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i said of a later period; to believe that he occupied a position better than any one else of his own degree in any other country in the world。 The merchant in England was believed to surpass all others in wealth and integrity; the manufacturer to have no rivals in skill; the British sailor to stand in a class by himself; the British officer to express the last word in chivalry。 It followed; of course; that the motherland was superior to her children overseas。 The colonies had no aristocracy; no great landowners living in stately palaces。 They had almost no manufactures。 They had no imposing state system with places and pensions from which the fortunate might reap a harvest of ten or even twenty thousand pounds a year。 They had no ancient universities thronged by gilded youth who; if noble; might secure degrees without the trying ceremony of an examination。 They had no Established Church with the ancient glories of its cathedrals。 In all America there was not even a bishop。 In spite of these contrasts the English Whigs insisted upon the political equality with themselves of the American colonists。 The Tory squire; however; shared Samuel Johnson's view that colonists were either traders or farmers and that colonial shopkeeping society was vulgar and contemptible。
George III was ill…fitted by nature to deal with the crisis。 The King was not wholly without natural parts; for his own firm will had achieved what earlier kings had tried and failed to do; he had mastered Parliament; made it his obedient tool and himself for a time a despot。 He had some admirable virtues。 He was a family man; the father of fifteen children。 He liked quiet amusements and had wholesome tastes。 If industry and belief in his own aims could of themselves make a man great we might reverence George。 He wrote once to Lord North: 〃I have no object but to be of use: if that is ensured I am completely happy。〃 The King was always busy。 Ceaseless industry does not; however; include every virtue; or the author of all evil would rank high in goodness。 Wisdom must be the pilot of good intentions。 George was not wise。 He was ill…educated。 He had never traveled。 He had no power to see the point of view of others。
As if nature had not sufficiently handicapped George for a high part; fate placed him on the throne at the immature age of twenty…two。 Henceforth the boy was master; not pupil。 Great nobles and obsequious prelates did him reverence。 Ignorant and obstinate; the young King was determined not only to reign but to rule; in spite of the new doctrine that Parliament; not the King; carried on the affairs of government through the leader of the majority in the House of Commons; already known as the Prime Minister。 George could not really change what was the last expression of political forces in England。 The rule of Parliament had come to stay。 Through it and it alone could the realm be governed。 This power; however; though it could not be destroyed; might be controlled。 Parliament; while retaining all its privileges; might yet carry out the wishes of the sovereign。 The King might be his own Prime Minister。 The thing could be done if the King's friends held a majority of the seats and would do what their master directed。 It was a dark day for England when a king found that he could play off one faction against another; buy a majority in Parliament; and retain it either by paying with guineas or with posts and dignities which the bought Parliament left in his gift。 This corruption it was which ruined the first British Empire。
We need not doubt that George thought it his right and also his duty to coerce America; or rather; as he said; the clamorous minority which was trying to force rebellion。 He showed no lack of sincerity。 On October 26; 1775; while Washington was besieging Boston; he opened Parliament with a speech which at any rate made the issue clear enough。 Britain would not give up colonies which she had founded with severe toil and nursed with great kindness。 Her army and her navy; both now increased in size; would make her power respected。 She would not; however; deal harshly with her erring children。 Royal mercy would be shown to those who admitted their error and they need not come to England to secure it。 Persons in America would be authorized to grant pardons and furnish the guarantees which would proceed from the royal clemency。
Such was the magnanimity of George III。 Washington's rage at the tone of the speech is almost amusing in its vehemence。 He; with a mind conscious of rectitude and sacrifice in a great cause; to ask pardon for his course! He to bend the knee to this tyrant overseas! Washington himself was not highly gifted with imagination。 He never realized the strength of the forces in England arrayed on his own side and attributed to the English; as a whole; sinister and malignant designs always condemned by the great mass of the English people。 They; no less than the Americans; were the victims of a turn in politics which; for a brief period; and for only a brief period; left power in the hands of a corrupt Parliament and a corrupting king。
Ministers were not all corrupt or place…hunters。 One of them; the Earl of Dartmouth; was a saint in spirit。 Lord North; the king's chief minister; was not corrupt。 He disliked his office and wished to leave it。 In truth no sweeping simplicity of condemnation will include all the ministers of George III except on this one point that they allowed to dictate their policy a narrow…minded and ignorant king。 It was their right to furnish a policy and to exercise the powers of government; appoint to office; spend the public revenues。 Instead they let the King say that the opinions of his ministers had no avail with him。 If we ask why; the answer is that there was a mixture of motives。 North stayed in office because the King appealed to his loyalty; a plea hard to resist under an ancient monarchy。 Others stayed from love of power or for what they could get。 In that golden age of patronage it was possible for a man to hold a plurality of offices which would bring to himself many thousands of pounds a year; and also to secure the reversion of offices and pensions to his children。 Horace Walpole spent a long life in luxurious ease because of offices with high pay and few duties secured in the distant days of his father's political power。 Contracts to supply the army and the navy went to friends of the government; sometimes with disastrous results; since the contractor often knew nothing of the business he undertook。 When; in 1777; the Admiralty boasted that thirty…five ships of war were ready to put to sea it was found that there were in fact only six。 The system nearly ruined the navy。 It actually happened that planks of a man…of…war fell out through rot and that she sank。 Often ropes and spars could not be had when most needed。 When a public loan was floated the King's friends and they alone were given the shares at a price which enabled them to make large profits on the stock market。
The system could endure only as long as the King's friends had a majority in the House of Commons。 Elections must be looked after。 The King must have those on whom he could always depend。 He controlled offices and pensions