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This book is dedicated to three very special people in my life: My mother… and 
father…in…law; Matt and Kay Bucksbaum; and my oldest childhood friend; Ron Soskin。 


Abell; Pete; 130 
Abizaid; Gen。 John; 39 
Abdul Kalam;A。P。J。; 458 
Accenture Ltd。; 34; 205 
accounting; 11…15; 80; 166;184 
Adamson; Allen; 180 
adaptability; 239…43; 249 
Addison; Craig; 423 
Adobe Photoshop; 98; 188; 241 
Afghanistan; 55; 396;401; 423; 434…35; bin 
Laden in; 448;450; U。S。 invasion of; 198; 
386…87;458 AFL…CIO; 222 Africa; 182; 315; 317;376; 377; 389; 398;412; 
disease in; 377…81 African…Americans; 254; 304…5;403 Agere; 417 agriculture; 288…89; 
environmental issues and;297…99 
AIDS; see HIV…AIDS Airborne Express; 345…48 Airbus Industries; 196 Airman Flight 
School; 445 Airspace; 167 Akbar; M。 J。; 457 al…Arabiya news channel; 406 al…Jazeera 
television network; 400 al…Qaeda; 8; 387; 392…95; 429…35; 437; 
444_45;447;456;457;464;469 Al…Rashed; Abdel Rahman; 406 al…Shehhi; Marwan; 395 
Al…Sudairi; Turki; 327 al…Zarqawi; Abu Musab; 402 al…Zawahiri; Ayman; 394; 396…97;445; 
448 Alexa。com; 94 Ali; Al Abdul Aziz; 444 
Allen; Jay; 132 
Allison; Graham; 437 
Alps; 416 
Amazon。com; 65; 68; 98; 102; 156; 242 
Amazon rain forests; 412 
ambition; 260…65 
American Airlines Flight 11; 449 
American Association for the Advancement of 
Science; 253 
American Express; 6; 173; 426 American Indians; 108 American Revolution; 460 America 
Online (AOL); 26; 53; 56; 63; 78; 
212;278;432 Amin; Idi; 328 AMR Research; 130 anchored jobs; 238…39 Andreessen; Marc; 
58…62; 70; 83; 85; 86; 
231…32 Angola; 321 Annunziata; Robert; 67 anti…Americanism; 385…87 antiglobalization 
movement; 384; 387 Apache; 82…91;96; 103 Apple; 59; 235;463; Macintosh; 59; 61 Arab 
Human Development Report; 398; 401 Arabs; 9; 292; 316…17; 326…28; 392…406;456; 
461;463…64;466 Arafat; Yasser; 467 Aramex; 345…50;463…64 ARC Electronics; 66 
Ardolino; Bill; 43…44 Argentina; 250; 322 Arguello; Mike; 83; 261…62 Army; U。S。; 432; 

Central Command; 430 Arrow; 417 

ASIMCO Technologies; 114; 116; 120; 
122…24;127 Askey; 417 Assaf; Anas; 467 Associated Press; 218…19; 271 Association of 
University Technology 
Managers; 245 Asustek; 417 Atef; Mohammed; 445 AT&T; 58; 67;68; Bell Labs; 113; 254 
Athens Olympics; 250 Atta; Mohammed; 292; 395; 396; 445; 449 Attal; Alex; 282…83 AU 
Optronics; 417 Auras; 416 
Australia; 6; 16; 95; 138; 187; 320;436 
Austria; 320; 442 
automobile industry; 29; 102; in India; 234;offshoring in; 122…25; supply chain 
Avis; 425;426 
Awadallah; Bassem; 462 
Azim; Shabana; 458 
Baker; Dolly; 36…37 
Baker; James A。; 111;48…49 
Baker; Mitchell; 99 
Baldwin family; 97…98 
Baltimore; David; 303…4 
Bangladesh; 315 
BankBoston; 244 
bankruptcy; 319; 320 
Barksdale; Jim; 57…60; 63…64 
Barnes and Noble; 65 
Barrett; Craig; 182; 183; 268; 322 
basketball; 250…51;303 
Beesley; Angela; 95 
Behlendorf; Brian; 84…89; 91…93 
Beijing Foreign Affairs Institute; 411 
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce; 408 
Belding; Brian; 372 
Belding; Katie; 372…73 
Belgium; 95; 403 
benefits; portable; 284…88 
Berlin Wall; fall of; 48…52; 55; 60; 73; 182; 
192; 194;313;385;441…42 Bemers…Lee; Tim; 56; 86 Best Buy; 118 
Bhagwati; Jagdish; 232; 233 Bible; the; 48 
Bigari; Steven; 40…41 
Bina; Eric; 86 
biodiversity; 297…98 
bin Laden; Osama; 55; 387; 395…97; 400…401; 403…405;436;438;444…45;447;448 
Birdsall; Nancy; 461 
Bir Zeit University; 467 

BlackBerry; 213 
bloggers; 93 
Bloomberg news organization; 18 
Bluetooth; 159…60 
BMW; 354 
Boeing Aircraft; 75; 171; 194…97 
Bombardier; 263 
Boomer; L。 Gary; 14 
Boston College; 271…72 
Boucher; Richard; 425 
Bradley; Bill; 197 
Brazil; 51; 78; 95; 117; 314; 320; 322;414 
Brezhnev; Leonid; 278 
Brickwork; 31…32 
Brin; Sergey; 152; 154…55;292 
Britain; 9;95; 212; 231; 234;320; 344;404; 445; automobile industry in; 171…72; 
211…12; 354…56; economic reform in; 314; 333; India and; 50; 190; 325; 328; Microsoft 
research center in; 266; Muslims in; 399; offshoring by; 417; university enrollments 
in; 260 
Britannica。com; 94 
British Airways; 171;425;426 
Brookings Institution; 293 
Brown v。 Board of Education (1954); 254 
Buddhists; 463 
Buffett; Jimmy; 373 
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS); 258 
Burkina Faso; 320 
Burns; Nick; 39 
Bush; George W。; 42; 93; 198…99; 268; 283…84;303;387;450…52 
business startup costs; 318…20 
C++; 111 
California; University of: Berkeley; 85; 87; 96; 
Santa Cruz; 293 California Institute of Technology (Caltech); 
84; 303…4 
Calle; Luis de la; 313; 322 Cambodia; 142; 320; 363…66 

Cambridge Energy Research Associates; 413 
Cambridge University; 193; 234 
camera phones; 169…70; 179; 372…74 
Cameroon; 320 
Canada; 138; 143; 148; 187; 310; 320; 331; 410 
capital markets; 245…46 
CapitalOne; 290…91 
Caplan; Mitchell H。; 351;352 

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 451 
Carnegie Mellon University; 96; 105 
Carrico; Bill; 304 
Carrier; 29 
Castaneda; Jorge; 332 
Caterpillar; 122; 124 
CAT scans; 15…16; 30;239 
Cawley; Joel; 63; 76; 79; 81; 302; 353 
CBS News; 42;93 
Celestica; 299 
cell phones; 160…61; 164…65; 167; 169…70; 213;372…74 
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); 39; 292 
Chamber of Commerce; U。S。; 311 
Chambers; John; 323 
Chanda; Nayan; 383; 405 
Chechnya; 406;434…36 
Chen Shui…bian; 424 
Cherukuri; Satyam; 30; 29…30 
Chile; 316 
Chi Mei Optoelectronics; 417 
China; 29;92;95;104; 141; 151; 181…83; 208; 252; 277; 309; 316; 322;354;385;407;430; 
463; basketball in; 250; capital markets in; 245; cell phones in; 373; Central Bank 
of; 310; communist revolution in; 436; Cultural Revolution in; 267; 328; culture of; 
325; 327…28; disease in; 378; economic growth of; 249; economic reforms in; 314; 
education in; 264…68; 271…73; 305; 333; 335; eighteenth…century; 11; energy 
consumption in; 407…12; engineers in; 113; 257; 258; 280; enrollment in foreign 
graduate schools of students from; 260; environmental issues in; 300; and fall of 
Berlin Wall; 51; IBM and; 210…11; immigrants from; 292; intangibles of economic 
development in; 329; 331…36; intellectual property piracy in; 218; manufacturing in; 
21; 74; 114…27; 235; 294; 309…13; 315; 356;414;416;417;421…22; middle class in; 
275…76; 387; and open… 
sourcing; 102; outsourcing to; 32…36; 113; 189; 247…49; 361; political stability of; 
247; poverty in; 315; rural population of; 221; 376; 377; 380;413…14; 419; 420; 
scientists in; 257; 269; Taiwan and; 419;422…25; trade policy and; 228…33; 235…36; 
in Wal…Mart supply chain; 132; 138; 140; 177; work ethic in; 263; 264; zippies in; 
China Airlines; 418…19 
Christians; 430;463 
Cisco Systems; 30; 60; 166; 179; 253; 304; 322 
Citibank; 234; 388 
Citigroup; 13 
Civil War; 406 
Clark; Jim; 58; 59 

Clinton; Bill; 10; 45; 216; 231; 254; 386 
CNB Arabiya Television; 210 
CNETNews。com; 68; 159 
Coast Guard; U。S。; 20 
Cobden; Richard; 414 
Coca…Cola Corporation; 28 
Cohen; Alan; 81…82; 159;167 
Cold War; 49; 182; 195; 222; 249; 274; 279; 283; 296 
CollabNet; 84; 92 
collaborative planning; forecasting; and replenishment (CPFR); 13
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