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westward ho-第182章

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〃Captain Fleming; as I'm a sinner。〃

〃Fleming?  Is he tired of life; that he com'th here to look for a halter?  I've a warrant out against mun; for robbing of two Flushingers on the high seas; now this very last year。  Is the fellow mazed or drunk; then? or has he seen a ghost?  Look to mun!〃

〃I think so; truly;〃 said Drake。  〃His eyes are near out of his head。〃

The man was a rough…bearded old sea…dog; who had just burst in from the tavern through the low hatch; upsetting a drawer with all his glasses; and now came panting and blowing straight up to the high admiral;

〃My lord; my lord!  They'm coming!  I saw them off the Lizard last night!〃

〃Who? my good sir; who seem to have left your manners behind you。〃

〃The Armada; your worshipthe Spaniard; but as for my manners; 'tis no fault of mine; for I never had none to leave behind me。〃

〃If he has not left his manners behind;〃 quoth Hawkins; 〃look out for your purses; gentlemen all!  He's manners enough; and very bad ones they be; when he com'th across a quiet Flushinger。〃

〃If I stole Flushingers' wines; I never stole negurs' souls; Jack Hawkins; so there's your answer。  My lord; hang me if you will; life's short and death's easy 'specially to seamen; but if I didn't see the Spanish fleet last sun…down; coming along half…moon wise; and full seven mile from wing to wing; within a four mile of me; I'm a sinner。〃

〃Sirrah;〃 said Lord Howard; 〃is this no fetch; to cheat us out of your pardon for these piracies of yours?〃

〃You'll find out for yourself before nightfall; my lord high admiral。  All Jack Fleming says is; that this is a poor sort of an answer to a man who has put his own neck into the halter for the sake of his country。〃

〃Perhaps it is;〃 said Lord Howard。  〃And after all; gentlemen; what can this man gain by a lie; which must be discovered ere a day is over; except a more certain hanging?〃

〃Very true; your lordship;〃 said Hawkins; mollified。  〃Come here; Jack Flemingwhat wilt drain; man?  Hippocras or Alicant; Sack or John Barleycorn; and a pledge to thy repentance and amendment of life。〃

〃Admiral Hawkins; Admiral Hawkins; this is no time for drinking。〃

〃Why not; then; my lord?  Good news should be welcomed with good wine。  Frank; send down to the sexton; and set the bells a…ringing to cheer up all honest hearts。  Why; my lord; if it were not for the gravity of my office; I could dance a galliard for joy!〃

〃Well; you may dance; port admiral: but I must go and plan; but God give to all captains such a heart as yours this day!〃

〃And God give all generals such a head as yours!  Come; Frank Drake; we'll play the game out before we move。  It will be two good days before we shall be fit to tackle them; so an odd half…hour don't matter。〃

〃I must command the help of your counsel; vice…admiral;〃 said Lord Charles; turning to Drake。

〃And it's this; my good lord;〃 said Drake; looking up; as he aimed his bowl。  〃They'll come soon enough for us to show them sport; and yet slow enough for us to be ready; so let no man hurry himself。 And as example is better than precept; here goes。〃

Lord Howard shrugged his shoulders; and departed; knowing two things: first; that to move Drake was to move mountains; and next; that when the self…taught hero did bestir himself; he would do more work in an hour than any one else in a day。  So he departed; followed hastily by most of the captains; and Drake said in a low voice to Hawkins:

〃Does he think we are going to knock about on a lee…shore all the afternoon and run our noses at nightand dead up…wind; toointo the Dons' mouths?  No; Jack; my friend。  Let Orlando…Furioso… punctilio…fire…eaters go and get their knuckles rapped。  The following game is the game; and not the meeting one。  The dog goes after the sheep; and not afore them; lad。  Let them go by; and go by; and stick to them well to windward; and pick up stragglers; and pickings; too; Jackthe prizes; Jack!〃

〃Trust my old eyes for not being over…quick at seeing signals; if I be hanging in the skirts of a fat…looking Don。  We'm the eagles; Drake; and where the carcase is; is our place; eh?〃

And so the two old sea…dogs chatted on; while their companions dropped off one by one; and only Amyas remained。

〃Eh; Captain Leigh; where's my boy Dick?〃

〃Gone off with his lordship; Sir John。〃

〃On his punctilios too; I suppose; the young slashed…breeks。  He's half a Don; that fellow; with his fine scholarship; and his fine manners; and his fine clothes。  He'll get a taking down before he dies; unless he mends。  Why ain't you gone too; sir?〃

〃I follow my leader;〃 said Amyas; filling his pipe。

〃Well said; my big man;〃 quoth Drake。  〃If I could lead you round the world; I can lead you up Channel; can't I?Eh? my little bantam…cock of the Orinoco?  Drink; lad!  You're over…sad to…day。〃

〃Not a whit;〃 said Amyas。  〃Only I can't help wondering whether I shall find him after all。〃

〃Whom?  That Don?  We'll find him for you; if he's in the fleet。 We'll squeeze it out of our prisoners somehow。  Eh; Hawkins?  I thought all the captains had promised to send you news if they heard of him。〃

〃Ay; but it's ill looking for a needle in a haystack。  But I shall find him。  I am a coward to doubt it;〃 said Amyas; setting his teeth。

〃There; vice…admiral; you're beaten; and that's the rubber。  Pay up three dollars; old high…flyer; and go and earn more; like an honest adventurer。〃

〃Well;〃 said Drake; as he pulled out his purse; 〃we'll walk down now; and see about these young hot…heads。  As I live; they are setting to tow the ships out already!  Breaking the men's backs over…night; to make them fight the lustier in the morning!  Well; well; they haven't sailed round the world; Jack Hawkins。〃

〃Or had to run home from San Juan d'Ulloa with half a crew。

〃Well; if we haven't to run out with half crews。  I saw a sight of our lads drunk about this morning。〃

〃The more reason for waiting till they be sober。  Besides; if everybody's caranting about to once each after his own men; nobody'll find nothing in such a scrimmage as that。  Bye; bye; Uncle Martin。  We'm going to blow the Dons up now in earnest。〃



〃Britannia needs no bulwarks;    No towers along the steep; Her march is o'er the mountain wave;    Her home is on the deep。〃

   CAMPBELL; Ye Mariners of England。

And now began that great sea…fight which was to determine whether Popery and despotism; or Protestantism and freedom; were the law which God had appointed for the half of Europe; and the whole of future America。  It is a twelve days' epic; worthy; as I said in the beginning of this book; not of dull prose; but of the thunder… roll of Homer's verse: but having to tell it; I must do my best; rather using; where I can; the words of contemporary authors than my own。

〃The Lord High Admirall of England; sending a pinnace before; called the Defiance; denounced war by discharging her ordnance; and presently approaching with in musquet…shot; with much thundering out of his own ship; called the Arkroyall (alias the Triumph); first set upon the admirall's; as he thought; of the Spaniards (but it was Alfonso de Leon's ship。  Soon after; Drake; H
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