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westward ho-第38章

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; and for the liberal policy of this age; to see the last ebullitions of Celtic excitability die out harmless and ashamed of itself; and to find that the Irishman; when he is brought as a soldier under the regenerative influence of law; discipline; self…respect; and loyalty; can prove himself a worthy rival of the more stern Norse… Saxon warrior。  God grant that the military brotherhood between Irish and English; which is the special glory of the present war; may be the germ of a brotherhood industrial; political; and hereafter; perhaps; religious also; and that not merely the corpses of heroes; but the feuds and wrongs which have parted them for centuries; may lie buried; once and forever; in the noble graves of Alma and Inkerman。



            〃Far; far from hence      The Adriatic breaks in a warm bay      Among the green Illyrian hills; and there      The sunshine in the happy glens is fair;      And by the sea and in the brakes      The grass is cool; the sea…side air      Buoyant and fresh; the mountain flowers      More virginal and sweet than ours。〃

                             MATTHEW ARNOLD。

And even such are those delightful glens; which cut the high table… land of the confines of Devon and Cornwall; and opening each through its gorge of down and rock; towards the boundless Western Ocean。  Each is like the other; and each is like no other English scenery。  Each has its upright walls; inland of rich oak…wood; nearer the sea of dark green furze; then of smooth turf; then of weird black cliffs which range out right and left far into the deep sea; in castles; spires; and wings of jagged iron…stone。  Each has its narrow strip of fertile meadow; its crystal trout stream winding across and across from one hill…foot to the other; its gray stone mill; with the water sparkling and humming round the dripping wheel; its dark; rock pools above the tide mark; where the salmon… trout gather in from their Atlantic wanderings; after each autumn flood: its ridge of blown sand; bright with golden trefoil and crimson lady's finger; its gray bank of polished pebbles; down which the stream rattles toward the sea below。  Each has its black field of jagged shark's…tooth rock which paves the cove from side to side; streaked with here and there a pink line of shell sand; and laced with white foam from the eternal surge; stretching in parallel lines out to the westward; in strata set upright on edge; or tilted towards each other at strange angles by primeval earthquakes;such is the 〃mouth〃as those coves are called; and such the jaw of teeth which they display; one rasp of which would grind abroad the timbers of the stoutest ship。  To landward; all richness; softness; and peace; to seaward; a waste and howling wilderness of rock and roller; barren to the fisherman; and hopeless to the shipwrecked mariner。

In only one of these 〃mouths〃 is a landing for boats; made possible by a long sea…wall of rock; which protects it from the rollers of the Atlantic; and that mouth is Marsland; the abode of the White Witch; Lucy Passmore; whither; as Sir Richard Grenville rightly judged; the Jesuits were gone。  But before the Jesuits came; two other persons were standing on that lonely beach; under the bright October moon; namely; Rose Salterne and the White Witch herself; for Rose; fevered with curiosity and superstition; and allured by the very wildness and possible danger of the spell; had kept her appointment; and; a few minutes before midnight; stood on the gray shingle beach with her counsellor。

〃You be safe enough here to…night; miss。  My old man is snoring sound abed; and there's no other soul ever sets foot here o' nights; except it be the mermaids now and then。  Goodness; Father; where's our boat?  It ought to be up here on the pebbles。〃

Rose pointed to a strip of sand some forty yards nearer the sea; where the boat lay。

〃Oh; the lazy old villain! he's been round the rocks after pollock this evening; and never taken the trouble to hale the boat up。 I'll trounce him for it when I get home。  I only hope he's made her fast where she is; that's all!  He's more plague to me than ever my money will be。  O deary me!〃

And the goodwife bustled down toward the boat; with Rose behind her。

〃Iss; 'tis fast; sure enough: and the oars aboard too!  Well; I never!  Oh; the lazy thief; to leave they here to be stole!  I'll just sit in the boat; dear; and watch mun; while you go down to the say; for you must be all alone to yourself; you know; or you'll see nothing。  There's the looking…glass; now go; and dip your head three times; and mind you don't look to land or sea before you've said the words; and looked upon the glass。  Now; be quick; it's just upon midnight。〃

And she coiled herself up in the boat; while Rose went faltering down the strip of sand; some twenty yards farther; and there slipping off her clothes; stood shivering and trembling for a moment before she entered the sea。

She was between two walls of rock: that on her left hand; some twenty feet high; hid her in deepest shade; that on her right; though much lower; took the whole blaze of the midnight moon。 Great festoons of live and purple sea…weed hung from it; shading dark cracks and crevices; fit haunts for all the goblins of the sea。  On her left hand; the peaks of the rock frowned down ghastly black; on her right hand; far aloft; the downs slept bright and cold。

The breeze had died away; not even a roller broke the perfect stillness of the cove。  The gulls were all asleep upon the ledges。 Over all was a true autumn silence; a silence which may be heard。 She stood awed; and listened in hope of a sound which might tell her that any living thing beside herself existed。

There was a faint bleat; as of a new…born lamb; high above her head; she started and looked up。  Then a wail from the cliffs; as of a child in pain; answered by another from the opposite rocks。 They were but the passing snipe; and the otter calling to her brood; but to her they were mysterious; supernatural goblins; come to answer to her call。  Nevertheless; they only quickened her expectation; and the witch had told her not to fear them。  If she performed the rite duly; nothing would harm her: but she could hear the beating of her own heart; as she stepped; mirror in hand; into the cold water; waded hastily; as far as she dare; and then stopped aghast。

A ring of flame was round her waist; every limb was bathed in lambent light; all the multitudinous life of the autumn sea; stirred by her approach; had flashed suddenly into glory;

〃And around her the lamps of the sea nymphs;  Myriad fiery globes; swam heaving and panting; and rainbows;  Crimson and azure and emerald; were broken in star…showers; lighting  Far through the wine…dark depths of the crystal; the gardens of Nereus;  Coral and sea…fan and tangle; the blooms and the palms of the ocean。〃

She could see every shell which crawled on the white sand at her feet; every rock…fish which played in and out of the crannies; and stared at her with its broad bright eyes; while the great palmate oarweeds which waved along the chasm; half…seen in the glimmering water; seemed to beckon her down with 
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