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westward ho-第10章

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efore now; sent many a lad to far worse places: first; because of an old schoolmaster; secondly; because of a young beauty。  I will take them in order and explain。

Vindex Brimblecombe; whilom servitor of Exeter College; Oxford (commonly called Sir Vindex; after the fashion of the times); was; in those days; master of the grammar…school of Bideford。  He was; at root; a godly and kind…hearted pedant enough; but; like most schoolmasters in the old flogging days; had his heart pretty well hardened by long; baneful license to inflict pain at will on those weaker than himself; a power healthful enough for the victim (for; doubtless; flogging is the best of all punishments; being not only the shortest; but also a mere bodily and animal; and not; like most of our new…fangled 〃humane〃 punishments; a spiritual and fiendish torture); but for the executioner pretty certain to eradicate; from all but the noblest spirits; every trace of chivalry and tenderness for the weak; as well; often; as all self…control and command of temper。  Be that as it may; old Sir Vindex had heart enough to feel that it was now his duty to take especial care of the fatherless boy to whom he tried to teach his qui; quae; quod: but the only outcome of that new sense of responsibility was a rapid increase in the number of floggings; which rose from about two a week to one per diem; not without consequences to the pedagogue himself。

For all this while; Amyas had never for a moment lost sight of his darling desire for a sea…life; and when he could not wander on the quay and stare at the shipping; or go down to the pebble…ridge at Northam; and there sit; devouring; with hungry eyes; the great expanse of ocean; which seemed to woo him outward into boundless space; he used to console himself; in school…hours; by drawing ships and imaginary charts upon his slate; instead of minding his 〃humanities。〃

Now it befell; upon an afternoon; that he was very busy at a map; or bird's…eye view of an island; whereon was a great castle; and at the gate thereof a dragon; terrible to see; while in the foreground came that which was meant for a gallant ship; with a great flag aloft; but which; by reason of the forest of lances with which it was crowded; looked much more like a porcupine carrying a sign… post; and; at the roots of those lances; many little round o's; whereby was signified the heads of Amyas and his schoolfellows; who were about to slay that dragon; and rescue the beautiful princess who dwelt in that enchanted tower。  To behold which marvel of art; all the other boys at the same desk must needs club their heads together; and with the more security; because Sir Vindex; as was his custom after dinner; was lying back in his chair; and slept the sleep of the just。

But when Amyas; by special instigation of the evil spirit who haunts successful artists; proceeded further to introduce; heedless of perspective; a rock; on which stood the lively portraiture of Sir Vindexnose; spectacles; gown; and all; and in his hand a brandished rod; while out of his mouth a label shrieked after the runaways; 〃You come back!〃 while a similar label replied from the gallant bark; 〃Good…bye; master!〃 the shoving and tittering rose to such a pitch that Cerberus awoke; and demanded sternly what the noise was about。  To which; of course; there was no answer。

〃You; of course; Leigh!  Come up; sir; and show me your exercitation。〃

Now of Amyas's exercitation not a word was written; and; moreover; he was in the very article of putting the last touches to Mr。 Brimblecombe's portrait。  Whereon; to the astonishment of all hearers; he made answer

〃All in good time; sir!〃 and went on drawing。

In good time; sir!  Insolent; veni et vapula!〃

But Amyas went on drawing。

〃Come hither; sirrah; or I'll flay you alive!〃

〃Wait a bit!〃 answered Amyas。

The old gentleman jumped up; ferula in hand; and darted across the school; and saw himself upon the fatal slate。

〃Proh flagitium! what have we here; villain?〃 and clutching at his victim; he raised the cane。  Whereupon; with a serene and cheerful countenance; up rose the mighty form of Amyas Leigh; a head and shoulders above his tormentor; and that slate descended on the bald coxcomb of Sir Vindex Brimblecombe; with so shrewd a blow that slate and pate cracked at the same instant; and the poor pedagogue dropped to the floor; and lay for dead。

After which Amyas arose; and walked out of the school; and so quietly home; and having taken counsel with himself; went to his mother; and said; 〃Please; mother; I've broken schoolmaster's head。〃

〃Broken his head; thou wicked boy!〃 shrieked the poor widow; 〃what didst do that for?〃

〃I can't tell;〃 said Amyas; penitently; 〃I couldn't help it。  It looked so smooth; and bald; and round; andyou know?〃

〃I know?  Oh; wicked boy! thou hast given place to the devil; and now; perhaps; thou hast killed him。〃

〃Killed the devil?〃 asked Amyas; hopefully but doubtfully。

〃No; killed the schoolmaster; sirrah!  Is he dead?〃

〃I don't think he's dead; his coxcomb sounded too hard for that。 But had not I better go and tell Sir Richard?〃

The poor mother could hardly help laughing; in spite of her terror; at Amyas's perfect coolness (which was not in the least meant for insolence); and being at her wits' end; sent him; as usual; to his godfather。

Amyas rehearsed his story again; with pretty nearly the same exclamations; to which he gave pretty nearly the same answers; and then〃What was he going to do to you; then; sirrah?〃

〃Flog me; because I could not write my exercise; and so drew a picture of him instead。〃

〃What! art afraid of being flogged?〃

〃Not a bit; besides; I'm too much accustomed to it; but I was busy; and he was in such a desperate hurry; and; oh; sir; if you had but seen his bald head; you would have broken it yourself!〃

Now Sir Richard had; twenty years ago; in like place; and very much in like manner; broken the head of Vindex Brimblecombe's father; schoolmaster in his day; and therefore had a precedent to direct him; and he answered〃Amyas; sirrah! those who cannot obey will never be fit to rule。  If thou canst not keep discipline now; thou wilt never make a company or a crew keep it when thou art grown。 Dost mind that; sirrah?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Amyas。

〃Then go back to school this moment; sir; and be flogged。〃

〃Very well;〃 said Amyas; considering that he had got off very cheaply; while Sir Richard; as soon as he was out of the room; lay back in his chair; and laughed till he cried again。

So Amyas went back; and said that he was come to be flogged; whereon the old schoolmaster; whose pate had been plastered meanwhile; wept tears of joy over the returning prodigal; and then gave him such a switching as he did not forget for eight…and…forty hours。

But that evening Sir Richard sent for old Vindex; who entered; trembling; cap in hand; and having primed him with a cup of sack; said〃Well; Mr。 Schoolmaster!  My godson has been somewhat too much for you to…day。  There are a couple of nobles to pay the doctor。〃

〃O Sir Richard; gratias tibi et Domino! but the boy hits shrewdly hard。  Nevertheless I have repaid him in inverse kind; and set him an imposition; to learn me
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