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Simon now began to see himself in a new light。 He saw how Mary was regarded by One who was more than a prophet。 He saw that with keen prophetic eye Christ read her heart of love and devotion。 Shame seized upon him; and he realized that he was in the presence of One superior to himself。
〃I entered into thine house;〃 Christ continued; 〃thou gavest Me no water for My feet;〃 but with tears of repentance; prompted by love; Mary hath washed My feet; and wiped them with the hair of her head。 〃Thou gavest Me no kiss: but this woman;〃 whom you despise; 〃since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss My feet。〃 Christ recounted the opportunities Simon had had to show his love for his Lord; and his appreciation of what had been done for him。 Plainly; yet with delicate politeness; the Saviour assured His disciples that His heart is grieved when His children neglect to show their gratitude to Him by words and deeds of love。
The Heart Searcher read the motive that led to Mary's action; and He saw also the spirit that prompted Simon's words。 〃Seest thou this woman?〃 He said to him。 She is a sinner。 〃I say unto thee; Her sins; which are many; are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven; the same loveth little。〃
Simon's coldness and neglect toward the Saviour showed how little he appreciated the mercy he had received。 He had thought he honored Jesus by inviting Him to his house。 But he now saw himself as he really was。 While he thought himself reading his Guest; his Guest had been reading him。 He saw how true Christ's judgment of him was。 His religion had been a robe of Pharisaism。 He had despised the compassion of Jesus。 He had not recognized Him as the representative of God。 While Mary was a sinner pardoned; he was a sinner unpardoned。 The rigid rule of justice he had desired to enforce against her condemned him。
Simon was touched by the kindness of Jesus in not openly rebuking him before the guests。 He had not been treated as he desired Mary to be treated。 He saw that Jesus did not wish to expose his guilt to others; but sought by a true statement of the case to convince his mind; and by pitying kindness to subdue his heart。 Stern denunciation would have hardened Simon against repentance; but patient admonition convinced
him of his error。 He saw the magnitude of the debt which he owed his Lord。 His pride was humbled; he repented; and the proud Pharisee became a lowly; self…sacrificing disciple。
Mary had been looked upon as a great sinner; but Christ knew the circumstances that had shaped her life。 He might have extinguished every spark of hope in her soul; but He did not。 It was He who had lifted her from despair and ruin。 Seven times she had heard His rebuke of the demons that controlled her heart and mind。 She had heard His strong cries to the Father in her behalf。 She knew how offensive is sin to His unsullied purity; and in His strength she had overcome。
When to human eyes her case appeared hopeless; Christ saw in Mary capabilities for good。 He saw the better traits of her character。 The plan of redemption has invested humanity with great possibilities; and in Mary these possibilities were to be realized。 Through His grace she became a partaker of the divine nature。 The one who had fallen; and whose mind had been a habitation of demons; was brought very near to the Saviour in fellowship and ministry。 It was Mary who sat at His feet and learned of Him。 It was Mary who poured upon His head the precious anointing oil; and bathed His feet with her tears。 Mary stood beside the cross; and followed Him to the sepulcher。 Mary was first at the tomb after His resurrection。 It was Mary who first proclaimed a risen Saviour。
Jesus knows the circumstances of every soul。 You may say; I am sinful; very sinful。 You may be; but the worse you are; the more you need Jesus。 He turns no weeping; contrite one away。 He does not tell to any all that He might reveal; but He bids every trembling soul take courage。 Freely will He pardon all who come to Him for forgiveness and restoration。
Christ might commission the angels of heaven to pour out the vials of His wrath on our world; to destroy those who are filled with hatred of God。 He might wipe this dark spot from His universe。 But He does not do this。 He is today standing at the altar of incense; presenting before God the prayers of those who desire His help。
The souls that turn to Him for refuge; Jesus lifts above the accusing and the strife of tongues。 No man or evil angel can impeach these souls。 Christ unites them to His own divine…human nature。 They stand beside the great Sin Bearer; in the light proceeding from the throne of God。 〃Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth。 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died; yea rather; that is risen again; who is even at the right hand of God; who also maketh intercession for us。〃 Rom。 8:33; 34。
Chapter 63
〃Thy King Cometh〃
〃Rejoice greatly; O daughter of Zion; shout; O daughter of Jerusalem: behold; thy King cometh unto thee: He is just; and having salvation; lowly; and riding upon an ass; and upon a colt the foal of an ass。〃 Zech。 9:9。
Five hundred years before the birth of Christ; the prophet Zechariah thus foretold the coming of the King to Israel。 This prophecy is now to be fulfilled。 He who has so long refused royal honors now comes to Jerusalem as the promised heir to David's throne。
It was on the first day of the week that Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem。 Multitudes who had flocked to see Him at Bethany now accompanied Him; eager to witness His reception。 Many people were on their way to the city to keep the Passover; and these joined the multitude attending Jesus。 All nature seemed to rejoice。 The trees were clothed with verdure; and their blossoms shed a delicate fragrance on the air。 A new life and joy animated the people。 The hope of the new kingdom was again springing up。
Purposing to ride into Jerusalem; Jesus had sent two of His disciples to bring to Him an ass and its colt。 At His birth the Saviour was dependent upon the hospitality of strangers。 The manger in which He lay was a borrowed resting place。 Now; although the cattle on a thousand hills are His; He is dependent on a stranger's kindness for an animal on
which to enter Jerusalem as its King。 But again His divinity is revealed; even in the minute directions given His disciples for this errand。 As He foretold; the plea; 〃The Lord hath need of them;〃 was readily granted。 Jesus chose for His use the colt on which never man had sat。 The disciples; with glad enthusiasm; spread their garments on the beast; and seated their Master upon it。 Heretofore Jesus had always traveled on foot; and the disciples had at first wondered that He should now choose to ride。 But hope brightened in their hearts with the joyous thought that He was about to enter the capital; proclaim Himself King; and assert His royal power。 While on their errand they communicated their glowing expectations to the friends of Jesus; and the e