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the desire of ages-第179章

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ciples; He instituted in its place the service that was to be the memorial of His great sacrifice。 The national festival of the Jews was to pass away forever。 The service which Christ established was to be observed by His followers in all lands and through all ages。

The Passover was ordained as a commemoration of the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage。 God had directed that; year by year; as the children should ask the meaning of this ordinance; the history should be repeated。 Thus the wonderful deliverance was to be kept fresh in the minds of all。 The ordinance of the Lord's Supper was given


to commemorate the great deliverance wrought out as the result of the death of Christ。 Till He shall come the second time in power and glory; this ordinance is to be celebrated。 It is the means by which His great work for us is to be kept fresh in our minds。

At the time of their deliverance from Egypt; the children of Israel ate the Passover supper standing; with their loins girded; and with their staves in their hands; ready for their journey。 The manner in which they celebrated this ordinance harmonized with their condition; for they were about to be thrust out of the land of Egypt; and were to begin a painful and difficult journey through the wilderness。 But in Christ's time the condition of things had changed。 They were not now about to be thrust out of a strange country; but were dwellers in their own land。 In harmony with the rest that had been given them; the people then partook of the Passover supper in a reclining position。 Couches were placed about the table; and the guests lay upon them; resting upon the left arm; and having the right hand free for use in eating。 In this position a guest could lay his head upon the breast of the one who sat next above him。 And the feet; being at the outer edge of the couch; could be washed by one passing around the outside of the circle。

Christ is still at the table on which the paschal supper has been spread。 The unleavened cakes used at the Passover season are before Him。 The Passover wine; untouched by fermentation; is on the table。 These emblems Christ employs to represent His own unblemished sacrifice。 Nothing corrupted by fermentation; the symbol of sin and death; could represent the 〃Lamb without blemish and without spot。〃 1 Peter 1:19。

〃And as they were eating; Jesus took bread; and blessed it; and brake it; and gave it to the disciples; and said; Take; eat; this is My body。 And He took the cup; and gave thanks; and gave it to them; saying; Drink ye all of it; for this is My blood of the new testament; which is shed for many for the remission of sins。 But I say unto you; I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine; until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom。〃

Judas the betrayer was present at the sacramental service。 He received from Jesus the emblems of His broken body and His spilled blood。 He heard the words; 〃This do in remembrance of Me。〃 And sitting there in the very presence of the Lamb of God; the betrayer brooded upon his own dark purposes; and cherished his sullen; revengeful thoughts。

At the feet washing; Christ had given convincing proof that He understood the character of Judas。 〃Ye are not all clean〃 (John 13:11);


He said。 These words convinced the false disciple that Christ read his secret purpose。 Now Christ spoke out more plainly。 As they were seated at the table He said; looking upon His disciples; 〃I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled; He that eateth bread with Me hath lifted up his heel against Me。〃

Even now the disciples did not suspect Judas。 But they saw that Christ appeared greatly troubled。 A cloud settled over them all; a premonition of some dreadful calamity; the nature of which they did not understand。 As they ate in silence; Jesus said; 〃Verily I say unto you; that one of you shall betray Me。〃 At these words amazement and consternation seized them。 They could not comprehend how any one of them could deal treacherously with their divine Teacher。 For what cause could they betray Him? and to whom? Whose heart could give birth to such a design? Surely not one of the favored twelve; who had been privileged above all others to hear His teachings; who had shared His wonderful love; and for whom He had shown such great regard by bringing them into close communion with Himself!

As they realized the import of His words; and remembered how true His sayings were; fear and self…distrust seized them。 They began to search their own hearts to see if one thought against their Master were harbored there。 With the most painful emotion; one after another inquired; 〃Lord; is it I?〃 But Judas sat silent。 John in deep distress at last inquired; 〃Lord; who is it?〃 And Jesus answered; 〃He that dippeth his hand with Me in the dish; the same shall betray Me。 The Son of man goeth as it is written of Him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born。〃 The disciples had searched one another's faces closely as they asked; 〃Lord; is it I?〃 And now the silence of Judas drew all eyes to him。 Amid the confusion of questions and expressions of astonishment; Judas had not heard the words of Jesus in answer to John's question。 But now; to escape the scrutiny of the disciples; he asked as they had done; 〃Master; is it I?〃 Jesus solemnly replied; 〃Thou hast said。〃

In surprise and confusion at the exposure of his purpose; Judas rose hastily to leave the room。 〃Then said Jesus unto him; That thou doest; do quickly。 。 。 。 He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night。〃 Night it was to the traitor as he turned away from Christ into the outer darkness。

Until this step was taken; Judas had not passed beyond the possibility of repentance。 But when he left the presence of his Lord and his


fellow disciples; the final decision had been made。 He had passed the boundary line。

Wonderful had been the long…suffering of Jesus in His dealing with this tempted soul。 Nothing that could be done to save Judas had been left undone。 After he had twice covenanted to betray his Lord; Jesus still gave him opportunity for repentance。 By reading the secret purpose of the traitor's heart; Christ gave to Judas the final; convincing evidence of His divinity。 This was to the false disciple the last call to repentance。 No appeal that the divine…human heart of Christ could make had been spared。 The waves of mercy; beaten back by stubborn pride; returned in a stronger tide of subduing love。 But although surprised and alarmed at the discovery of his guilt; Judas became only the more determined。 From the sacramental supper he went out to complete the work of betrayal。

In pronouncing the woe upon Judas; Christ also had a purpose of mercy toward His disciples。 He thus gave them the crowning evidence of His Messiahship。 〃I tell you before it come;〃 He said; 〃that; when it is come to pass; ye may believe that I AM。〃 Had Jesus remained silent; in apparent
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