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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第3章

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he was; he didn’t mean to give in。 With his left hand he snatched 

the brush from his powerless right; and made a movement as if he 

would perform the feat of writing with his left。 In a moment Adam 

turned   him   round;   seized   his   other   shoulder;   and;   pushing   him 

along; pinned him against the wall。 But now Seth spoke。 

    “Let be; Addy; let be。 Ben will be joking。 Why; he’s i’ the right to 

laugh at me—I canna help laughing at myself。” 

    “I shan’t loose him till he promises to let the door alone;” said 


    “Come;   Ben;   lad;”   said   Seth;   in   a   persuasive   tone;   “don’t   let’s 

have  a   quarrel   about  it。   You  know  Adam   will   have   his   way。   You 

may ’s well try to turn a waggon in a narrow lane。 Say you’ll leave 

the door alone; and make an end on ’t。” 

    “I binna frighted at Adam;” said Ben; “but I donna mind sayin’ 

as I’ll let ’t alone at your askin’; Seth。” 

    “Come;     that’s   wise   of  you;  Ben;”    said  Adam;     laughing    and 

George Eliot                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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relaxing his grasp。 

    They all returned to their work now; but Wiry Ben; having had 

the    worst    in  the   bodily   contest;    was   bent    on   retrieving    that 

humiliation by a success in sarcasm。 

    “Which      was    ye  thinkin’    on;   Seth;”    he   began—“the       pretty 

parson’s face or her sarmunt; when ye forgot the panels?” 

    “Come and hear her; Ben;” said Seth; good…humouredly; “she’s 

going to preach on the Green to…night; happen ye’d get something 

to think on yourself then; instead o’ those wicked songs you’re so 

fond   on。   Ye   might   get   religion;   and   that   ’ud  be   the  best   day’s 

earnings y’ ever made。” 

    “All i’ good time for that; Seth; I’ll think about that when I’m a… 

goin’   to  settle   i’ life; bachelors doesn’t  want  such  heavy   earnin’s。 

Happen I shall do the coortin’ an’ the religion both together; as ye 

do; Seth; but ye wouldna ha’ me get converted an’ chop in atween 

ye an’ the pretty preacher; an’ carry her aff?” 

    “No fear o’ that; Ben; she’s neither for you nor for me to win; I 

doubt。 Only you  come and   hear  her; and   you  won’t  speak lightly 

on her again。” 

    “Well; I’m half a mind t’ ha’ a look at her to…night; if there isn’t 

good   company   at   th’   Holly   Bush。   What’ll   she   take   for   her   text? 

Happen ye can tell me; Seth; if so be as I shouldna come up i’ time 

for ’t。 Will ’t be—what come ye out for to see? A prophetess? Yea; I 

say   unto   you;   and   more   than   a   prophetess—a   uncommon   pretty 

young woman。” 

    “Come; Ben;” said Adam; rather sternly; “you let  the   words   o’ 

the Bible alone; you’re going too far now。” 

    “What!   Are ye   a…turnin’   roun’;   Adam?   I   thought   ye   war   dead 

again th’ women preachin’; a while agoo?” 

George Eliot                                                        ElecBook Classics 

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    “Nay;   I’m   not   turnin’   noway。   I   said   nought   about   the   women 

preachin’。   I said;   You   let   the   Bible   alone:   you’ve   got   a   jest…book; 

han’t you; as you’re rare and proud on? Keep your dirty fingers to 


    “Why;   y’   are   gettin’   as   big   a   saint   as   Seth。   Y’are   goin’   to   th’ 

preachin’ to…night; I should think。 Ye’ll do finely t’ lead the singin’。 

But I don’ know what Parson Irwine ’ull say at his gran’ favright 

Adam Bede a…turnin’ Methody。” 

    “Never do you bother yourself about me; Ben。 I’m not a…going 

to turn Methodist any more nor you are—though it’s like enough 

you’ll   turn   to   something   worse。   Mester   Irwine’s   got   more   sense 

nor   to   meddle   wi’   people’s   doing   as   they   like   in   religion。   That’s 

between themselves and God; as he’s said to me many a time。” 

    “Aye; aye; but he’s none so fond o’ your dissenters; for all that。” 

    “Maybe;   I’m   none   so   fond   o’   Josh   Tod’s   thick   ale;   but   I   don’t 

hinder you from making a fool o’ yourself wi’t。” 

    There was a laugh at this thrust of Adam’s; but Seth said; very 

seriously。      “Nay;     nay;   Addy;      thee    mustna      say   as    anybody’s 

religion’s     like   thick    ale。   Thee     dostna     believe    but    what     the 

dissenters   and  the   Methodists   have   got   the   root   o’   the   matter   as 

well as the church folks。” 

    “Nay; Seth; lad; I’m not for  laughing  at no  man’s   religion。   Let 

’em follow their consciences; that’s all。 Only I think it ’ud be better 

if their consciences ’ud let ’em stay quiet i’ the church—there’s a 

deal   to   be   learnt   there。   And   there’s   such   a   thing   as   being   over… 

speritial;    we   must   have     something   beside   Gospel         i’  this  world。 

Look at the canals; an’ th’ aqueducs; an’ th’ coal…pit engines; and 

Arkwright’s   mills   there   at   Cromford;   a   man   must   learn   summat 

beside Gospel to make them things; I reckon。 But t’ hear some o’ 

George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics 

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                                    Adam Bede                                        14 

them preachers; you’d think as a man must be doing nothing all’s 

life but shutting’s eyes and looking what’s agoing on inside him。 I 

know a man must have the love o’ God in his soul; and the Bible’s 

God’s word。 But what does the Bible say? Why; it says as God put 

his sperrit into the workman as built the tabernacle; to make him 

do all the carved work and things as wanted a nice hand。 And this 

is my way o’ looking  at  it:   there’s   the   sperrit  o’   God   in   all   things 

and all times—weekday as well as Sunday—and i’ the great works 

and   inventions;   and   i’   the   figuring   and   the   mechanics。   And   God 

helps   us  with  our   headpieces   and   our   hands   as   well   as   with   our 

souls; and if a man does bits o’ jobs out o’ working hours—builds a 

oven for ’s wife to save her from going to the bakehouse; or scrats 

at   his   bit   o’   garden   and   makes   two   potatoes   grow   istead   o’   one; 

he’s   doin’   more   good;   and   he’s   just  as   near   to   God;   as   if   he   was 

running after some preacher and a…praying and a…groaning。” 

    “Well done; Adam!” said Sandy Jim; who had paused from his 

planing  to  shift  his   planks   while Adam  was   speaking;   “that’s   the 

best  sarmunt  I’ve   heared   this long  while。   By   t
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