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westward ho-第155章

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〃Ah!it may buy the red hat yet!Omnia Romae venalia!  Put it by; Tita; and do not look at it too much; child。  Enter not into temptation。  The love of money is the root of all evil; and Heaven; in love for the Indian; has made him poor in this world; that he may be rich in faith。  Ah!Ugh!So!〃

And the old miser clambered into his hammock。  Tita drew the mosquito net over him; wrapt another round her own head; and slept; or seemed to sleep; for she coiled herself up upon the floor; and master and slave soon snored a merry bass to the treble of the mosquitoes。

It was long past midnight; and the moon was down。  The sentinels; who had tramped and challenged overhead till they thought their officers were sound asleep; had slipped out of the unwholesome rays of the planet to seek that health and peace which they considered their right; and slept as soundly as the bishop's self。

Two long lines glided out from behind the isolated rocks of the Morro Grande; which bounded the bay some five hundred yards astern of the galleon。  They were almost invisible on the glittering surface of the water; being perfectly white; and; had a sentinel been looking out; he could only have descried them by the phosphorescent flashes along their sides。

Now the bishop had awoke; and turned himself over uneasily; for the wine was dying out within him; and his shoulders had slipped down; and his heels up; and his head ached! so he sat upright in his hammock; looked out upon the bay; and called Tita。

〃Put another pillow under my head; child!  What is that? a fish?〃

Tita looked。  She did not think it was a fish: but she did not choose to say so; for it might have produced an argument; and she had her reasons for not keeping his holiness awake。

The bishop looked again; settled that it must be a white whale; or shark; or other monster of the deep; crossed himself; prayed for a safe voyage; and snored once more。

Presently the cabin…door opened gently; and the head of the senor intendant appeared。

Tita sat up; and then began crawling like a snake along the floor; among the chairs and tables; by the light of the cabin lamp。

〃Is he asleep?〃

〃Yes: but the casket is under his head。〃

〃Curse him!  How shall we take it?〃

〃I brought him a fresh pillow half…an…hour ago; I hung his hammock wrong on purpose that he might want one。  I thought to slip the box away as I did it; but the old ox nursed it in both hands all the while。〃

〃What shall we do; in the name of all the fiends?  She sails to… morrow morning; and then all is lost。〃

Tita showed her white teeth; and touched the dagger which hung by the intendant's side。

〃I dare not!〃 said the rascal; with a shudder。

〃I dare!〃 said she。  〃He whipt my mother; because she would not give me up to him to be taught in his schools; when she went to the mines。  And she went to the mines; and died there in three months。 I saw her go; with a chain round her neck; but she never came back again。  Yes; I dare kill him!  I will kill him!  I will!〃

The senor felt his mind much relieved。  He had no wish; of course; to commit the murder himself; for he was a good Catholic; and feared the devil。  But Tita was an Indian; and her being lost did not matter so much。  Indians' souls were cheap; like their bodies。 So he answered; 〃But we shall be discovered!〃

〃I will leap out of the window with the casket; and swim ashore。 They will never suspect you; and they will fancy I am drowned。〃

〃The sharks may seize you; Tita。  You had better give me the casket。〃

Tita smiled。  〃You would not like to lose that; eh? though you care little about losing me。  And yet you told me that you loved me!〃

〃And I do love you; Tita! light of my eyes! life of my heart!  I swear; by all the saints; I love you。  I will marry you; I swear I willI will swear on the crucifix; if you like!〃

〃Swear; then; or I do not give you the casket;〃 said she; holding out the little crucifix round her neck; and devouring him with the wild eyes of passionate unreasoning tropic love。

He swore; trembling; and deadly pale。

〃Give me your dagger。〃

〃No; not mine。  It may be found。  I shall be suspected。  What if my sheath were seen to be empty?〃

〃Your knife will do。  His throat is soft enough。〃

And she glided stealthily as a cat toward the hammock; while her cowardly companion stood shivering at the other end of the cabin; and turned his back to her; that he might not see the deed。

He stood waiting; one minutetwofive?  Was it an hour; rather? A cold sweat bathed his limbs; the blood beat so fiercely within his temples; that his head rang again。  Was that a death…bell tolling?  No; it was the pulses of his brain。  Impossible; surely; a death…bell。  Whence could it come?

There was a struggleah! she was about it now; a stifled cryAh! he had dreaded that most of all; to hear the old man cry。  Would there be much blood?  He hoped not。  Another struggle; and Tita's voice; apparently muffled; called for help。

〃I cannot help you。  Mother of Mercies!  I dare not help you!〃 hissed he。  〃She…devil! you have begun it; and you must finish it yourself!〃

A heavy arm from behind clasped his throat。  The bishop had broken loose from her and seized him!  Or was it his ghost? or a fiend come to drag him down to the pit?  And forgetting all but mere wild terror; he opened his lips for a scream; which would have wakened every soul on board。  But a handkerchief was thrust into his mouth and in another minute he found himself bound hand and foot; and laid upon the table by a gigantic enemy。  The cabin was full of armed men; two of whom were lashing up the bishop in his hammock; two more had seized Tita; and more were clambering up into the stern…gallery beyond; wild figures; with bright blades and armor gleaming in the starlight。

〃Now; Will;〃 whispered the giant who had seized him; 〃forward and clap the fore…hatches on; and shout Fire! with all your might。 Girl! murderess! your life is in my hands。  Tell me where the commander sleeps; and I pardon you。〃

Tita looked up at the huge speaker; and obeyed in silence。  The intendant heard him enter the colonel's cabin; and then a short scuffle; and silence for a moment。

But only for a moment; for already the alarm had been given; and mad confusion reigned through every deck。  Amyas (for it was none other) had already gained the poop; the sentinels were gagged and bound; and every half…naked wretch who came trembling up on deck in his shirt by the main hatchway; calling one; 〃Fire! another; 〃Wreck!〃 and another; 〃Treason!〃 was hurled into the scuppers; and there secured。

〃Lower away that boat!〃 shouted Amyas in Spanish to his first batch of prisoners。

The men; unarmed and naked; could but obey。

〃Now then; jump in。  Here; hand them to the gangway as they come up。

It was done; and as each appeared he was kicked to the scuppers; and bundled down over the side。

〃She's full。  Cast loose now and off with you。  If you try to board again we'll sink you。〃

〃Fire! fire!〃 shouted Cary; forward。  〃Up the main hatchway for your lives!〃

The ruse succeeded utterly; and before half…an…hour was over; all the ship's boats which could be lowered were filled with Spaniards in their 
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