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  The best businessman
  serves the communal good。
  The best leader
  follows the will of the people。

  All of the embody
  the virtue of non…competition。
  Not that they don't love to compete;
  but they do it in the spirit of play。
  In this they are like children
  and in harmony with the Tao。


  The generals have a saying:
  〃Rather than make the first move
  it is better to wait and see。
  Rather than advance an inch
  it is better to retreat a yard。〃

  This is called
  going forward without advancing;
  pushing back without using weapons。

  There is no greater misfortune
  than underestimating your enemy。
  Underestimating your enemy
  means thinking that he is evil。
  Thus you destroy your three treasures
  and become an enemy yourself。

  When two great forces oppose each other;
  the victory will go
  to the one that knows how to yield。


  My teachings are easy to understand
  and easy to put into practice。
  Yet your intellect will never grasp them;
  and if you try to practice them; you'll fail。

  My teachings are older than the world。
  How can you grasp their meaning?

  If you want to know me;
  look inside your heart。


  Not…knowing is true knowledge。
  Presuming to know is a disease。
  First realize that you are sick;
  then you can move toward health。

  The Master is her own physician。
  She has healed herself of all knowing。
  Thus she is truly whole。


  When they lose their sense of awe;
  people turn to religion。
  When they no longer trust themselves;
  they begin to depend upon authority。

  Therefore the Master steps back
  so that people won't be confused。
  He teaches without a teaching;
  so that people will have nothing to learn。


  The Tao is always at ease。
  It overcomes without competing;
  answers without speaking a word;
  arrives without being summoned;
  accomplishes without a plan。

  Its net covers the whole universe。
  And though its meshes are wide;
  it doesn't let a thing slip through。


  If you realize that all things change;
  there is nothing you will try to hold on to。
  If you aren't afraid of dying;
  there is nothing you can't achieve。

  Trying to control the future
  is like trying to take the master carpenter's place。
  When you handle the master carpenter's tools; chances are that you'llcut your hand。


  When taxes are too high;
  people go hungry。
  When the government is too intrusive;
  people lose their spirit。

  Act for the people's benefit。
  Trust them; leave them alone。


  Men are born soft and supple;
  dead; they are stiff and hard。
  Plats are born tender and pliant;
  dead; they are brittle and dry。

  Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible
  is a disciple of death。
  Whoever is soft and yielding
  is a disciple of life。

  The hard and stiff will be broken。
  The soft and supple will prevail。


  As it acts in the world; the Tao
  is like the bending of a bow。
  The top is bent downward;
  the bottom is bent up。
  It adjusts excess and deficiency
  so that there is perfect balance。
  It takes from what is too much
  and give to what isn't enough。

  Those who try to control;
  who use force to protect their power;
  go against the direction of the Tao。
  They take from those who don't have enough
  and give to those who have far too much。

  The Master can keep giving
  because there is no end to her wealth。
  She acts without expectation;
  succeeds without taking credit;
  and doesn't think that she is better
  than anyone else。


  Nothing in the world
  is as soft and yielding as water。
  Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible;
  nothing can surpass it。

  The soft overcomes the hard;
  the gentle overcomes the rigid。
  Everyone knows this is true;
  but few can put it into practice。

  Therefore the Master remains
  serene in the midst of sorrow。
  Evil cannot enter his heart。
  Because he has given up helping;
  he is people's greatest help。

  True words seem paradoxical。


  Failure is an opportunity。
  If you blame someone else;
  there is no end to the blame。

  Therefore the Master
  fulfills her own obligations
  and corrects her own mistakes。
  She does what she needs to do
  and demands nothing of others。


  If a country is governed wisely;
  its inhabitants will be content。
  They enjoy the labor of their hands
  and don't waste time inventing
  labor…saving machines。
  Since they dearly love their homes;
  they aren't interested in travel。
  There may be a few wagons and boats;
  but these don't go anywhere。
  There may be an arsenal of weapons;
  but nobody ever uses them。
  People enjoy their food;
  take pleasure in being with their families;
  spend weekends working in their gardens;
  delight in the doings of the neighborhood。
  And even though the next country is so close
  that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking;
  they are content to die of old age
  without ever having gone to see it。


  True words aren't eloquent;
  eloquent words aren't true。
  Wise men don't need to prove their point;
  men who need to prove their point aren't wise。

  The Master has no possessions。
  The more he does for others;
  the happier he is。
  The more he gives to others;
  the wealthier he is。

  The Tao nourishes by not forcing。
  By not dominating; the Master leads。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English version by
  Patrick E。 Moran


  A way (dao) that one can be directed along is not the constant Dao。 A namethat can be given is not a constant name。 Nameless is the beginning ofHeaven and Earth。 Named is the mother of the myriad creatures。

  So; It is always by desirelessness that one sees the hidden (noumenal)aspect; and always by being in a state of having desires that one observesthe outer (phenomenal) aspect。 These two 'aspects of all reality' emergetogether and are differently named。 Together; they are called the darkand mysterious。 The most dark and mysterious of the dark and mysteriousIs the portal of the multitudinous wonders。


  Everyone in the world knows the beautiful to be beautiful。 Thus there isugliness。 They all know good to be good。 Thus there is evil。 For beingand non…being are mutually produced。 Difficult and easy are mutually complemented。Long and short are mutually formed。 High and low are mutually opposed。Music and voice mutually harmonize。 Fore and aft follow each other。 Forthis reason; the Sage concerns himself only with affairs that involve noactive doing; and carries forth a wordless teaching。 The myriad creaturesarise and he does not deny any of them。 They are produced; yet he doesnot seek to possess them。 He acts a
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