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westward ho-第14章

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nces; as well as her resemblance to the fair youth; proclaimed her at once his mother; Mrs。 Leigh herself。

Master Frank; for he it was; was dressed in the very extravagance of the fashion;not so much from vanity; as from that delicate instinct of self…respect which would keep some men spruce and spotless from one year's end to another upon a desert island; 〃for;〃 as Frank used to say in his sententious way; 〃Mr。 Frank Leigh at least beholds me; though none else be by; and why should I be more discourteous to him than I permit others to be?  Be sure that he who is a Grobian in his own company; will; sooner or later; become a Grobian in that of his friends。〃

So Mr。 Frank was arrayed spotlessly; but after the latest fashion of Milan; not in trunk hose and slashed sleeves; nor in 〃French standing collar; treble quadruple daedalian ruff; or stiff…necked rabato; that had more arches for pride; propped up with wire and timber; than five London Bridges;〃 but in a close…fitting and perfectly plain suit of dove…color; which set off cunningly the delicate proportions of his figure; and the delicate hue of his complexion; which was shaded from the sun by a broad dove…colored Spanish hat; with feather to match; looped up over the right ear with a pearl brooch; and therein a crowned E; supposed by the damsels of Bideford to stand for Elizabeth; which was whispered to be the gift of some most illustrious hand。  This same looping up was not without good reason and purpose prepense; thereby all the world had full view of a beautiful little ear; which looked as if it had been cut of cameo; and made; as my Lady Rich once told him; 〃to hearken only to the music of the spheres; or to the chants of cherubim。〃  Behind the said ear was stuck a fresh rose; and the golden hair was all drawn smoothly back and round to the left temple; whence; tied with a pink ribbon in a great true lover's knot; a mighty love…lock; 〃curled as it had been laid in press;〃 rolled down low upon his bosom。  Oh; Frank! Frank! have you come out on purpose to break the hearts of all Bideford burghers' daughters?  And if so; did you expect to further that triumph by dyeing that pretty little pointed beard (with shame I report it) of a bright vermilion?  But we know you better; Frank; and so does your mother; and you are but a masquerading angel after all; in spite of your knots and your perfumes; and the gold chain round your neck which a German princess gave you; and the emerald ring on your right fore…finger which Hatton gave you; and the pair of perfumed gloves in your left which Sidney's sister gave you; and the silver…hilted Toledo which an Italian marquis gave you on a certain occasion of which you never choose to talk; like a prudent and modest gentleman as you are; but of which the gossips talk; of course; all the more; and whisper that you saved his life from bravoesa dozen; at the least; and had that sword for your reward; and might have had his beautiful sister's hand beside; and I know not what else; but that you had so many lady…loves already that you were loath to burden yourself with a fresh one。  That; at least; we know to be a lie; fair Frank; for your heart is as pure this day as when you knelt in your little crib at Burrough; and said

     〃Four corners to my bed       Four angels round my head;       Matthew; Mark; Luke; and John;       Bless the bed that I lie on。〃

And who could doubt it (if being pure themselves; they have instinctive sympathy with what is pure); who ever looked into those great deep blue eyes of yours; 〃the black fringed curtains of whose azure lids;〃 usually down…dropt as if in deepest thought; you raise slowly; almost wonderingly each time you speak; as if awakening from some fair dream whose home is rather in your platonical 〃eternal world of supra…sensible forms;〃 than on that work…day earth wherein you nevertheless acquit yourself so well?  ThereI must stop describing you; or I shall catch the infection of your own euphuism; and talk of you as you would have talked of Sidney or of Spenser; or of that Swan of Avon; whose song had just begun when yoursbut I will not anticipate; my Lady Bath is waiting to give you her rejoinder。

〃Ah; my silver…tongued scholar! and are you; then; the poet? or have you been drawing on the inexhaustible bank of your friend Raleigh; or my cousin Sidney? or has our new Cygnet Immerito lent you a few unpublished leaves from some fresh Shepherd's Calendar?〃

〃Had either; madam; of that cynosural triad been within call of my most humble importunities; your ears had been delectate with far nobler melody。〃

〃But not our eyes with fairer faces; eh?  Well; you have chosen your nymphs; and had good store from whence to pick; I doubt not。 Few young Dulcineas round but must have been glad to take service under so renowned a captain?〃

〃The only difficulty; gracious countess; has been to know where to fix the wandering choice of my bewildered eyes; where all alike are fair; and all alike facund。〃

〃We understand;〃 said she; smiling;

     〃Dan Cupid; choosing 'midst his mother's graces;       Himself more fair; made scorn of fairest faces。〃

The young scholar capped her distich forthwith; and bowing to her with a meaning look;

    〃'Then; Goddess; turn;' he cried; 'and veil thy light;       Blinded by thine; what eyes can choose aright?'〃

〃Go; saucy sir;〃 said my lady; in high glee: 〃the pageant stays your supreme pleasure。〃

And away went Mr。 Frank as master of the revels; to bring up the 'prentices' pageant; while; for his sake; the nymph of Torridge was forgotten for awhile by all young dames; and most young gentlemen: and his mother heaved a deep sigh; which Lady Bath overhearing

〃What? in the dumps; good madam; while all are rejoicing in your joy?  Are you afraid that we court…dames shall turn your Adonis's brain for him?〃

〃I do; indeed; fear lest your condescension should make him forget that he is only a poor squire's orphan。〃

〃I will warrant him never to forget aught that he should recollect;〃 said my Lady Bath。

And she spoke truly。  But soon Frank's silver voice was heard calling out

〃Room there; good people; for the gallant 'prentice lads!〃

And on they came; headed by a giant of buckram and pasteboard armor; forth of whose stomach looked; like a clock…face in a steeple; a human visage; to be greeted; as was the fashion then; by a volley of quips and puns from high and low。

Young Mr。 William Cary; of Clovelly; who was the wit of those parts; opened the fire by asking him whether he were Goliath; Gogmagog; or Grantorto in the romance; for giants' names always began with a G。  To which the giant's stomach answered pretty surlily

〃Mine don't; I begin with an O。〃

〃Then thou criest out before thou art hurt; O cowardly giant!〃

〃Let me out; lads;〃 quoth the irascible visage; struggling in his buckram prison; 〃and I soon show him whether I be a coward。〃

〃Nay; if thou gettest out of thyself; thou wouldst be beside thyself; and so wert but a mad giant。〃

〃And that were pity;〃 said Lady Bath; 〃for by the romances; giants have never overmuch wit to spare。〃

〃Mercy; dear lady!〃 said Frank; 〃and let the giant begin with an O。〃

〃A 〃

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