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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第18章

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draught of water (beer was a thing only to be drunk on holidays); 

and Lisbeth ventured to say as she took it in; “Thy supper stan’s 

ready for thee; when thee lik’st。” 

    “Donna   thee   sit  up; mother;”   said   Adam;   in   a   gentle   tone。   He 

had   worked   off   his   anger   now;   and   whenever   he   wished   to   be 

especially     kind   to  his  mother;     he   fell  into  his  strongest    native 

accent and dialect; with which at other times his speech was less 

deeply tinged。 “I’ll see to Father when he comes home; maybe he 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 58…

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wonna come at all to…night。 I shall be easier if thee ’t i’ bed。” 

    “Nay;     I’ll  bide  till  Seth  comes。     He   wonna     be   long   now;    I 


    It was then past nine by the clock; which was always in advance 

of the days; and before it had  struck   ten  the   latch  was   lifted   and 

Seth   entered。     He   had   heard   the   sound     of   the  tools  as  he  was 


    “Why; Mother;” he said; “how is it as Father’s working so late?” 

    “It’s none o’ thy feyther as is a…workin’—thee might know that 

well anoof if thy head warna full o’ chapellin’—it’s thy brother as 

does    iverything;    for  there’s   niver   nobody     else   i’  th’  way  to  do 


    Lisbeth was going on; for she was not at all afraid of Seth; and 

usually     poured    into   his  ears   all  the  querulousness       which    was 

repressed by her awe of Adam。 Seth had never in his life spoken a 

harsh   word   to   his   mother;   and   timid   people   always   wreak   their 

peevishness   on   the   gentle。   But   Seth;   with   an   anxious   look;   had 

passed     into  the   workshop      and   said;   “Addy;    how’s    this?  What! 

Father’s forgot the coffin?” 

    “Aye;    lad;  th’  old  tale;  but   I  shall  get  it  done;”   said   Adam; 

looking     up   and   casting    one   of  his  bright   keen    glances    at  his 

brother。 “Why; what’s the matter with thee? Thee ’t in trouble。” 

    Seth’s eyes were red; and there was a look of deep depression 

on his mild face。 

    “Yes; Addy; but  it’s   what  must be borne; and   can’t be   helped。 

Why; thee ’st never been to the school; then?” 

    “School?      No;   that  screw    can   wait;”   said   Adam;    hammering 

away again。 

    “Let me take my turn now; and do thee go to bed;” said Seth。 

George Eliot                                                        ElecBook Classics 

… Page 59…

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    “No; lad; I’d rather go on; now I’m in harness。 Thee ’t help me 

to carry it to Brox’on when it’s done。 I’ll call thee up at sunrise。 Go 

and eat thy supper; and shut the door so as I mayn’t hear Mother’s 


    Seth knew that Adam always meant what he said; and was not 

to   be   persuaded   into   meaning  anything   else。   So   he   turned;   with 

rather a heavy heart; into the house…place。 

    “Adam’s   niver   touched   a   bit   o’   victual   sin’   home   he’s   come;” 

said   Lisbeth。   “I   reckon   thee   ’st   hed   thy   supper   at   some   o’   thy 

Methody folks。” 

    “Nay; Mother;” said Seth; “I’ve had no supper yet。” 

    “Come; then;” said Lisbeth; “but donna thee ate the taters; for 

Adam ’ull happen ate ’em if I leave ’em stannin’。 He loves a bit o’ 

taters an’ gravy。 But he’s been so sore an’ angered; he wouldn’t ate 

’em; for all I’d putten ’em by o’ purpose for him。 An’ he’s been a… 

threatenin’ to go away again;” she went on; whimpering; “an’ I’m 

fast sure he’ll go some dawnin’ afore I’m up; an’ niver let me know 

aforehand; an’ he’ll niver  come back again   when   once   he’s   gone。 

An’ I’d better niver ha’ had a son; as is like no other body’s son for 

the deftness an’ th’ handiness; an’ so looked on by th’ grit folks; an’ 

tall an’ upright like a poplar…tree; an’ me to be parted from him an’ 

niver see ’m no more。” 

    “Come;   Mother;   donna   grieve   thyself   in   vain;”   said   Seth;   in   a 

soothing voice。 “Thee ’st not half so good reason to think as Adam 

’ull   go   away   as   to   think   he’ll   stay   with   thee。   He   may   say   such   a 

thing when he’s in wrath—and he’s got excuse for being wrathful 

sometimes—but   his   heart   ’ud   never   let   him   go。   Think   how   he’s 

stood by us all when it’s been none so easy—paying his savings to 

free me from going for a soldier; an’ turnin’ his earnin’s into wood 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 60…

                                   Adam Bede                                      60 

for father; when he’s got plenty o’ uses for his money; and many a 

young man like him ’ud ha’ been married and settled before now。 

He’ll never turn round and knock down his own work; and forsake 

them as it’s been the labour of his life to stand by。” 

    “Donna      talk   to  me   about    ’s  marr’in’;”   said   Lisbeth;    crying 

afresh。 “He’s set’s heart on that Hetty Sorrel; as   ’ull   niver  save   a 

penny; an’ ’ull toss up her head at’s old mother。 An’ to think as he 

might ha’ Mary Burge; an’ be took partners; an’ be a big man wi’ 

workmen   under   him;   like   Mester   Burge—Dolly’s   told   me   so   o’er 

and   o’er   again—if   it   warna   as   he’s   set’s  heart   on  that   bit   of  a 

wench; as is o’ no more use nor the gillyflower on the wall。 An’ he 

so wise at bookin’ an’ figurin’; an’ not to know no better nor that!” 

    “But;    Mother;    thee   know’st    we   canna    love   just  where    other 

folks ’ud have us。 There’s nobody but God can control the heart of 

man。 I could ha’ wished myself as Adam could ha’ made   another 

choice;   but  I   wouldn’t  reproach  him  for   what   he   can’t   help。   And 

I’m not sure but what he tries to o’ercome it。 But it’s a matter as 

he   doesn’t  like   to   be   spoke   to   about;   and   I   can   only   pray   to   the 

Lord to bless and direct him。” 

    “Aye; thee ’t allays ready enough at prayin’; but I donna see as 

thee gets much wi’ thy prayin’。 Thee wotna get double earnins o’ 

this side Yule。 Th’ Methodies ’ll niver make thee half the man thy 

brother is; for all they’re a…makin’ a preacher on thee。” 

    “It’s partly truth thee speak’st there; Mother;” said Seth; mildly; 

“Adam’s far before me; an’s done more for me than I can ever do 

for him。 God distributes talents to every man according as He sees 

good。   But   thee   mustna      undervally   pray
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