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westward ho-第105章

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if you'll be as good as your word; he'll be as good as his; and bring a score more brave fellows with him。〃

So off went Yeo to Plymouth; and returned with Drew and a score of old never…strikes。  One look at their visages; as Yeo proudly ushered them into the Ship Tavern; showed Amyas that they were of the metal which he wanted; and that; with the four North…Devon men who had gone round the world with him in the Pelican (who all joined in the first week); he had a reserve…force on which he could depend in utter need; and that utter need might come he knew as well as any。

Nor was this all which Yeo had brought; for he had with him a letter from Sir Francis Drake; full of regrets that he had not seen 〃his dear lad〃 as he went through Plymouth。  〃But indeed I was up to Dartmoor; surveying with cross…staff and chain; over my knees in bog for a three weeks or more。  For I have a project to bring down a leat of fair water from the hill…tops right into Plymouth town; cutting off the heads of Tavy; Meavy; Wallcomb; and West Dart; and thereby purging Plymouth harbor from the silt of the mines whereby it has been choked of late years; and giving pure drink not only to the townsmen; but to the fleets of the queen's majesty; which if I do; I shall both make some poor return to God for all His unspeakable mercies; and erect unto myself a monument better than of brass or marble; not merely honorable to me; but useful to my countrymen。〃*  Whereon Frank sent Drake a pretty epigram; comparing Drake's projected leat to that river of eternal life whereof the just would drink throughout eternity; and quoting (after the fashion of those days) John vii。 38; while Amyas took more heed of a practical appendage to the same letter; which was a list of hints scrawled for his use by Captain John Hawkins himself; on all sea matters; from the mounting of ordnance to the use of vitriol against the scurvy; in default of oranges and 〃limmons;〃 all which stood Amyas in good stead during the ensuing month; while Frank grew more and more proud of his brother; and more and more humble about himself。

* This noble monument of Drake's piety and public spirit still remains in full use。

For he watched with astonishment how the simple sailor; without genius; scholarship; or fancy; had gained; by plain honesty; patience; and common sense; a power over the human heart; and a power over his work; whatsoever it might be; which Frank could only admire afar off。  The men looked up to him as infallible; prided themselves on forestalling his wishes; carried out his slightest hint; worked early and late to win a smile from him; while as for him; no detail escaped him; no drudgery sickened him; no disappointment angered him; till on the 15th of November; 1583; dropped down from Bideford Quay to Appledore Pool the tall ship Rose; with a hundred men on board (for sailors packed close in those days); beef; pork; biscuit; and good ale (for ale went to sea always then) in abundance; four culverins on her main deck; her poop and forecastle well fitted with swivels of every size; and her racks so full of muskets; calivers; long bows; pikes; and swords; that all agreed so well…appointed a ship had never sailed 〃out over Bar。〃

The next day being Sunday; the whole crew received the Communion together at Northam Church; amid a mighty crowd; and then going on board again; hove anchor and sailed out over the Bar before a soft east wind; to the music of sacbut; fife; and drum; with discharge of all ordnance; great and small; with cheering of young and old from cliff and strand and quay; and with many a tearful prayer and blessing upon that gallant bark; and all brave hearts on board。

And Mrs。 Leigh who had kissed her sons for the last time after the Communion at the altar…steps (and what more fit place for a mother's kiss?) went to the rocky knoll outside the churchyard wall; and watched the ship glide out between the yellow denes; and lessen slowly hour by hour into the boundless West; till her hull sank below the dim horizon; and her white sails faded away into the gray Atlantic mist; perhaps forever。

And Mrs。 Leigh gathered her cloak about her; and bowed her head and worshipped; and then went home to loneliness and prayer。



〃The sun's rim dips; the stars rush out; At one stride comes the dark。〃


Land! land! land!  Yes; there it was; far away to the south and west; beside the setting sun; a long blue bar between the crimson sea and golden sky。  Land at last; with fresh streams; and cooling fruits; and free room for cramped and scurvy…weakened limbs。  And there; too; might be gold; and gems; and all the wealth of Ind。 Who knew?  Why not?  The old world of fact and prose lay thousands of miles behind them; and before them and around them was the realm of wonder and fable; of boundless hope and possibility。  Sick men crawled up out of their stifling hammocks; strong men fell on their knees and gave God thanks; and all eyes and hands were stretched eagerly toward the far blue cloud; fading as the sun sank down; yet rising higher and broader as the ship rushed on before the rich trade…wind; which whispered lovingly round brow and sail; 〃I am the faithful friend of those who dare!〃  〃Blow freshly; freshlier yet; thou good trade…wind; of whom it is written that He makes the winds His angels; ministering breaths to the heirs of His salvation。 Blow freshlier yet; and save; if not me from death; yet her from worse than death。  Blow on; and land me at her feet; to call the lost lamb home; and die!〃

So murmured Frank to himself; as with straining eyes he gazed upon that first outlier of the New World which held his all。  His cheeks were thin and wasted; and the hectic spot on each glowed crimson in the crimson light of the setting sun。  A few minutes more; and the rainbows of the West were gone; emerald and topaz; amethyst and ruby; had faded into silver…gray; and overhead; through the dark sapphire depths; the Moon and Venus reigned above the sea。

〃That should be Barbados; your worship;〃 said Drew; the master; 〃unless my reckoning is far out; which; Heaven knows; it has no right to be; after such a passage; and God be praised。〃

〃Barbados?  I never heard of it。〃

〃Very like; sir: but Yeo and I were here with Captain Drake; and I was here after; too; with poor Captain Barlow; and there is good harborage to the south and west of it; I remember。〃

〃And neither Spaniard; cannibal; or other evil beast;〃 said Yeo。 〃A very garden of the Lord; sir; hid away in the seas; for an inheritance to those who love Him。  I heard Captain Drake talk of planting it; if ever he had a chance。〃

〃I recollect now;〃 said Amyas; 〃some talk between him and poor Sir Humphrey about an island here。  Would God he had gone thither instead of to Newfoundland!〃

〃Nay; then;〃 said Yeo; 〃he is in bliss now with the Lord; and you would not have kept him from that; sir?〃

〃He would have waited as willingly as he went; if he could have served his queen thereby。  But what say you; my masters?  How can we do better than to spend a few days here; to get our sick round; before we m
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