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the critique of pure reason-第184章

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  Metaphysic; in the more limited acceptation of the term; consists of

two parts… transcendental philosophy and the physiology of pure

reason。 The former presents the system of all the conceptions and

principles belonging to the understanding and the reason; and which

relate to objects in general; but not to any particular given

objects (Ontologia); the latter has nature for its subject…matter;

that is; the sum of given objects… whether given to the senses; or; if

we will; to some other kind of intuition… and is accordingly

physiology; although only rationalis。 But the use of the faculty of

reason in this rational mode of regarding nature is either physical or

hyperphysical; or; more properly speaking; immanent or transcendent。

The former relates to nature; in so far as our knowledge regarding

it may be applied in experience (in concreto); the latter to that

connection of the objects of experience; which transcends all

experience。 Transcendent physiology has; again; an internal and an

external connection with its object; both; however; transcending

possible experience; the former is the physiology of nature as a

whole; or transcendental cognition of the world; the latter of the

connection of the whole of nature with a being above nature; or

transcendental cognition of God。

  Immanent physiology; on the contrary; considers nature as the sum of

all sensuous objects; consequently; as it is presented to us… but

still according to a priori conditions; for it is under these alone

that nature can be presented to our minds at all。 The objects of

immanent physiology are of two kinds: 1。 Those of the external senses;

or corporeal nature; 2。 The object of the internal sense; the soul;

or; in accordance with our fundamental conceptions of it; thinking

nature。 The metaphysics of corporeal nature is called physics; but; as

it must contain only the principles of an a priori cognition of

nature; we must term it rational physics。 The metaphysics of

thinking nature is called psychology; and for the same reason is to be

regarded as merely the rational cognition of the soul。

  Thus the whole system of metaphysics consists of four principal

parts: 1。 Ontology; 2。 Rational Physiology; 3。 Rational cosmology; and

4。 Rational theology。 The second part… that of the rational doctrine

of nature… may be subdivided into two; physica rationalis* and

psychologia rationalis。

  *It must not be supposed that I mean by this appellation what is

generally called physica general is; and which is rather mathematics

than a philosophy of nature。 For the metaphysic of nature is

completely different from mathematics; nor is it so rich in results;

although it is of great importance as a critical test of the

application of pure understanding…cognition to nature。 For want of its

guidance; even mathematicians; adopting certain common notions…

which are; in fact; metaphysical… have unconsciously crowded their

theories of nature with hypotheses; the fallacy of which becomes

evident upon the application of the principles of this metaphysic;

without detriment; however; to the employment of mathematics in this

sphere of cognition。

  The fundamental idea of a philosophy of pure reason of necessity

dictates this division; it is; therefore; architectonical… in

accordance with the highest aims of reason; and not merely

technical; or according to certain accidentally…observed

similarities existing between the different parts of the whole

science。 For this reason; also; is the division immutable and of

legislative authority。 But the reader may observe in it a few points

to which he ought to demur; and which may weaken his conviction of its

truth and legitimacy。

  In the first place; how can I desire an a priori cognition or

metaphysic of objects; in so far as they are given a posteriori? and

how is it possible to cognize the nature of things according to a

priori principles; and to attain to a rational physiology? The

answer is this。 We take from experience nothing more than is requisite

to present us with an object (in general) of the external or of the

internal sense; in the former case; by the mere conception of matter

(impenetrable and inanimate extension); in the latter; by the

conception of a thinking being… given in the internal empirical

representation; I think。 As to the rest; we must not employ in our

metaphysic of these objects any empirical principles (which add to the

content of our conceptions by means of experience); for the purpose of

forming by their help any judgements respecting these objects。

  Secondly; what place shall we assign to empirical psychology;

which has always been considered a part of metaphysics; and from which

in our time such important philosophical results have been expected;

after the hope of constructing an a priori system of knowledge had

been abandoned? I answer: It must be placed by the side of empirical

physics or physics proper; that is; must be regarded as forming a part

of applied philosophy; the a priori principles of which are

contained in pure philosophy; which is therefore connected; although

it must not be confounded; with psychology。 Empirical psychology

must therefore be banished from the sphere of metaphysics; and is

indeed excluded by the very idea of that science。 In conformity;

however; with scholastic usage; we must permit it to occupy a place in

metaphysics… but only as an appendix to it。 We adopt this course

from motives of economy; as psychology is not as yet full enough to

occupy our attention as an independent study; while it is; at the same

time; of too great importance to be entirely excluded or placed

where it has still less affinity than it has with the subject of

metaphysics。 It is a stranger who has been long a guest; and we make

it welcome to stay; until it can take up a more suitable abode in a

complete system of anthropology… the pendant to empirical physics。

  The above is the general idea of metaphysics; which; as more was

expected from it than could be looked for with justice; and as these

pleasant expectations were unfortunately never realized; fell into

general disrepute。 Our Critique must have fully convinced the reader

that; although metaphysics cannot form the foundation of religion;

it must always be one of its most important bulwarks; and that human

reason; which naturally pursues a dialectical course; cannot do

without this science; which checks its tendencies towards dialectic

and; by elevating reason to a scientific and clear self…knowledge;

prevents the ravages which a lawless speculative reason would

infallibly commit in the sphere of morals as well as in that of

religion。 We may be sure; therefore; whatever contempt may be thrown

upon metaphysics by those who judge a science not by its own nature;

but according to the accidental effects it may have produced; that

it can never be completely abandoned; that we must always return to it

as to a beloved one who has been for a time estr
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