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westward ho-第73章

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nt; he received a prompt though quiet rebuff。

〃No; sir; you should know that my cheek is not for you。〃

〃Why;〃 said he; stifling his anger; 〃it seems free enough to every counter…jumper in the town!〃

Was it love; or simple innocence; which made her answer apologetically?

〃True; Don Guzman; but they are my equals。〃

〃And I?〃

〃You are a nobleman; sir; and should recollect that you are one。〃

〃Well;〃 said he; forcing a sneer; 〃it is a strange taste to prefer the shopkeeper!〃

〃Prefer?〃 said she; forcing a laugh in her turn; 〃it is a mere form among us。  They are nothing to me; I can tell you。〃

〃And I; then; less than nothing?〃

Rose turned very red; but she had nerve to answer

〃And why should you be anything to me?  You have condescended too much; sir; already to us; in giving us many amany a pleasant evening。  You must condescend no further。  You wrong yourself; sir; and me too。  No; sir; not a step nearer!I will not!  A salute between equals means nothing: but between you and meI vow; sir; if you do not leave me this moment; I will complain to my father。〃

〃Do so; madam!  I care as little for your father's anger; as you for my misery。〃

〃Cruel!〃 cried Rose; trembling from head to foot。

〃I love you; madam!〃 cried he; throwing himself at her feet。  〃I adore you!  Never mention differences of rank to me more; for I have forgotten them; forgotten all but love; all but you; madam! My light; my lodestar; my princess; my goddess!  You see where my pride is gone; remember I plead as a suppliant; a beggarthough one who may be one day a prince; a king! ay; and a prince now; a very Lucifer of pride to all except to you; to you a wretch who grovels at your feet; and cries; 'Have mercy on me; on my loneliness; my homelessness; my friendlessness。'  Ah; Rose (madam I should have said; forgive the madness of my passion); you know not the heart which you break。  Cold Northerns; you little dream how a Spaniard can love。  Love?  Worship; rather; as I worship you; madam; as I bless the captivity which brought me the sight of you; and the ruin which first made me rich。  Is it possible; saints and Virgin! do my own tears deceive my eyes; or are there tears; too; in those radiant orbs?〃

〃Go; sir! 〃 cried poor Rose; recovering herself suddenly; 〃and let me never see you more。〃  And; as a last chance for life; she darted out of the room。

〃Your slave obeys you; madam; and kisses your hands and feet forever and a day;〃 said the cunning Spaniard; and drawing himself up; walked serenely out of the house; while she; poor fool; peeped after him out of her window upstairs; and her heart sank within her as she watched his jaunty and careless air。

How much of that rhapsody of his was honest; how much premeditated; I cannot tell: though she; poor child; began to fancy that it was all a set speech; when she found that he had really taken her at her word; and set foot no more within her father's house。  So she reproached herself for the cruelest of women; settled; that if he died; she should be his murderess; watched for him to pass at the window; in hopes that he might look up; and then hid herself in terror the moment he appeared round the corner; and so forth; and so forth:one love…making is very like another; and has been so; I suppose; since that first blessed marriage in Paradise; when Adam and Eve made no love at all; but found it ready…made for them from heaven; and really it is fiddling while Rome is burning; to spend more pages over the sorrows of poor little Rose Salterne; while the destinies of Europe are hanging on the marriage between Elizabeth and Anjou: and Sir Humphrey Gilbert is stirring heaven and earth; and Devonshire; of course; as the most important portion of the said earth; to carry out his dormant patent; which will give to England in due time (we are not jesting now) Newfoundland; Nova Scotia; and Canada; and the Northern States; and to Humphrey Gilbert himself something better than a new world; namely another world; and a crown of glory therein which never fades away。



     〃Misguided; rash; intruding fool; farewell!       Thou see'st to be too busy is some danger。〃


It is the spring of 1582…3。  The gray March skies are curdling hard and high above black mountain peaks。  The keen March wind is sweeping harsh and dry across a dreary sheet of bog; still red and yellow with the stains of winter frost。  One brown knoll alone breaks the waste; and on it a few leafless wind…clipt oaks stretch their moss…grown arms; like giant hairy spiders; above a desolate pool which crisps and shivers in the biting breeze; while from beside its brink rises a mournful cry; and sweeps down; faint and fitful; amid the howling of the wind。

Along the brink of the bog; picking their road among crumbling rocks and green spongy springs; a company of English soldiers are pushing fast; clad cap…a…pie in helmet and quilted jerkin; with arquebus on shoulder; and pikes trailing behind them; stern steadfast men; who; two years since; were working the guns at Smerwick fort; and have since then seen many a bloody fray; and shall see more before they die。  Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies; the taller in armor; stained and rusted with many a storm and fray; the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet; gaudy sash and plume; and sword hilt glittering with gold; a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery。  Beside them; secured by a cord which a pikeman has fastened to his own wrist; trots a bare…legged Irish kerne; whose only clothing is his ragged yellow mantle; and the unkempt 〃glib〃 of hair; through which his eyes peer out; right and left; in mingled fear and sullenness。  He is the guide of the company; in their hunt after the rebel Baltinglas; and woe to him if he play them false。

〃A pleasant country; truly; Captain Raleigh;〃 says the dingy officer to the gay one。  〃I wonder how; having once escaped from it to Whitehall; you have the courage to come back and spoil that gay suit with bog…water and mud。〃

〃A very pleasant country; my friend Amyas; what you say in jest; I say in earnest。〃

〃Hillo!  Our tastes have changed places。  I am sick of it already; as you foretold。  Would Heaven that I could hear of some adventure Westward…ho! and find these big bones swinging in a hammock once more。  Pray what has made you so suddenly in love with bog and rock; that you come back to tramp them with us?  I thought you had spied out the nakedness of the land long ago。〃

〃Bog and rock?  Nakedness of the land?  What is needed here but prudence and skill; justice and law?  This soil; see; is fat enough; if men were here to till it。  These rockswho knows what minerals they may hold?  I hear of gold and jewels found already in divers parts; and Daniel; my brother Humphrey's German assayer; assures me that these rocks are of the very same kind as those which yield the silver in Peru。  Tut; man! if her gracious majesty would but bestow on me some few square miles of this same wilderness; in seven years' time I would make it blossom like the rose; by God's good help。〃

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