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the critique of pure reason-第78章

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conception is given; and which do not belong to the conception; but to

the faculty of sensibility。 In like manner; there is in the conception

of a thing no contradiction when a negative is not connected with an

affirmative; and merely affirmative conceptions cannot; in

conjunction; produce any negation。 But in sensuous intuition;

wherein reality (take for example; motion) is given; we find

conditions (opposite directions)… of which abstraction has been made

in the conception of motion in general… which render possible a

contradiction or opposition (not indeed of a logical kind)… and

which from pure positives produce zero = 0。 We are therefore not

justified in saying that all reality is in perfect agreement and

harmony; because no contradiction is discoverable among its

conceptions。* According to mere conceptions; that which is internal is

the substratum of all relations or external determinations。 When;

therefore; I abstract all conditions of intuition; and confine

myself solely to the conception of a thing in general; I can make

abstraction of all external relations; and there must nevertheless

remain a conception of that which indicates no relation; but merely

internal determinations。 Now it seems to follow that in everything

(substance) there is something which is absolutely internal and

which antecedes all external determinations; inasmuch as it renders

them possible; and that therefore this substratum is something which

does not contain any external relations and is consequently simple

(for corporeal things are never anything but relations; at least of

their parts external to each other); and; inasmuch as we know of no

other absolutely internal determinations than those of the internal

sense; this substratum is not only simple; but also; analogously

with our internal sense; determined through representations; that is

to say; all things are properly monads; or simple beings endowed

with the power of representation。 Now all this would be perfectly

correct; if the conception of a thing were the only necessary

condition of the presentation of objects of external intuition。 It is;

on the contrary; manifest that a permanent phenomenon in space

(impenetrable extension) can contain mere relations; and nothing

that is absolutely internal; and yet be the primary substratum of

all external perception。 By mere conceptions I cannot think anything

external; without; at the same time; thinking something internal;

for the reason that conceptions of relations presuppose given

things; and without these are impossible。 But; as an intuition there

is something (that is; space; which; with all it contains; consists of

purely formal; or; indeed; real relations) which is not found in the

mere conception of a thing in general; and this presents to us the

substratum which could not be cognized through conceptions alone; I

cannot say: because a thing cannot be represented by mere

conceptions without something absolutely internal; there is also; in

the things themselves which are contained under these conceptions; and

in their intuition nothing external to which something absolutely

internal does not serve as the foundation。 For; when we have made

abstraction of all the conditions of intuition; there certainly

remains in the mere conception nothing but the internal in general;

through which alone the external is possible。 But this necessity;

which is grounded upon abstraction alone; does not obtain in the

case of things themselves; in so far as they are given in intuition

with such determinations as express mere relations; without having

anything internal as their foundation; for they are not things of a

thing of which we can neither for they are not things in themselves;

but only phenomena。 What we cognize in matter is nothing but relations

(what we call its internal determinations are but comparatively

internal)。 But there are some self…subsistent and permanent; through

which a determined object is given。 That I; when abstraction is made

of these relations; have nothing more to think; does not destroy the

conception of a thing as phenomenon; nor the conception of an object

in abstracto; but it does away with the possibility of an object

that is determinable according to mere conceptions; that is; of a

noumenon。 It is certainly startling to hear that a thing consists

solely of relations; but this thing is simply a phenomenon; and cannot

be cogitated by means of the mere categories: it does itself consist

in the mere relation of something in general to the senses。 In the

same way; we cannot cogitate relations of things in abstracto; if we

commence with conceptions alone; in any other manner than that one

is the cause of determinations in the other; for that is itself the

conception of the understanding or category of relation。 But; as in

this case we make abstraction of all intuition; we lose altogether the

mode in which the manifold determines to each of its parts its

place; that is; the form of sensibility (space); and yet this mode

antecedes all empirical causality。

  *If any one wishes here to have recourse to the usual subterfuge;

and to say; that at least realitates noumena cannot be in opposition

to each other; it will be requisite for him to adduce an example of

this pure and non…sensuous reality; that it may be understood

whether the notion represents something or nothing。 But an example

cannot be found except in experience; which never presents to us

anything more than phenomena; and thus the proposition means nothing

more than that the conception which contains only affirmatives does

not contain anything negative… a proposition nobody ever doubted。

  If by intelligible objects we understand things which can be thought

by means of the pure categories; without the need of the schemata of

sensibility; such objects are impossible。 For the condition of the

objective use of all our conceptions of understanding is the mode of

our sensuous intuition; whereby objects are given; and; if we make

abstraction of the latter; the former can have no relation to an

object。 And even if we should suppose a different kind of intuition

from our own; still our functions of thought would have no use or

signification in respect thereof。 But if we understand by the term;

objects of a non…sensuous intuition; in respect of which our

categories are not valid; and of which we can accordingly have no

knowledge (neither intuition nor conception); in this merely

negative sense noumena must be admitted。 For this is no more than

saying that our mode of intuition is not applicable to all things; but

only to objects of our senses; that consequently its objective

validity is limited; and that room is therefore left for another

kind of intuition; and thus also for things that may be objects of it。

But in this sense the conception of a noumenon is problematical;

that is to say; it is the notion of that it that it is possible; nor

that it is impossible; inasmuch as 
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