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the critique of pure reason-第110章

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  But if any one could free himself entirely from all considerations

of interest; and weigh without partiality the assertions of reason;

attending only to their content; irrespective of the consequences

which follow from them; such a person; on the supposition that he knew

no other way out of the confusion than to settle the truth of one or

other of the conflicting doctrines; would live in a state of continual

hesitation。 Today; he would feel convinced that the human will is

free; to…morrow; considering the indissoluble chain of nature; he

would look on freedom as a mere illusion and declare nature to be

all…in…all。 But; if he were called to action; the play of the merely

speculative reason would disappear like the shapes of a dream; and

practical interest would dictate his choice of principles。 But; as

it well befits a reflective and inquiring being to devote certain

periods of time to the examination of its own reason… to divest itself

of all partiality; and frankly to communicate its observations for the

judgement and opinion of others; so no one can be blamed for; much

less prevented from; placing both parties on their trial; with

permission to end themselves; free from intimidation; before

intimidation; before a sworn jury of equal condition with

themselves… the condition of weak and fallible men。

       SECTION IV。 Of the necessity imposed upon Pure Reason

           of presenting a Solution of its Transcendental


  To avow an ability to solve all problems and to answer all questions

would be a profession certain to convict any philosopher of

extravagant boasting and self…conceit; and at once to destroy the

confidence that might otherwise have been reposed in him。 There are;

however; sciences so constituted that every question arising within

their sphere must necessarily be capable of receiving an answer from

the knowledge already possessed; for the answer must be received

from the same sources whence the question arose。 In such sciences it

is not allowable to excuse ourselves on the plea of necessary and

unavoidable ignorance; a solution is absolutely requisite。 The rule of

right and wrong must help us to the knowledge of what is right or

wrong in all possible cases; otherwise; the idea of obligation or duty

would be utterly null; for we cannot have any obligation to that which

we cannot know。 On the other hand; in our investigations of the

phenomena of nature; much must remain uncertain; and many questions

continue insoluble; because what we know of nature is far from being

sufficient to explain all the phenomena that are presented to our

observation。 Now the question is: 〃Whether there is in

transcendental philosophy any question; relating to an object

presented to pure reason; which is unanswerable by this reason; and

whether we must regard the subject of the question as quite uncertain;

so far as our knowledge extends; and must give it a place among

those subjects; of which we have just so much conception as is

sufficient to enable us to raise a question… faculty or materials

failing us; however; when we attempt an answer。 the world

  Now I maintain that; among all speculative cognition; the

peculiarity of transcendental philosophy is that there is no question;

relating to an object presented to pure reason; which is insoluble

by this reason; and that the profession of unavoidable ignorance…

the problem being alleged to be beyond the reach of our faculties…

cannot free us from the obligation to present a complete and

satisfactory answer。 For the very conception which enables us to raise

the question must give us the power of answering it; inasmuch as the

object; as in the case of right and wrong; is not to be discovered out

of the conception。

  But; in transcendental philosophy; it is only the cosmological

questions to which we can demand a satisfactory answer in relation

to the constitution of their object; and the philosopher is not

permitted to avail himself of the pretext of necessary ignorance and

impenetrable obscurity。 These questions relate solely to the

cosmological ideas。 For the object must be given in experience; and

the question relates to the adequateness of the object to an idea。

If the object is transcendental and therefore itself unknown; if the

question; for example; is whether the object… the something; the

phenomenon of which (internal… in ourselves) is thought… that is to

say; the soul; is in itself a simple being; or whether there is a

cause of all things; which is absolutely necessary… in such cases we

are seeking for our idea an object; of which we may confess that it is

unknown to us; though we must not on that account assert that it is

impossible。* The cosmological ideas alone posses the peculiarity

that we can presuppose the object of them and the empirical

synthesis requisite for the conception of that object to be given; and

the question; which arises from these ideas; relates merely to the

progress of this synthesis; in so far as it must contain absolute

totality… which; however; is not empirical; as it cannot be given in

any experience。 Now; as the question here is solely in regard to a

thing as the object of a possible experience and not as a thing in

itself; the answer to the transcendental cosmological question need

not be sought out of the idea; for the question does not regard an

object in itself。 The question in relation to a possible experience is

not; 〃What can be given in an experience in concreto〃 but 〃what is

contained in the idea; to which the empirical synthesis must

approximate。〃 The question must therefore be capable of solution

from the idea alone。 For the idea is a creation of reason itself;

which therefore cannot disclaim the obligation to answer or refer us

to the unknown object。

  *The question; 〃What is the constitution of a transcendental

object?〃 is unanswerable… we are unable to say what it is; but we

can perceive that the question itself is nothing; because it does

not relate to any object that can be presented to us。 For this reason;

we must consider all the questions raised in transcendental psychology

as answerable and as really answered; for they relate to the

transcendental subject of all internal phenomena; which is not

itself phenomenon and consequently not given as an object; in which;

moreover; none of the categories… and it is to them that the

question is properly directed… find any conditions of its application。

Here; therefore; is a case where no answer is the only proper

answer。 For a question regarding the constitution of a something which

cannot be cogitated by any determined predicate; being completely

beyond the sphere of objects and experience; is perfectly null and


  It is not so extraordinary; as it at first sight appears; that a

science should demand and expect satisfactory answers to all the

questions that may arise within its own sphere (questiones

domesticae); alt
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