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westward ho-第187章

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〃At your service; sir whosoever you may be。〃

A dozen muskets and arrows are levelled at him; but Amyas frowns them down。  〃No man strikes him but I。  Spare him; if you kill every other soul on board。  Don Guzman!  I am Captain Sir Amyas Leigh; I proclaim you a traitor and a ravisher; and challenge you once more to single combat; when and where you will。〃

〃You are welcome to come on board me; sir;〃 answers the Spaniard; in a clear; quiet tone; 〃bringing with you this answer; that you lie in your throat;〃 and lingering a moment out of bravado; to arrange his scarf; he steps slowly down again behind the bulwarks。

〃Coward!〃 shouts Amyas at the top of his voice。

The Spaniard re…appears instantly。  〃Why that name; senor; of all others?〃 asks he in a cool; stern voice。

〃Because we call men cowards in England; who leave their wives to be burnt alive by priests。〃

The moment the words had passed Amyas's lips; he felt that they were cruel and unjust。  But it was too late to recall them。  The Spaniard started; clutched his sword…hilt; and then hissed back through his closed vizor;

〃For that word; sirrah; you hang at my yardarm; if Saint Mary gives me grace。〃

〃See that your halter be a silken one; then;〃 laughed Amyas; 〃for I am just dubbed knight。〃  And he stepped down as a storm of bullets rang through the rigging round his head; the Spaniards are not as punctilious as he。

〃Fire!〃  His ordnance crash through the stern…works of the Spaniard; and then he sails onward; while her balls go humming harmlessly through his rigging。

Half…an…hour has passed of wild noise and fury; three times has the Vengeance; as a dolphin might; sailed clean round and round the Sta。 Catharina; pouring in broadside after broadside; till the guns are leaping to the deck…beams with their own heat; and the Spaniard's sides are slit and spotted in a hundred places。  And yet; so high has been his fire in return; and so strong the deck defences of the Vengeance; that a few spars broken; and two or three men wounded by musketry; are all her loss。  But still the Spaniard endures; magnificent as ever; it is the battle of the thresher and the whale; the end is certain; but the work is long。

〃Can I help you; Captain Leigh?〃 asked Lord Henry Seymour; as he passes within oar's length of him; to attack a ship ahead。  〃The San Matthew has had his dinner; and is gone on to Medina to ask for a digestive to it。〃

〃I thank your lordship: but this is my private quarrel; of which I spoke。  But if your lordship could lend me powder〃

〃Would that I could!  But so; I fear; says every other gentleman in the fleet。〃

A puff of wind clears away the sulphurous veil for a moment; the sea is clear of ships towards the land; the Spanish fleet are moving again up Channel; Medina bringing up the rear; only some two miles to their right hand; the vast hull of the San Philip is drifting up the shore with the tide; and somewhat nearer the San Matthew is hard at work at her pumps。  They can see the white stream of water pouring down her side。

〃Go in; my lord; and have the pair;〃 shouts Amyas。

〃No; sir!  Forward is a Seymour's cry。  We will leave them to pay the Flushingers' expenses。  And on went Lord Henry; and on shore went the San Philip at Ostend; to be plundered by the Flushingers; while the San Matthew; whose captain; 〃on a hault courage;〃 had refused to save himself and his gentlemen on board Medina's ship; went blundering miserably into the hungry mouths of Captain Peter Vanderduess and four other valiant Dutchmen; who; like prudent men of Holland; contrived to keep the galleon afloat till they had emptied her; and then 〃hung up her banner in the great church of Leyden; being of such a length; that being fastened to the roof; it reached unto the very ground。〃

But in the meanwhile; long ere the sun had set; comes down the darkness of the thunderstorm; attracted; as to a volcano's mouth; to that vast mass of sulphur…smoke which cloaks the sea for many a mile; and heaven's artillery above makes answer to man's below。 But still; through smoke and rain; Amyas clings to his prey。  She too has seen the northward movement of the Spanish fleet; and sets her topsails; Amyas calls to the men to fire high; and cripple her rigging: but in vain: for three or four belated galleys; having forced their way at last over the shallows; come flashing and sputtering up to the combatants; and take his fire off the galleon。 Amyas grinds his teeth; and would fain hustle into the thick of the press once more; in spite of the galleys' beaks。

〃Most heroical captain;〃 says cary; pulling a long face; 〃if we do; we are stove and sunk in five minutes; not to mention that Yeo says he has not twenty rounds of great cartridge left。〃

So; surely and silent; the Vengeance sheers off; but keeps as near as she can to the little squadron; all through the night of rain and thunder which follows。  Next morning the sun rises on a clear sky; with a strong west…north…west breeze; and all hearts are asking what the day will bring forth。

They are long past Dunkirk now; the German Ocean is opening before them。  The Spaniards; sorely battered; and lessened in numbers; have; during the night; regained some sort of order。  The English hang on their skirts a mile or two behind。  They have no ammunition; and must wait for more。  To Amyas's great disgust; the Sta。 Catharina has rejoined her fellows during the night。

〃Never mind;〃 says Cary; 〃she can neither dive nor fly; and as long as she is above water; we  What is the admiral about?〃

He is signalling Lord Henry Seymour and his squadron。  Soon they tack; and come down the wind for the coast of Flanders。  Parma must be blockaded still; and the Hollanders are likely to be too busy with their plunder to do it effectually。  Suddenly there is a stir in the Spanish fleet。  Medina and the rearmost ships turn upon the English。  What can it mean?  Will they offer battle once more?  If so; it were best to get out of their way; for we have nothing wherewith to fight them。  So the English lie close to the wind。 They will let them pass; and return to their old tactic of following and harassing。

〃Good…bye to Seymour;〃 says Cary; 〃if he is caught between them and Parma's flotilla。  They are going to Dunkirk。〃

〃Impossible!  They will not have water enough to reach his light craft。  Here comes a big ship right upon us!  Give him all you have left; lads; and if he will fight us; lay him alongside; and die boarding。〃

They gave him what they had; and hulled him with every shot; but his huge side stood silent as the grave。  He had not wherewithal to return the compliment。

〃As I live; he is cutting loose the foot of his mainsail! the villain means to run。〃

〃There go the rest of them! Victoria!〃 shouted Cary; as one after another; every Spaniard set all the sail he could。

There was silence for a few minutes throughout the English fleet; and then cheer upon cheer of triumph rent the skies。  It was over。 The Spaniard had refused battle; and thinking only of safety; was pressing downward toward the Straits again。  The Invincible Armada had cast away its name; and England was saved。

〃But he will never get there; sir;〃 said old Yeo; who had
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