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the critique of pure reason-第165章

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even in possible experience? Each adopts the plan of meditating on his

idea for the purpose of drawing from the idea; if he can; what is more

than the idea; that is; the reality of the object which it

indicates。 How shall they settle the dispute; since neither is able to

make his assertions directly comprehensible and certain; but must

restrict himself to attacking and confuting those of his opponent? All

statements enounced by pure reason transcend the conditions of

possible experience; beyond the sphere of which we can discover no

criterion of truth; while they are at the same time framed in

accordance with the laws of the understanding; which are applicable

only to experience; and thus it is the fate of all such speculative

discussions that while the one party attacks the weaker side of his

opponent; he infallibly lays open his own weaknesses。

  The critique of pure reason may be regarded as the highest

tribunal for all speculative disputes; for it is not involved in these

disputes; which have an immediate relation to certain objects and

not to the laws of the mind; but is instituted for the purpose of

determining the rights and limits of reason。

  Without the control of criticism; reason is; as it were; in a

state of nature; and can only establish its claims and assertions by

war。 Criticism; on the contrary; deciding all questions according to

the fundamental laws of its own institution; secures to us the peace

of law and order; and enables us to discuss all differences in the

more tranquil manner of a legal process。 In the former case;

disputes are ended by victory; which both sides may claim and which is

followed by a hollow armistice; in the latter; by a sentence; which;

as it strikes at the root of all speculative differences; ensures to

all concerned a lasting peace。 The endless disputes of a dogmatizing

reason compel us to look for some mode of arriving at a settled

decision by a critical investigation of reason itself; just as

Hobbes maintains that the state of nature is a state of injustice

and violence; and that we must leave it and submit ourselves to the

constraint of law; which indeed limits individual freedom; but only

that it may consist with the freedom of others and with the common

good of all。

  This freedom will; among other things; permit of our openly

stating the difficulties and doubts which we are ourselves unable to

solve; without being decried on that account as turbulent and

dangerous citizens。 This privilege forms part of the native rights

of human reason; which recognizes no other judge than the universal

reason of humanity; and as this reason is the source of all progress

and improvement; such a privilege is to be held sacred and inviolable。

It is unwise; moreover; to denounce as dangerous any bold assertions

against; or rash attacks upon; an opinion which is held by the largest

and most moral class of the community; for that would be giving them

an importance which they do not deserve。 When I hear that the

freedom of the will; the hope of a future life; and the existence of

God have been overthrown by the arguments of some able writer; I

feel a strong desire to read his book; for I expect that he will add

to my knowledge and impart greater clearness and distinctness to my

views by the argumentative power shown in his writings。 But I am

perfectly certain; even before I have opened the book; that he has not

succeeded in a single point; not because I believe I am in

possession of irrefutable demonstrations of these important

propositions; but because this transcendental critique; which has

disclosed to me the power and the limits of pure reason; has fully

convinced me that; as it is insufficient to establish the affirmative;

it is as powerless; and even more so; to assure us of the truth of the

negative answer to these questions。 From what source does this

free…thinker derive his knowledge that there is; for example; no

Supreme Being? This proposition lies out of the field of possible

experience; and; therefore; beyond the limits of human cognition。

But I would not read at; all the answer which the dogmatical

maintainer of the good cause makes to his opponent; because I know

well beforehand; that he will merely attack the fallacious grounds

of his adversary; without being able to establish his own

assertions。 Besides; a new illusory argument; in the construction of

which talent and acuteness are shown; is suggestive of new ideas and

new trains of reasoning; and in this respect the old and everyday

sophistries are quite useless。 Again; the dogmatical opponent of

religion gives employment to criticism; and enables us to test and

correct its principles; while there is no occasion for anxiety in

regard to the influence and results of his reasoning。

  But; it will be said; must we not warn the youth entrusted to

academical care against such writings; must we not preserve them

from the knowledge of these dangerous assertions; until their

judgement is ripened; or rather until the doctrines which we wish to

inculcate are so firmly rooted in their minds as to withstand all

attempts at instilling the contrary dogmas; from whatever quarter they

may come?

  If we are to confine ourselves to the dogmatical procedure in the

sphere of pure reason; and find ourselves unable to settle such

disputes otherwise than by becoming a party in them; and setting

counter…assertions against the statements advanced by our opponents;

there is certainly no plan more advisable for the moment; but; at

the same time; none more absurd and inefficient for the future; than

this retaining of the youthful mind under guardianship for a time; and

thus preserving it… for so long at least… from seduction into error。

But when; at a later period; either curiosity; or the prevalent

fashion of thought places such writings in their hands; will the

so…called convictions of their youth stand firm? The young thinker;

who has in his armoury none but dogmatical weapons with which to

resist the attacks of his opponent; and who cannot detect the latent

dialectic which lies in his own opinions as well as in those of the

opposite party; sees the advance of illusory arguments and grounds

of proof which have the advantage of novelty; against as illusory

grounds of proof destitute of this advantage; and which; perhaps;

excite the suspicion that the natural credulity of his youth has

been abused by his instructors。 He thinks he can find no better

means of showing that he has out grown the discipline of his

minority than by despising those well…meant warnings; and; knowing

no system of thought but that of dogmatism; he drinks deep draughts of

the poison that is to sap the principles in which his early years were


  Exactly the opposite of the system here recommended ought to be

pursued in academical instruction。 This can only be effected; however;

by a thorough training in the critical investigation of pure reason。

For; in order to bring
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