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the critique of pure reason-第139章

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even after we have attained to the highest summit of knowledge which

our weak minds can reach; we find that language in the presence of

wonders so inconceivable has lost its force; and number its power to

reckon; nay; even thought fails to conceive adequately; and our

conception of the whole dissolves into an astonishment without power

of expression… all the more eloquent that it is dumb。 Everywhere

around us we observe a chain of causes and effects; of means and ends;

of death and birth; and; as nothing has entered of itself into the

condition in which we find it; we are constantly referred to some

other thing; which itself suggests the same inquiry regarding its

cause; and thus the universe must sink into the abyss of

nothingness; unless we admit that; besides this infinite chain of

contingencies; there exists something that is primal and

self…subsistent… something which; as the cause of this phenomenal

world; secures its continuance and preservation。

  This highest cause… what magnitude shall we attribute to it? Of

the content of the world we are ignorant; still less can we estimate

its magnitude by comparison with the sphere of the possible。 But

this supreme cause being a necessity of the human mind; what is

there to prevent us from attributing to it such a degree of perfection

as to place it above the sphere of all that is possible? This we can

easily do; although only by the aid of the faint outline of an

abstract conception; by representing this being to ourselves as

containing in itself; as an individual substance; all possible

perfection… a conception which satisfies that requirement of reason

which demands parsimony in principles; which is free from

self…contradiction; which even contributes to the extension of the

employment of reason in experience; by means of the guidance

afforded by this idea to order and system; and which in no respect

conflicts with any law of experience。

  This argument always deserves to be mentioned with respect。 It is

the oldest; the clearest; and that most in conformity with the

common reason of humanity。 It animates the study of nature; as it

itself derives its existence and draws ever new strength from that

source。 It introduces aims and ends into a sphere in which our

observation could not of itself have discovered them; and extends

our knowledge of nature; by directing our attention to a unity; the

principle of which lies beyond nature。 This knowledge of nature

again reacts upon this idea… its cause; and thus our belief in a

divine author of the universe rises to the power of an irresistible


  For these reasons it would be utterly hopeless to attempt to rob

this argument of the authority it has always enjoyed。 The mind;

unceasingly elevated by these considerations; which; although

empirical; are so remarkably powerful; and continually adding to their

force; will not suffer itself to be depressed by the doubts

suggested by subtle speculation; it tears itself out of this state

of uncertainty; the moment it casts a look upon the wondrous forms

of nature and the majesty of the universe; and rises from height to

height; from condition to condition; till it has elevated itself to

the supreme and unconditioned author of all。

  But although we have nothing to object to the reasonableness and

utility of this procedure; but have rather to commend and encourage

it; we cannot approve of the claims which this argument advances to

demonstrative certainty and to a reception upon its own merits;

apart from favour or support by other arguments。 Nor can it injure the

cause of morality to endeavour to lower the tone of the arrogant

sophist; and to teach him that modesty and moderation which are the

properties of a belief that brings calm and content into the mind;

without prescribing to it an unworthy subjection。 I maintain; then;

that the physico…theological argument is insufficient of itself to

prove the existence of a Supreme Being; that it must entrust this to

the ontological argument… to which it serves merely as an

introduction; and that; consequently; this argument contains the

only possible ground of proof (possessed by speculative reason) for

the existence of this being。

  The chief momenta in the physico…theological argument are as follow:

1。 We observe in the world manifest signs of an arrangement full of

purpose; executed with great wisdom; and argument in whole of a

content indescribably various; and of an extent without limits。 2。

This arrangement of means and ends is entirely foreign to the things

existing in the world… it belongs to them merely as a contingent

attribute; in other words; the nature of different things could not of

itself; whatever means were employed; harmoniously tend towards

certain purposes; were they not chosen and directed for these purposes

by a rational and disposing principle; in accordance with certain

fundamental ideas。 3。 There exists; therefore; a sublime and wise

cause (or several); which is not merely a blind; all…powerful

nature; producing the beings and events which fill the world in

unconscious fecundity; but a free and intelligent cause of the

world。 4。 The unity of this cause may be inferred from the unity of

the reciprocal relation existing between the parts of the world; as

portions of an artistic edifice… an inference which all our

observation favours; and all principles of analogy support。

  In the above argument; it is inferred from the analogy of certain

products of nature with those of human art; when it compels Nature

to bend herself to its purposes; as in the case of a house; a ship; or

a watch; that the same kind of causality… namely; understanding and

will… resides in nature。 It is also declared that the internal

possibility of this freely…acting nature (which is the source of all

art; and perhaps also of human reason) is derivable from another and

superhuman art… a conclusion which would perhaps be found incapable of

standing the test of subtle transcendental criticism。 But to neither

of these opinions shall we at present object。 We shall only remark

that it must be confessed that; if we are to discuss the subject of

cause at all; we cannot proceed more securely than with the guidance

of the analogy subsisting between nature and such products of

design… these being the only products whose causes and modes of

organization are completely known to us。 Reason would be unable to

satisfy her own requirements; if she passed from a causality which she

does know; to obscure and indemonstrable principles of explanation

which she does not know。

  According to the physico…theological argument; the connection and

harmony existing in the world evidence the contingency of the form

merely; but not of the matter; that is; of the substance of the world。

To establish the truth of the latter opinion; it would be necessary to

prove that all things would be in themselves incapable of this harmony

and order; unless they were; even as regard
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