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westward ho-第102章

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〃What do you mean by that strange talk?〃

〃Only that the ocean follows the primum mobile of the heavens; and flows forever from east to west。  Is there anything so strange in my thinking of that; when I am just come from a party where we have been drinking success to Westward…ho?〃

〃And much good has come of it!  I have lost the best friend and the noblest captain upon earth; not to mention all my little earnings; in that same confounded gulf of Westward…ho。〃

〃Yes; Sir Humphrey Gilbert's star has set in the Westwhy not? Sun; moon; and planets sink into the West: why not the meteors of this lower world? why not a will…o'…the…wisp like me; Amyas?〃

〃God forbid; Frank!〃

〃Why; then?  Is not the West the land of peace; and the land of dreams?  Do not our hearts tell us so each time we look upon the setting sun; and long to float away with him upon the golden… cushioned clouds?  They bury men with their faces to the East。  I should rather have mine turned to the West; Amyas; when I die; for I cannot but think it some divine instinct which made the ancient poets guess that Elysium lay beneath the setting sun。  It is bound up in the heart of man; that longing for the West。  I complain of no one for fleeing away thither beyond the utmost sea; as David wished to flee; and be at peace。〃

〃Complain of no one for fleeing thither?〃 asked Amyas。  〃That is more than I do。〃

Frank looked inquiringly at him; and then

〃No。  If I had complained of any one; it would have been of you just now; for seeming to be tired of going Westward…ho。〃

〃Do you wish me to go; then?〃

〃God knows;〃 said Frank; after a moment's pause。  〃But I must tell you now; I suppose; once and for all。  That has happened at Bideford which〃

〃Spare us both; Frank; I know all。  I came through Bideford on my way hither; and came hither not merely to see you and my mother; but to ask your advice and her permission。〃

〃True heart! noble heart!〃 cried Frank。  〃I knew you would be stanch!〃

〃Westward…ho it is; then?〃

〃Can we escape?〃


〃Amyas; does not that which binds you bind me?〃

Amyas started back; and held Frank by the shoulders at arm's length; as he did so; he could feel through; that his brother's arms were but skin and bone。

〃You?  Dearest man; a month of it would kill you!〃

Frank smiled; and tossed his head on one side in his pretty way。

〃I belong to the school of Thales; who held that the ocean is the mother of all life; and feel no more repugnance at returning to her bosom again than Humphrey Gilbert did。〃

〃But; Frank;my mother?〃

〃My mother knows all; and would not have us unworthy of her。〃

〃Impossible!  She will never give you up!〃

〃All things are possible to them that believe in God; my brother; and she believes。  But; indeed; Doctor Dee; the wise man; gave her but this summer I know not what of prognostics and diagnostics concerning me。  I am born; it seems; under a cold and watery planet; and need; if I am to be long…lived; to go nearer to the vivifying heat of the sun; and there bask out my little life; like fly on wall。  To tell truth; he has bidden me spend no more winters here in the East; but return to our native sea…breezes; there to warm my frozen lungs; and has so filled my mother's fancy with stories of sick men; who were given up for lost in Germany and France; and yet renewed their youth; like any serpent or eagle; by going to Italy; Spain; and the Canaries; that she herself will be more ready to let me go than I to leave her all alone。  And yet I must go; Amyas。  It is not merely that my heart pants; as Sidney's does; as every gallant's ought; to make one of your noble choir of Argonauts; who are now replenishing the earth and subduing it for God and for the queen; it is not merely; Amyas; that love calls me;love tyrannous and uncontrollable; strengthened by absence; and deepened by despair; but honor; Amyasmy oath〃

And he paused for lack of breath; and bursting into a violent fit of coughing; leaned on his brother's shoulder; while Amyas cried;

〃Fools; fools that we werethat I was; I meanto take that fantastical vow!〃

〃Not so;〃 answered a gentle voice from behind: 〃you vowed for the sake of peace on earth; and good…will toward men; and 'Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God。'  No my sons; be sure that such self…sacrifice as you have shown will meet its full reward at the hand of Him who sacrificed Himself for you。〃

〃Oh; mother! mother!〃 said Amyas; 〃and do you not hate the very sight of mecome here to take away your first…born?〃

〃My boy; God takes him; and not you。  And if I dare believe in such predictions; Doctor Dee assured me that some exceeding honor awaited you both in the West; to each of you according to your deserts。〃

〃Ah!〃 said Amyas。  〃My blessing; I suppose; will be like Esau's; to live by my sword; while Jacob here; the spiritual man; inherits the kingdom of heaven; and an angel's crown。〃

〃Be it what it may; it will surely be a blessing; as long as you are such; my children; as you have been。  At least my Frank will be safe from the intrigues of court; and the temptations of the world。 Would that I too could go with you; and share in your glory!  Come; now;〃 said she; laying her head upon Amyas's breast; and looking up into his face with one of her most winning smiles; 〃I have heard of heroic mothers ere now who went forth with their sons to battle; and cheered them on to victory。  Why should I not go with you on a more peaceful errand?  I could nurse the sick; if there were any; I could perhaps have speech of that poor girl; and win her back more easily than you。  She might listen to words from a womana woman; too; who has lovedwhich she could not hear from men。  At least I could mend and wash for you。  I suppose it is as easy to play the good housewife afloat as on shore?  Come; now!〃

Amyas looked from one to the other。

〃God only knows which of the two is less fit to go。  Mother! mother! you know not what you ask。  Frank! Frank! I do not want you with me。  This is a sterner matter than either of you fancy it to be; one that must be worked out; not with kind words; but with sharp shot and cold steel。〃

〃How?〃 cried both together; aghast。

〃I must pay my men; and pay my fellow…adventurers; and I must pay them with Spanish gold。  And what is more; I cannot; as a loyal subject of the queen's; go to the Spanish Main with a clear conscience on my own private quarrel; unless I do all the harm that my hand finds to do; by day and night; to her enemies; and the enemies of God。〃

〃What nobler knight…errantry?〃 said Frank; cheerfully; but Mrs。 Leigh shuddered。

〃What!  Frank too?〃 she said; half to herself; but her sons knew what she meant。  Amyas's warlike life; honorable and righteous as she knew it to be; she had borne as a sad necessity: but that Frank as well should become 〃a man of blood;〃 was more than her gentle heart could face at first sight。  That one youthful duel of his he had carefully concealed from her; knowing her feeling on such matters。  And it seemed too dreadful to her to associate that gentle spirit with all the ferocities and the carnage of a battlefield。  〃And yet;〃 said she to herself; 〃is this
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