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westward ho-第5章

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et firm as granite; with just pout enough of the lower lip to give hint of that capacity of noble indignation which lay hid under its usual courtly calm and sweetness; if there be a defect in the face; it is that the eyes are somewhat small; and close together; and the eyebrows; though delicately arched; and; without a trace of peevishness; too closely pressed down upon them; the complexion is dark; the figure tall and graceful; altogether the likeness of a wise and gallant gentleman; lovely to all good men; awful to all bad men; in whose presence none dare say or do a mean or a ribald thing; whom brave men left; feeling themselves nerved to do their duty better; while cowards slipped away; as bats and owls before the sun。  So he lived and moved; whether in the Court of Elizabeth; giving his counsel among the wisest; or in the streets of Bideford; capped alike by squire and merchant; shopkeeper and sailor; or riding along the moorland roads between his houses of Stow and Bideford; while every woman ran out to her door to look at the great Sir Richard; the pride of North Devon; or; sitting there in the low mullioned window at Burrough; with his cup of malmsey before him; and the lute to which he had just been singing laid across his knees; while the red western sun streamed in upon his high; bland forehead; and soft curling locks; ever the same steadfast; God…fearing; chivalrous man; conscious (as far as a soul so healthy could be conscious) of the pride of beauty; and strength; and valor; and wisdom; and a race and name which claimed direct descent from the grandfather of the Conqueror; and was tracked down the centuries by valiant deeds and noble benefits to his native shire; himself the noblest of his race。  Men said that he was proud; but he could not look round him without having something to be proud of; that he was stern and harsh to his sailors: but it was only when he saw in them any taint of cowardice or falsehood; that he was subject; at moments; to such fearful fits of rage; that he had been seen to snatch the glasses from the table; grind them to pieces in his teeth; and swallow them: but that was only when his indignation had been aroused by some tale of cruelty or oppression; and; above all; by those West Indian devilries of the Spaniards; whom he regarded (and in those days rightly enough) as the enemies of God and man。  Of this last fact Oxenham was well aware; and therefore felt somewhat puzzled and nettled; when; after having asked Mr。 Leigh's leave to take young Amyas with him and set forth in glowing colors the purpose of his voyage; he found Sir Richard utterly unwilling to help him with his suit。

〃Heyday; Sir Richard!  You are not surely gone over to the side of those canting fellows (Spanish Jesuits in disguise; every one of them; they are); who pretended to turn up their noses at Franky Drake; as a pirate; and be hanged to them?〃

〃My friend Oxenham;〃 answered he; in the sententious and measured style of the day; 〃I have always held; as you should know by this; that Mr。 Drake's booty; as well as my good friend Captain Hawkins's; is lawful prize; as being taken from the Spaniard; who is not only hostis humani generis; but has no right to the same; having robbed it violently; by torture and extreme iniquity; from the poor Indian; whom God avenge; as He surely will。〃

〃Amen;〃 said Mrs。 Leigh。

〃I say Amen; too;〃 quoth Oxenham; 〃especially if it please Him to avenge them by English hands。〃

〃And I also;〃 went on Sir Richard; 〃for the rightful owners of the said goods being either miserably dead; or incapable; by reason of their servitude; of ever recovering any share thereof; the treasure; falsely called Spanish; cannot be better bestowed than in building up the state of England against them; our natural enemies; and thereby; in building up the weal of the Reformed Churches throughout the world; and the liberties of all nations; against a tyranny more foul and rapacious than that of Nero or Caligula; which; if it be not the cause of God; I; for one; know not what God's cause is!〃  And; as he warmed in his speech; his eyes flashed very fire。

〃Hark now!〃 said Oxenham; 〃who can speak more boldly than he? and yet he will not help this lad to so noble an adventure。〃

〃You have asked his father and mother; what is their answer?〃

〃Mine is this;〃 said Mr。 Leigh; 〃if it be God's will that my boy should become; hereafter; such a mariner as Sir Richard Grenville; let him go; and God be with him; but let him first bide here at home and be trained; if God give me grace; to become such a gentleman as Sir Richard Grenville。〃

Sir Richard bowed low; and Mrs。 Leigh catching up the last word

〃There; Mr。 Oxenham; you cannot gainsay that; unless you will be discourteous to his worship。  And for methough it be a weak woman's reason; yet it is a mother's: he is my only child。  His elder brother is far away。  God only knows whether I shall see him again; and what are all reports of his virtues and his learning to me; compared to that sweet presence which I daily miss?  Ah! Mr。 Oxenham; my beautiful Joseph is gone; and though he be lord of Pharaoh's household; yet he is far away in Egypt; and you will take Benjamm also!  Ah! Mr。 Oxenham; you have no child; or you would not ask for mine!〃

〃And how do you know that; my sweet madam!〃 said the adventurer; turning first deadly pale; and then glowing red。  Her last words had touched him to the quick in some unexpected place; and rising; he courteously laid her hand to his lips; and said〃I say no more。 Farewell; sweet madam; and God send all men such wives as you。〃

〃And all wives;〃 said she; smiling; 〃such husbands as mine。〃

〃Nay; I will not say that;〃 answered he; with a half sneerand then; 〃Farewell; friend Leighfarewell; gallant Dick Grenville。 God send I see thee Lord High Admiral when I come home。  And yet; why should I come home?  Will you pray for poor Jack; gentles?〃

〃Tut; tut; man! good words;〃 said Leigh; 〃let us drink to our merry meeting before you go。〃  And rising; and putting the tankard of malmsey to his lips; he passed it to Sir Richard; who rose; and saying; 〃To the fortune of a bold mariner and a gallant gentleman;〃 drank; and put the cup into Oxenham's hand。

The adventurer's face was flushed; and his eye wild。  Whether from the liquor he had drunk during the day; or whether from Mrs。 Leigh's last speech; he had not been himself for a few minutes。  He lifted the cup; and was in act to pledge them; when he suddenly dropped it on the table; and pointed; staring and trembling; up and down; and round the room; as if following some fluttering object。

〃There!  Do you see it?  The bird!the bird with the white breast!〃

Each looked at the other; but Leigh; who was a quick…witted man and an old courtier; forced a laugh instantly; and cried〃Nonsense; brave Jack Oxenham!  Leave white birds for men who will show the white feather。  Mrs。 Leigh waits to pledge you。〃

Oxenham recovered himself in a moment; pledged them all round; drinking deep and fiercely; and after hearty farewells; departed; never hinting again at his strange exclamation。

After he was gone; and while Leigh was attending him to the door; Mrs。 Leigh and Grenville kept a fe
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