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Can you understand all things and take no action?
Giving birth and nourishing; having but not owning;
acting without seeking praise; leading but not dominating:
this is the highest virtue 'Te'。
Thirty spokes are joined in the hub of the wheel;
but it is the center hole; where it is empty;
that makes the wheel useful。
We make a clay pot;
but it is the emptiness inside that makes the pot useful。
We cut windows and doors to make a room;
but it is the inner emptiness that makes the room useful。
We seek to take advantage of what is;
but we also find much use for what is not。
The five colors can make us blind。
The five sounds can make us deaf。
The five flavors can deaden our taste。
Racing; chasing; and hunting can drive us mad。
The pursuit of treasure knocks us off the path。
Therefore; the Tao朚aster follows his inner vision
rather than his outer vision。
He chooses this but not that。
Being in favor or being in disgrace: either way; trouble。
It is all within the Self。
What does this mean?
Being in favor; we fear falling out of favor。
Being out of favor; we fear remaining there。
This fear is within the Self。
No Self; no fear。
Do you value the world as you value yourself?
You may be trusted to rule。
Do you love the world as you love yourself?
The world may be entrusted to your care。
Look; but you can't see it。
Listen; but you can't hear it。
Reach out; but you can't touch it。
Invisible; inaudible; intangible。
The One。
When it rises; no light。
When it sets; no darkness。
It calls all things back into nothingness 'No朤hing朜ess'。
Formless form; imageless image。
No front; no back。
Live in the Tao of old; master the present。
Know the Source: The essence of Tao。
The Tao朚asters of old had profound wisdom and deep understanding。
They were unfathomable。
We cannot comprehend them; all we can do is describe them:
Cautious; like someone crossing an icy stream;
Alert; like someone sensing danger;
Courteous; like a houseguest;
Yielding; like melting ice;
Undefined; like a piece of uncarved wood;
Open; like a valley;
Murky; like muddy water。
We must wait for the water to settle; then it will be clear。
Can you keep still until what is needed becomes clear?
Those who follow the Tao are not full of themselves。
They are like durable garments that need no renewal。
Empty yourself。
Be calm。
The ten thousand things come and go。
Just watch them。
All things return to the Source; where there is stillness。
To return to the Source is to recover what is permanent。
Knowing what is permanent: enlightenment。
Not knowing what is permanent: disaster。
Knowing what is permanent opens the mind。
Open mind; open heart。
Open heart; magnanimity。
Magnanimity; a virtue of queens and kings。
A true queen or king lives in accord with Nature。
To live in accord with Nature is to find the Tao。
Following the Tao makes death harmless。
The best ruler: hardly known to exist。
Next best: known and loved。
Next best: feared。
The worst: despised。
No trust given; no trust received。
The best ruler rules without fanfare。
When his work is successful; the people say;
〃Fantastic! We've done it!〃
When the Tao is not followed; kindness and morality appear。
When intelligence and learning are exalted;
pretentiousness emerges。
When there is no peace and order in the family;
then we get all kinds of talk about 〃family values。〃
When the country is badly governed and in chaos;
we then glorify patriotism。
Discard learning and knowledge;
and the people will be a hundred times happier。
Banish kindness and morality;
and the people will rediscover love and duty。
Forget about industry and profit;
and there won't be any thieves。
When these three things are done; more will be required:
Look at plain silk; hold uncarved wood;
let self dwindle; let desire fade。
No more learning; no more trouble。
Is there any real difference between 〃Ahhh!〃 and 〃Yuk!〃?
What about 〃good〃 and 〃evil〃?
Must I fear what others fear?
Everybody else is smiling;
having fun as if at a festival or carnival。
I alone am drifting; not knowing whether I'm coming or going;
like a baby before it has learned to smile。
Others have what they need; I have nothing。
I might as well be homeless。
I'm a fool。 Very confused。
Others are bright; I am dim。
Others are sharp; I am dull; lost at sea; without direction。
Others have plans; I am aimless。
I am different from others。
I am nourished by the Great Mother。
Te flows from Tao。
Tao is elusive and evasive。
Evasive and elusive; yet within it there are ideas。
Elusive and evasive; yet within it are entities。
Dark and obscure; yet within it there is life。
The life of the Tao is so real; it gives rise to certainty。
From the beginning until now; it has appeared in countless forms; it has been given countless names。
How do I know this? Like this!
To be whole; let yourself break。
To be straight; let yourself bend。
To be full; let yourself be empty。
To be new; let yourself wear out。
To have everything; give everything up。
The Tao朚aster clings to the Tao and becomes a model for all。
He doesn't put on a show; but his light shines forth。
He doesn't justify himself; but he is known for his integrity。
He doesn't boast; but he is recognized as accomplished。
He doesn't contend with others; and thus no one contends with him。
The old saying; 〃Surrender and conquer;〃 is not an empty slogan。
Surrender to the Tao and find yourself completed。
Much talk is contrary to nature。
The wind doesn't blow all morning。
The rain doesn't fall all day。
Wind and rain are caused by nature;
If nature restrains herself; shouldn't people do the same?
He who follows the Tao is one with the Tao。
He who is virtuous is one with Virtue 'Te'。
He who loses the Tao becomes a loss。
Surrender to the Tao; and it will be your home。
Practice virtue 'Te'; and it will be your abode。
Lose the Tao; and you will then reside in loss。
No trust given; no trust received。
He who stands on tiptoe does not stand firm。
He who walks fast cannot walk far。
He who shows off does not shine forth。
He who pushes will not succeed。
He who boasts will not achieve。
He who praises his own work creates nothing that endures。
These things inspire disgust。
Followers of the Tao spurn them。
Before the birth of Heaven and Earth;
there was something without form but complete。
Silent。 Empty。 Independent。 Unchanging。 Infinite。 Et