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westward ho-第123章

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never could bestow。  The black…plumed senor was obeyed; but the golden…locked Amyas was followed; and would have been followed through the jaws of hell。

The Spaniards; ere five minutes had passed; poured en masse into the Rose's waist; but only to their destruction。  Between the poop and forecastle (as was then the fashion) the upper…deck beams were left open and unplanked; with the exception of a narrow gangway on either side; and off that fatal ledge the boarders; thrust on by those behind; fell headlong between the beams to the main…deck below; to be slaughtered helpless in that pit of destruction; by the double fire from the bulkheads fore and aft; while the few who kept their footing on the gangway; after vain attempts to force the stockades on poop and forecastle; leaped overboard again amid a shower of shot and arrows。  The fire of the English was as steady as it was quick; and though three…fourths of the crew had never smelt powder before; they proved well the truth of the old chronicler's saying (since proved again more gloriously than ever; at Alma; Balaklava; and Inkerman); that 〃the English never fight better than in their first battle。〃

Thrice the Spaniards clambered on board; and thrice surged back before that deadly hail。  The decks on both sides were very shambles; and Jack Brimblecombe; who had fought as long as his conscience would allow him; found; when he turned to a more clerical occupation; enough to do in carrying poor wretches to the surgeon; without giving that spiritual consolation which he longed to give; and they to receive。  At last there was a lull in that wild storm。  No shot was heard from the Spaniard's upper…deck。

Amyas leaped into the mizzen rigging; and looked through the smoke。 Dead men he could descry through the blinding veil; rolled in heaps; laid flat; dead men and dying: but no man upon his feet。 The last volley had swept the deck clear; one by one had dropped below to escape that fiery shower: and alone at the helm; grinding his teeth with rage; his mustachios curling up to his very eyes; stood the Spanish captain。

Now was the moment for a counter…stroke。  Amyas shouted for the boarders; and in two minutes more he was over the side; and clutching at the Spaniard's mizzen rigging。

What was this?  The distance between him and the enemy's side was widening。  Was she sheering off?  Yesand rising too; growing bodily higher every moment; as if by magic。  Amyas looked up in astonishment and saw what it was。  The Spaniard was heeling fast over to leeward away from him。  Her masts were all sloping forward; swifter and swifterthe end was come; then!

〃Back! in God's name back; men!  She is sinking by the head!〃  And with much ado some were dragged back; some leaped backall but old Michael Heard。

With hair and beard floating in the wind; the bronzed naked figure; like some weird old Indian fakir; still climbed on steadfastly up the mizzen…chains of the Spaniard; hatchet in hand。

〃Come back; Michael!  Leap while you may!〃 shouted a dozen voices。 Michael turned

〃And what should I come back for; then; to go home where no one knoweth me?  I'll die like an Englishman this day; or I'll know the rason why!〃 and turning; he sprang in over the bulwarks; as the huge ship rolled up more and more; like a dying whale; exposing all her long black hulk almost down to the keel; and one of her lower… deck guns; as if in defiance; exploded upright into the air; hurling the ball to the very heavens。

In an instant it was answered from the Rose by a column of smoke; and the eighteen…pound ball crashed through the bottom of the defenceless Spaniard。

〃Who fired?  Shame to fire on a sinking ship!〃

〃Gunner Yeo; sir;〃 shouted a voice up from the main…deck。  〃He's like a madman down here。〃

〃Tell him if he fires again; I'll put him in irons; if he were my own brother。  Cut away the grapples aloft; men。  Don't you see how she drags us over?  Cut away; or we shall sink with her。〃

They cut away; and the Rose; released from the strain; shook her feathers on the wave…crest like a freed sea…gull; while all men held their breaths。

Suddenly the glorious creature righted herself; and rose again; as if in noble shame; for one last struggle with her doom。  Her bows were deep in the water; but her after…deck still dry。  Righted: but only for a moment; long enough to let her crew come pouring wildly up on deck; with cries and prayers; and rush aft to the poop; where; under the flag of Spain; stood the tall captain; his left hand on the standard…staff; his sword pointed in his right。

〃Back; men!〃 they heard him cry; 〃and die like valiant mariners。〃

Some of them ran to the bulwarks; and shouted 〃Mercy!  We surrender!〃 and the English broke into a cheer and called to them to run her alongside。

〃Silence!〃 shouted Amyas。  〃I take no surrender from mutineers。 Senor;〃 cried he to the captain; springing into the rigging and taking off his hat; 〃for the love of God and these men; strike! and surrender a buena querra。〃

The Spaniard lifted his hat and bowed courteously; and answered; 〃Impossible; senor。  No querra is good which stains my honor。〃

〃God have mercy on you; then!〃

〃Amen!〃 said the Spaniard; crossing himself。

She gave one awful lounge forward; and dived under the coming swell; hurling her crew into the eddies。  Nothing but the point of her poop remained; and there stood the stern and steadfast Don; cap…a…pie in his glistening black armor; immovable as a man of iron; while over him the flag; which claimed the empire of both worlds; flaunted its gold aloft and upwards in the glare of the tropic noon。

〃He shall not carry that flag to the devil with him; I will have it yet; if I die for it!〃 said Will Cary; and rushed to the side to leap overboard; but Amyas stopped him。

〃Let him die as he has lived; with honor。〃

A wild figure sprang out of the mass of sailors who struggled and shrieked amid the foam; and rushed upward at the Spaniard。  It was Michael Heard。  The Don; who stood above him; plunged his sword into the old man's body: but the hatchet gleamed; nevertheless: down went the blade through headpiece and through head; and as Heard sprang onward; bleeding; but alive; the steel…clad corpse rattled down the deck into the surge。  Two more strokes; struck with the fury of a dying man; and the standard…staff was hewn through。  Old Michael collected all his strength; hurled the flag far from the sinking ship; and then stood erect one moment and shouted; 〃God save Queen Bess!〃 and the English answered with a 〃Hurrah!〃 which rent the welkin。

Another moment and the gulf had swallowed his victim; and the poop; and him; and nothing remained of the Madre Dolorosa but a few floating spars and struggling wretches; while a great awe fell upon all men; and a solemn silence; broken only by the cry

     〃Of some strong swimmer in his agony。〃

And then; suddenly collecting themselves; as men awakened from a dream; half…a…dozen desperate gallants; reckless of sharks and eddies; leaped overboard; swam towards the flag; and towed it alongside in triumph。

〃Ah!〃 said Salvation Yeo; as he helped the trophy up over the side; 〃ah! it was not for nothing that we found poor Micha
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