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westward ho-第20章

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oad; and also; as is the wont of crooked spirits; Jesuits especially (as three centuries sufficiently testify); only outwitted himself。  For his cousins going merrily; like honest men; along the straight road across the turf; arrived in Appledore; opposite the little 〃Mariner's Rest〃 Inn; just in time to see what Eustace had taken so much trouble to hide from them; namely; four of Mr。 Thomas Leigh's horses standing at the door; held by his groom; saddles and mail…bags on back; and mounting three of them; Eustace Leigh and two strange gentlemen。

〃There's one lie already this morning;〃 growled Amyas; 〃he told us he was going to Northam。〃

〃And we do not know that he has not been there;〃 blandly suggested Frank。

〃Why; you are as bad a Jesuit as he; to help him out with such a fetch。〃

〃He may have changed his mind。〃

〃Bless your pure imagination; my sweet boy;〃 said Amyas; laying his great hand on Frank's head; and mimicking his mother's manner。  〃I say; dear Frank; let's step into this shop and buy a penny…worth of whipcord。〃

〃What do you want with whipcord; man?〃

〃To spin my top; to be sure。〃

〃Top? how long hast had a top?〃

〃I'll buy one; then; and save my conscience; but the upshot of this sport I must see。  Why may not I have an excuse ready made as well as Master Eustace?〃

So saying; he pulled Frank into the little shop; unobserved by the party at the inn…door。

〃What strange cattle has he been importing now?  Look at that three…legged fellow; trying to get aloft on the wrong side。  How he claws at his horse's ribs; like a cat scratching an elder stem!〃

The three…legged man was a tall; meek…looking person; who had bedizened himself with gorgeous garments; a great feather; and a sword so long and broad; that it differed little in size from the very thin and stiff shanks between which it wandered uncomfortably。

〃Young David in Saul's weapons;〃 said Frank。  〃He had better not go in them; for he certainly has not proved them。〃

〃Look; if his third leg is not turned into a tail!  Why does not some one in charity haul in half…a…yard of his belt for him?〃

It was too true; the sword; after being kicked out three or four times from its uncomfortable post between his legs; had returned unconquered; and the hilt getting a little too far back by reason of the too great length of the belt; the weapon took up its post triumphantly behind; standing out point in air; a tail confest; amid the tittering of the ostlers; and the cheers of the sailors。

At last the poor man; by dint of a chair; was mounted safely; while his fellow…stranger; a burly; coarse…looking man; equally gay; and rather more handy; made so fierce a rush at his saddle; that; like 〃vaulting ambition who o'erleaps his selle;〃 he 〃fell on t'other side:〃 or would have fallen; had he not been brought up short by the shoulders of the ostler at his off…stirrup。  In which shock off came hat and feather。

〃Pardie; the bulldog…faced one is a fighting man。  Dost see; Frank? he has had his head broken。〃

〃That scar came not; my son; but by a pair of most Catholic and apostolic scissors。  My gentle buzzard; that is a priest's tonsure。〃

〃Hang the dog!  O; that the sailors may but see it; and put him over the quay head。  I've a half mind to go and do it myself。〃

〃My dear Amyas;〃 said Frank; laying two fingers on his arm; 〃these men; whosoever they are; are the guests of our uncle; and therefore the guests of our family。  Ham gained little by publishing Noah's shame; neither shall we; by publishing our uncle's。〃

〃Murrain on you; old Franky; you never let a man speak his mind; and shame the devil。〃

〃I have lived long enough in courts; old Amyas; without a murrain on you; to have found out; first; that it is not so easy to shame the devil; and secondly; that it is better to outwit him; and the only way to do that; sweet chuck; is very often not to speak your mind at all。  We will go down and visit them at Chapel in a day or two; and see if we cannot serve these reynards as the badger did the fox; when he found him in his hole; and could not get him out by evil savors。〃

〃How then?〃

〃Stuck a sweet nosegay in the door; which turned reynard's stomach at once; and so overcame evil with good。〃

〃Well; thou art too good for this world; that's certain; so we will go home to breakfast。  Those rogues are out of sight by now。〃

Nevertheless; Amyas was not proof against the temptation of going over to the inn…door; and asking who were the gentlemen who went with Mr。 Leigh

〃Gentlemen of Wales;〃 said the ostler; 〃who came last night in a pinnace from Milford…haven; and their names; Mr。 Morgan Evans and Mr。 Evan Morgans。〃

Mr。 Judas Iscariot and Mr。 Iscariot Judas;〃 said Amyas between his teeth; and then observed aloud; that the Welsh gentlemen seemed rather poor horsemen。

〃So I said to Mr。 Leigh's groom; your worship。  But he says that those parts be so uncommon rough and mountainous; that the poor gentlemen; you see; being enforced to hunt on foot; have no such opportunities as young gentlemen hereabout; like your worship; whom God preserve; and send a virtuous lady; and one worthy of you。〃

〃Thou hast a villainously glib tongue; fellow!〃 said Amyas; who was thoroughly out of humor; 〃and a sneaking down visage too; when I come to look at you。  I doubt but you are a Papist too; I do!〃

〃Well; sir! and what if I am!  I trust I don't break the queen's laws by that。  If I don't attend Northam church; I pay my month's shilling for the use of the poor; as the act directs; and beyond that; neither you nor any man dare demand of me。〃

〃Dare! act directs!  You rascally lawyer; you! and whence does an ostler like you get your shilling to pay withal?  Answer me。〃  The examinate found it so difficult to answer the question; that he suddenly became afflicted with deafness。

〃Do you hear?〃 roared Amyas; catching at him with his lion's paw。

〃Yes; missus; anon; anon; missus!〃 quoth he to an imaginary landlady inside; and twisting under Amyas's hand like an eel; vanished into the house; while Frank got the hot…headed youth away。

〃What a plague is one to do; then?  That fellow was a Papist spy!〃

〃Of course he was!〃 said Frank。

〃Then; what is one to do; if the whole country is full of them?〃

〃Not to make fools of ourselves about them; and so leave them to make fools of themselves。〃

〃That's all very fine: butwell; I shall remember the villain's face if I see him again。〃

〃There is no harm in that;〃 said Frank。

〃Glad you think so。〃

〃Don't quarrel with me; Amyas; the first day。〃

〃Quarrel with thee; my darling old fellow!  I had sooner kiss the dust off thy feet; if I were worthy of it。  So now away home; my inside cries cupboard。〃

In the meanwhile Messrs。 Evans and Morgans were riding away; as fast as the rough by…lanes would let them; along the fresh coast of the bay; steering carefully clear of Northam town on the one hand; and on the other; of Portledge; where dwelt that most Protestant justice of the peace; Mr。 Coffin。  And it was well for them that neither Amyas Leigh; nor indeed any other loyal Englishman; was by when they entered; as they shortly did; the lonely woods which stretch along the southern wall of 
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