depthsand the sharp instruments of the state cannot be shown 'to threaten' thepeople。


  The Dao never employs forceful action yet there is nothing it fails todo。 If the lords and rulers can hold to it; then the myriad creatures willtransform themselves of their own accord。 Should desire rise up 'even'after they have transformed; I will tranquilize it with the nameless UncarvedBlock。'By reason of' the nameless Uncarved Block; the 'myriad creatures'too will in future become desireless。 Their having been stilled by desirelessness;the world will become settled of its own accord。


  The highest virtue is not virtuous and for that reason has 'true' virtue。The lesser virtue does not lose virtue and for that reason does not have'true' virtue。 The highest virtue does not engage in 'forceful' activityand so uses nothing to do things。 The highest benevolence does things and doesso by means of nothing。 The highest righteousness does things and doesso by means of something。 The highest propriety does things and if nothingresponds to what it does then it thrusts out its forearms and forces them。So after the Dao is lost there is virtue。 After virtue is lost; there isbenevolence。 After benevolence i
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