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the desire of ages-第182章

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Still the disciples were perplexed。 Thomas; always troubled by doubts; said; 〃Lord; we know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him; I am the way; the truth; and the life; no man cometh unto the Father; but by Me。 If ye had known Me; ye should have known My Father also: and from henceforth ye know Him; and have seen Him。〃

There are not many ways to heaven。 Each one may not choose his own way。 Christ says; 〃I am the way: 。 。 。 no man cometh unto the Father; but by Me。〃 Since the first gospel sermon was preached; when in Eden it was declared that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head; Christ had been uplifted as the way; the truth; and the life。 He was the way when Adam lived; when Abel presented to God the blood of the slain lamb; representing the blood of the Redeemer。 Christ was the way by which patriarchs and prophets were saved。 He is the way by which alone we can have access to God。

〃If ye had known Me;〃 Christ said; 〃ye should have known My Father also: and from henceforth ye know Him; and have seen Him。〃 But not yet did the disciples understand。 〃Lord; show us the Father;〃 exclaimed Philip; 〃and it sufficeth us。〃

Amazed at his dullness of comprehension; Christ asked with pained surprise; 〃Have I been so long time with you; and yet hast thou not known Me; Philip?〃 Is it possible that you do not see the Father in the works He does through Me? Do you not believe that I came to testify of the Father? 〃How sayest thou then; Show us the Father?〃 〃He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father。〃 Christ had not ceased to be


God when He became man。 Though He had humbled Himself to humanity; the Godhead was still His own。 Christ alone could represent the Father to humanity; and this representation the disciples had been privileged to behold for over three years。

〃Believe Me that I am in the Father; and the Father in Me: or else believe Me for the very works' sake。〃 Their faith might safely rest on the evidence given in Christ's works; works that no man; of himself; ever had done; or ever could do。 Christ's work testified to His divinity。 Through Him the Father had been revealed。

If the disciples believed this vital connection between the Father and the Son; their faith would not forsake them when they saw Christ's suffering and death to save a perishing world。 Christ was seeking to lead them from their low condition of faith to the experience they might receive if they truly realized what He was;God in human flesh。 He desired them to see that their faith must lead up to God; and be anchored there。 How earnestly and perseveringly our compassionate Saviour sought to prepare His disciples for the storm of temptation that was soon to beat upon them。 He would have them hid with Him in God。

As Christ was speaking these words; the glory of God was shining from His countenance; and all present felt a sacred awe as they listened with rapt attention to His words。 Their hearts were more decidedly drawn to Him; and as they were drawn to Christ in greater love; they were drawn to one another。 They felt that heaven was very near; and that the words to which they listened were a message to them from their heavenly Father。

〃Verily; verily; I say unto you;〃 Christ continued; 〃He that believeth on Me; the works that I do shall he do also。〃 The Saviour was deeply anxious for His disciples to understand for what purpose His divinity was united to humanity。 He came to the world to display the glory of God; that man might be uplifted by its restoring power。 God was manifested in Him that He might be manifested in them。 Jesus revealed no qualities; and exercised no powers; that men may not have through faith in Him。 His perfect humanity is that which all His followers may possess; if they will be in subjection to God as He was。

〃And greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto My Father。〃 By this Christ did not mean that the disciples' work would be of a more exalted character than His; but that it would have greater extent。 He did not refer merely to miracle working; but to all that would take place under the working of the Holy Spirit。


After the Lord's ascension; the disciples realized the fulfillment of His promise。 The scenes of the crucifixion; resurrection; and ascension of Christ were a living reality to them。 They saw that the prophecies had been literally fulfilled。 They searched the Scriptures; and accepted their teaching with a faith and assurance unknown before。 They knew that the divine Teacher was all that He had claimed to be。 As they told their experience; and exalted the love of God; men's hearts were melted and subdued; and multitudes believed on Jesus。

The Saviour's promise to His disciples is a promise to His church to the end of time。 God did not design that His wonderful plan to redeem men should achieve only insignificant results。 All who will go to work; trusting not in what they themselves can do; but in what God can do for and through them; will certainly realize the fulfillment of His promise。 〃Greater works than these shall ye do;〃 He declares; 〃because I go unto My Father。〃

As yet the disciples were unacquainted with the Saviour's unlimited resources and power。 He said to them; 〃Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name。〃 John 16:24。 He explained that the secret of their success would be in asking for strength and grace in His name。 He would be present before the Father to make request for them。 The prayer of the humble suppliant He presents as His own desire in that soul's behalf。 Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven。 It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it; it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers; and He will present it to the Father without one awkward; stammering word; beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection。

The path of sincerity and integrity is not a path free from obstruction; but in every difficulty we are to see a call to prayer。 There is no one living who has any power that he has not received from God; and the source whence it comes is open to the weakest human being。 〃Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name;〃 said Jesus; 〃that will I do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son。 If ye shall ask anything in My name; I will do it。〃

〃In My name;〃 Christ bade His disciples pray。 In Christ's name His followers are to stand before God。 Through the value of the sacrifice made for them; they are of value in the Lord's sight。 Because of the imputed righteousness of Christ they are accounted precious。 For Christ's sake the Lord pardons those that fear Him。 He does not see in them the vileness of the sinner。 He recognizes in them the likeness of His Son; in whom they believe。


The Lord is disappointed when His people place a low estimate upon themselves。 He desires His chosen heritage to value themselves according to the price He has placed upon them。 God wanted them; else He would not have sent His Son on such an expensive errand to redeem them。 He has a use for them; and He is well pleased when they make the very highest demands upon Him; that they may glorify His nam
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