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the critique of pure reason-第65章

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series of possible perceptions from a thing which we do really

perceive to the thing we do not perceive。 Thus; we cognize the

existence of a magnetic matter penetrating all bodies from the

perception of the attraction of the steel…filings by the magnet;

although the constitution of our organs renders an immediate

perception of this matter impossible for us。 For; according to the

laws of sensibility and the connected context of our perceptions; we

should in an experience come also on an immediate empirical

intuition of this matter; if our senses were more acute… but this

obtuseness has no influence upon and cannot alter the form of possible

experience in general。 Our knowledge of the existence of things

reaches as far as our perceptions; and what may be inferred from

them according to empirical laws; extend。 If we do not set out from

experience; or do not proceed according to the laws of the empirical

connection of phenomena; our pretensions to discover the existence

of a thing which we do not immediately perceive are vain。 Idealism;

however; brings forward powerful objections to these rules for proving

existence mediately。 This is; therefore; the proper place for its


                 REFUTATION OF IDEALISM。

  Idealism… I mean material idealism… is the theory which declares the

existence of objects in space without us to be either () doubtful

and indemonstrable; or (2) false and impossible。 The first is the

problematical idealism of Descartes; who admits the undoubted

certainty of only one empirical assertion (assertio); to wit; 〃I

am。〃 The second is the dogmatical idealism of Berkeley; who

maintains that space; together with all the objects of which it is the

inseparable condition; is a thing which is in itself impossible; and

that consequently the objects in space are mere products of the

imagination。 The dogmatical theory of idealism is unavoidable; if we

regard space as a property of things in themselves; for in that case

it is; with all to which it serves as condition; a nonentity。 But

the foundation for this kind of idealism we have already destroyed

in the transcendental aesthetic。 Problematical idealism; which makes

no such assertion; but only alleges our incapacity to prove the

existence of anything besides ourselves by means of immediate

experience; is a theory rational and evidencing a thorough and

philosophical mode of thinking; for it observes the rule not to form a

decisive judgement before sufficient proof be shown。 The desired proof

must therefore demonstrate that we have experience of external things;

and not mere fancies。 For this purpose; we must prove; that our

internal and; to Descartes; indubitable experience is itself

possible only under the previous assumption of external experience。


    The simple but empirically determined consciousness of

       my own existence proves the existence of external

       objects in space。


  I am conscious of my own existence as determined in time。 All

determination in regard to time presupposes the existence of something

permanent in perception。 But this permanent something cannot be

something in me; for the very reason that my existence in time is

itself determined by this permanent something。 It follows that the

perception of this permanent existence is possible only through a

thing without me and not through the mere representation of a thing

without me。 Consequently; the determination of my existence in time is

possible only through the existence of real things external to me。

Now; consciousness in time is necessarily connected with the

consciousness of the possibility of this determination in time。

Hence it follows that consciousness in time is necessarily connected

also with the existence of things without me; inasmuch as the

existence of these things is the condition of determination in time。

That is to say; the consciousness of my own existence is at the same

time an immediate consciousness of the existence of other things

without me。

  Remark I。 The reader will observe; that in the foregoing proof the

game which idealism plays is retorted upon itself; and with more

justice。 It assumed that the only immediate experience is internal and

that from this we can only infer the existence of external things。

But; as always happens; when we reason from given effects to

determined causes; idealism bas reasoned with too much haste and

uncertainty; for it is quite possible that the cause of our

representations may lie in ourselves; and that we ascribe it falsely

to external things。 But our proof shows that external experience is

properly immediate;* that only by virtue of it… not; indeed; the

consciousness of our own existence; but certainly the determination of

our existence in time; that is; internal experience… is possible。 It

is true; that the representation 〃I am;〃 which is the expression of

the consciousness which can accompany all my thoughts; is that which

immediately includes the existence of a subject。 But in this

representation we cannot find any knowledge of the subject; and

therefore also no empirical knowledge; that is; experience。 For

experience contains; in addition to the thought of something existing;

intuition; and in this case it must be internal intuition; that is;

time; in relation to which the subject must be determined。 But the

existence of external things is absolutely requisite for this purpose;

so that it follows that internal experience is itself possible only

mediately and through external experience。

  *The immediate consciousness of the existence of external things is;

in the preceding theorem; not presupposed; but proved; by the

possibility of this consciousness understood by us or not。 The

question as to the possibility of it would stand thus: 〃Have we an

internal sense; but no external sense; and is our belief in external

perception a mere delusion?〃 But it is evident that; in order merely

to fancy to ourselves anything as external; that is; to present it

to the sense in intuition we must already possess an external sense;

and must thereby distinguish immediately the mere receptivity of an

external intuition from the spontaneity which characterizes every

act of imagination。 For merely to imagine also an external sense;

would annihilate the faculty of intuition itself which is to be

determined by the imagination。

  Remark II。 Now with this view all empirical use of our faculty of

cognition in the determination of time is in perfect accordance。 Its

truth is supported by the fact that it is possible to perceive a

determination of time only by means of a change in external

relations (motion) to the permanent in space (for example; we become

aware of the sun's motion by observing the changes of his relation

to the objects of this earth)。 But this is not all。 We find that we

possess nothing permanent that can correspond and 
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