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the critique of pure reason-第37章

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me; but that only by means of a synthesis。

    The Principle of the Synthetical Unity of Apperception

         is the highest Principle of all exercise of

                  the Understanding。 SS 13

  The supreme principle of the possibility of all intuition in

relation to sensibility was; according to our transcendental

aesthetic; that all the manifold in intuition be subject to the formal

conditions of space and time。 The supreme principle of the possibility

of it in relation to the understanding is that all the manifold in

it be subject to conditions of the originally synthetical unity or

apperception。* To the former of these two principles are subject all

the various representations of intuition; in so far as they are

given to us; to the latter; in so far as they must be capable of

conjunction in one consciousness; for without this nothing can be

thought or cognized; because the given representations would not

have in common the act Of the apperception 〃I think〃 and therefore

could not be connected in one self…consciousness。

  *Space and time; and all portions thereof; are intuitions;

consequently are; with a manifold for their content; single

representations。 (See the Transcendental Aesthetic。) Consequently;

they are not pure conceptions; by means of which the same

consciousness is found in a great number of representations; but; on

the contrary; they are many representations contained in one; the

consciousness of which is; so to speak; compounded。 The unity of

consciousness is nevertheless synthetical and; therefore; primitive。

From this peculiar character of consciousness follow many important

consequences。 (See SS 21。)

  Understanding is; to speak generally; the faculty Of cognitions。

These consist in the determined relation of given representation to an

object。 But an object is that; in the conception of which the manifold

in a given intuition is united。 Now all union of representations

requires unity of consciousness in the synthesis of them。

Consequently; it is the unity of consciousness alone that

constitutes the possibility of representations relating to an

object; and therefore of their objective validity; and of their

becoming cognitions; and consequently; the possibility of the

existence of the understanding itself。

  The first pure cognition of understanding; then; upon which is

founded all its other exercise; and which is at the same time

perfectly independent of all conditions of mere sensuous intuition; is

the principle of the original synthetical unity of apperception。

Thus the mere form of external sensuous intuition; namely; space;

affords us; per se; no cognition; it merely contributes the manifold

in a priori intuition to a possible cognition。 But; in order to

cognize something in space (for example; a line); I must draw it;

and thus produce synthetically a determined conjunction of the given

manifold; so that the unity of this act is at the same time the

unity of consciousness (in the conception of a line); and by this

means alone is an object (a determinate space) cognized。 The

synthetical unity of consciousness is; therefore; an objective

condition of all cognition; which I do not merely require in order

to cognize an object; but to which every intuition must necessarily be

subject; in order to become an object for me; because in any other

way; and without this synthesis; the manifold in intuition could not

be united in one consciousness。

  This proposition is; as already said; itself analytical; although it

constitutes the synthetical unity; the condition of all thought; for

it states nothing more than that all my representations in any given

intuition must be subject to the condition which alone enables me to

connect them; as my representation with the identical self; and so

to unite them synthetically in one apperception; by means of the

general expression; 〃I think。〃

  But this principle is not to be regarded as a principle for every

possible understanding; but only for the understanding by means of

whose pure apperception in the thought I am; no manifold content is

given。 The understanding or mind which contained the manifold in

intuition; in and through the act itself of its own

self…consciousness; in other words; an understanding by and in the

representation of which the objects of the representation should at

the same time exist; would not require a special act of synthesis of

the manifold as the condition of the unity of its consciousness; an

act of which the human understanding; which thinks only and cannot

intuite; has absolute need。 But this principle is the first

principle of all the operations of our understanding; so that we

cannot form the least conception of any other possible

understanding; either of one such as should be itself intuition; or

possess a sensuous intuition; but with forms different from those of

space and time。

      What Objective Unity of Self…consciousness is。 SS 14

  It is by means of the transcendental unity of apperception that

all the manifold; given in an intuition is united into a conception of

the object。 On this account it is called objective; and must be

distinguished from the subjective unity of consciousness; which is a

determination of the internal sense; by means of which the said

manifold in intuition is given empirically to be so united。 Whether

I can be empirically conscious of the manifold as coexistent or as

successive; depends upon circumstances; or empirical conditions。 Hence

the empirical unity of consciousness by means of association of

representations; itself relates to a phenomenal world and is wholly

contingent。 On the contrary; the pure form of intuition in time;

merely as an intuition; which contains a given manifold; is subject to

the original unity of consciousness; and that solely by means of the

necessary relation of the manifold in intuition to the 〃I think;〃

consequently by means of the pure synthesis of the understanding;

which lies a priori at the foundation of all empirical synthesis。

The transcendental unity of apperception is alone objectively valid;

the empirical which we do not consider in this essay; and which is

merely a unity deduced from the former under given conditions in

concreto; possesses only subjective validity。 One person connects

the notion conveyed in a word with one thing; another with another

thing; and the unity of consciousness in that which is empirical;

is; in relation to that which is given by experience; not

necessarily and universally valid。

     The Logical Form of all Judgements consists in the Objective

            Unity of Apperception of the Conceptions

                     contained therein。 SS 15

  I could never satisfy myself with the definition which logicians

give of a judgement。 It is; according to them; the representation of a

relation between two conceptions。 I shall not dwell here on the

faultiness of this definition; in that it suits only
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