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westward ho-第67章

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s; and I doubt not that your lordship will see fair play。  Will any gentleman accept so civil an offer?  There sits a tall youth in that corner who would suit me very well。  Will any fit my gallant comrades with half…an…hour's punto and stoccado?〃

There was a silence; all looking at the lord deputy; whose eyes were kindling in a very ugly way。

〃No answer?  Then I must proceed to exhortation。  So!  Will that be sufficient?〃

And walking composedly across the tent; the fearless ruffian quietly stooped down; and smote Amyas Leigh full in the face。

Up sprang Amyas; heedless of all the august assembly; and with a single buffet felled him to the earth。

〃Excellent!〃 said he; rising unabashed。  〃I can always trust my instinct。  I knew the moment I saw him that he was a cavalier worth letting blood。  Now; sir; your sword and harness; and I am at your service outside!〃

The solemn and sententious Englishmen were altogether taken aback by the Italian's impudence; but Zouch settled the matter。

〃Most noble captain; will you be pleased to recollect a certain little occurrence at Messina; in the year 1575?  For if you do not; I do; and beg to inform this gentleman that you are unworthy of his sword; and had you; unluckily for you; been an Englishman; would have found the fashions of our country so different from your own that you would have been then hanged; sir; and probably may be so still。〃

The Italian's sword flashed out in a moment: but Lord Grey interfered。

〃No fighting here; gentlemen。  That may wait; and; what is more; shall wait tillStrike their swords down; Raleigh; Mackworth! Strike their swords down!  Colonel Sebastian; you will be pleased to return as you came; in safety; having lost nothing; as (I frankly tell you) you have gained nothing; by your wild bearing here。  We shall proceed to deliberate on your fate。〃

〃I trust; my lord;〃 said Amyas; 〃that you will spare this braggart's life; at least for a day or two。  For in spite of Captain Zouch's warning; I must have to do with him yet; or my cheek will rise up in judgment against me at the last day。〃

〃Well spoken; lad;〃 said the colonel; as he swung out。  〃So! worth a reprieve; by this sword; to have one more rapier…rattle before the gallows!  Then I take back no further answer; my lord deputy? Not even our swords; our virgin blades; signor; the soldier's cherished bride?  Shall we go forth weeping widowers; and leave to strange embrace the lovely steel?〃

〃None; sir; by heaven!〃 said he; waxing wroth。  〃Do you come hither; pirates as you are; to dictate terms upon a foreign soil? Is it not enough to have set up here the Spanish flag; and claimed the land of Ireland as the Pope's gift to the Spaniard; violated the laws of nations; and the solemn treaties of princes; under color of a mad superstition?〃

〃Superstition; my lord?  Nothing less。  Believe a philosopher who has not said a pater or an ave for seven years past at least。  Quod tango credo; is my motto; and though I am bound to say; under pain of the Inquisition; that the most holy Father the Pope has given this land of Ireland to his most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain; Queen Elizabeth having forfeited her title to it by heresy; why; my lord; I believe it as little as you do。  I believe that Ireland would have been mine; if I had won it; I believe religiously that it is not mine; now I have lost it。  What is; is; and a fig for priests; to…day to thee; to…morrow to me。  Addio!〃 And out he swung

〃There goes a most gallant rascal;〃 said the lord deputy。

〃And a most rascally gallant;〃 said Zouch。  〃The murder of his own page; of which I gave him a remembrancer; is among the least of his sins。〃

〃And now; Captain Raleigh;〃 said Lord Grey; as you have been so earnest in preaching this butchery; I have a right to ask none but you to practise it。〃

Raleigh bit his lip; and replied by the 〃quip courteous〃

〃I am at least a man; my lord; who thinks it shame to allow others to do that which I dare not do myself。〃

Lord Grey might probably have returned 〃the countercheck quarrelsome;〃 had not Mackworth risen

〃And I; my lord; being in that matter at least one of Captain Raleigh's kidney; will just go with him to see that he takes no harm by being bold enough to carry out an ugly business; and serving these rascals as their countrymen served Mr。 Oxenham。〃

〃I bid you good morning; then; gentlemen; though I cannot bid you God speed;〃 said Lord Grey; and sitting down again; covered his face with his hands; and; to the astonishment of all bystanders; burst; say the chroniclers; into tears。

Amyas followed Raleigh out。  The latter was pale; but determined; and very wroth against the deputy。

〃Does the man take me for a hangman;〃 said he; 〃that he speaks to me thus?  But such is the way of the great。  If you neglect your duty; they haul you over the coals; if you do it; you must do it on your own responsibility。  Farewell; Amyas; you will not shrink from me as a butcher when I return?〃

〃God forbid! But how will you do it?〃

〃March one company in; and drive them forth; and let the other cut them down as they come out。Pah!〃

              。     。     。     。     。     。     。

It was done。  Right or wrong; it was done。  The shrieks and curses had died away; and the Fort del Oro was a red shambles; which the soldiers were trying to cover from the sight of heaven and earth; by dragging the bodies into the ditch; and covering them with the ruins of the rampart; while the Irish; who had beheld from the woods that awful warning; fled trembling into the deepest recesses of the forest。  It was done; and it never needed to be done again。 The hint was severe; but it was sufficient。  Many years passed before a Spaniard set foot again in Ireland。

The Spanish and Italian officers were spared; and Amyas had Don Guzman Maria Magdalena Sotomayor de Soto duly adjudged to him; as his prize by right of war。  He was; of course; ready enough to fight Sebastian of Modena: but Lord Grey forbade the duel: blood enough had been shed already。  The next question was; where to bestow Don Guzman till his ransom should arrive; and as Amyas could not well deliver the gallant Don into the safe custody of Mrs。 Leigh at Burrough; and still less into that of Frank at Court; he was fain to write to Sir Richard Grenville; and ask his advice; and in the meanwhile keep the Spaniard with him upon parole; which he frankly gave;saying that as for running away; he had nowhere to run to; and as for joining the Irish he had no mind to turn pig; and Amyas found him; as shall be hereafter told; pleasant company enough。  But one morning Raleigh entered

〃I have done you a good turn; Leigh; if you think it one。  I have talked St。 Leger into making you my lieutenant; and giving you the custody of a right pleasant hermitagesome castle Shackatory or other in the midst of a big bog; where time will run swift and smooth with you; between hunting wild Irish; snaring snipes; and drinking yourself drunk with usquebaugh over a turf fire。〃

〃I'll go;〃 quoth Amyas; 〃anything for work。〃  So he went and took possession of his lieutenancy and his black robber tower; and there passed the rest of the winter; fighting or hunting all 
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