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westward ho-第17章

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And no wonder; for over and above all the excitement of the day; the recollection of John Oxenham had taken strange possession of his mind; and all that evening; as he sat in the bay…windowed room where he had seen him last; Amyas was recalling to himself every look and gesture of the lost adventurer; and wondering at himself for so doing; till he retired to sleep; only to renew the fancy in his dreams。  At last he found himself; he knew not how; sailing westward ever; up the wake of the setting sun; in chase of a tiny sail which was John Oxenham's。  Upon him was a painful sense that; unless he came up with her in time; something fearful would come to pass; but the ship would not sail。  All around floated the sargasso beds; clogging her bows with their long snaky coils of weed; and still he tried to sail; and tried to fancy that he was sailing; till the sun went down and all was utter dark。  And then the moon arose; and in a moment John Oxenham's ship was close aboard; her sails were torn and fluttering; the pitch was streaming from her sides; her bulwarks were rotting to decay。  And what was that line of dark objects dangling along the mainyard?A line of hanged men! And; horror of horrors; from the yard…arm close above him; John Oxenham's corpse looked down with grave…light eyes; and beckoned and pointed; as if to show him his way; and strove to speak; and could not; and pointed still; not forward; but back along their course。  And when Amyas looked back; behold; behind him was the snow range of the Andes glittering in the moon; and he knew that he was in the South Seas once more; and that all America was between him and home。  And still the corpse kept pointing back; and back; and looking at him with yearning eyes of agony; and lips which longed to tell some awful secret; till he sprang up; and woke with a shout of terror; and found himself lying in the little coved chamber in dear old Burrough; with the gray autumn morning already stealing in。

Feverish and excited; he tried in vain to sleep again; and after an hour's tossing; rose and dressed; and started for a bathe on his beloved old pebble ridge。  As he passed his mother's door; he could not help looking in。  The dim light of morning showed him the bed; but its pillow had not been pressed that night。  His mother; in her long white night…dress; was kneeling at the other end of the chamber at her prie…dieu; absorbed in devotion。  Gently he slipped in without a word; and knelt down at her side。  She turned; smiled; passed her arm around him; and went on silently with her prayers。 Why not?  They were for him; and he knew it; and prayed also; and his prayers were for her; and for poor lost John Oxenham; and all his vanished crew。

At last she rose; and standing above him; parted the yellow locks from off his brow; and looked long and lovingly into his face。 There was nothing to be spoken; for there was nothing to be concealed between these two souls as clear as glass。  Each knew all which the other meant; each knew that its own thoughts were known。 At last the mutual gaze was over; she stooped and kissed him on the brow; and was in the act to turn away; as a tear dropped on his forehead。  Her little bare feet were peeping out from under her dress。  He bent down and kissed them again and again; and then looking up; as if to excuse himself;

〃You have such pretty feet; mother!〃

Instantly; with a woman's instinct; she had hidden them。  She had been a beauty once; as I said; and though her hair was gray; and her roses had faded long ago; she was beautiful still; in all eyes which saw deeper than the mere outward red and white。

〃Your dear father used to say so thirty years ago。〃

〃And I say so still: you always were beautiful; you are beautiful now。〃

〃What is that to you; silly boy?  Will you play the lover with an old mother?  Go and take your walk; and think of younger ladies; if you can find any worthy of you。〃

And so the son went forth; and the mother returned to her prayers。

He walked down to the pebble ridge; where the surges of the bay have defeated their own fury; by rolling up in the course of ages a rampart of gray boulder…stones; some two miles long; as cunningly curved; and smoothed; and fitted; as if the work had been done by human hands; which protects from the high tides of spring and autumn a fertile sheet of smooth; alluvial turf。  Sniffing the keen salt air like a young sea…dog; he stripped and plunged into the breakers; and dived; and rolled; and tossed about the foam with stalwart arms; till he heard himself hailed from off the shore; and looking up; saw standing on the top of the rampart the tall figure of his cousin Eustace。

Amyas was half…disappointed at his coming; for; love…lorn rascal; he had been dreaming all the way thither of Rose Salterne; and had no wish for a companion who would prevent his dreaming of her all the way back。  Nevertheless; not having seen Eustace for three years; it was but civil to scramble out and dress; while his cousin walked up and down upon the turf inside。

Eustace Leigh was the son of a younger brother of Leigh of Burrough; who had more or less cut himself off from his family; and indeed from his countrymen; by remaining a Papist。  True; though born a Papist; he had not always been one; for; like many of the gentry; he had become a Protestant under Edward the Sixth; and then a Papist again under Mary。  But; to his honor be it said; at that point he had stopped; having too much honesty to turn Protestant a second time; as hundreds did; at Elizabeth's accession。  So a Papist he remained; living out of the way of the world in a great; rambling; dark house; still called 〃Chapel;〃 on the Atlantic cliffs; in Moorwinstow parish; not far from Sir Richard Grenville's house of Stow。  The penal laws never troubled him; for; in the first place; they never troubled any one who did not make conspiracy and rebellion an integral doctrine of his religious creed; and next; they seldom troubled even them; unless; fired with the glory of martyrdom; they bullied the long…suffering of Elizabeth and her council into giving them their deserts; and; like poor Father Southwell in after years; insisted on being hanged; whether Burleigh liked or not。  Moreover; in such a no…man's…land and end…of…all…the…earth was that old house at Moorwinstow; that a dozen conspiracies might have been hatched there without any one hearing of it; and Jesuits and seminary priests skulked in and out all the year round; unquestioned though unblest; and found a sort of piquant pleasure; like naughty boys who have crept into the store…closet; in living in mysterious little dens in a lonely turret; and going up through a trap…door to celebrate mass in a secret chamber in the roof; where they were allowed by the powers that were to play as much as they chose at persecuted saints; and preach about hiding in dens and caves of the earth。  For once; when the zealous parson of Moorwinstow; having discovered (what everybody knew already) the existence of 〃mass priests and their idolatry〃 at Chapel House; made formal complaint thereof to Sir Richard; and called on him; as the nearest justice of the peace; to put in force the act of the fourteenth of Elizabet
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