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the desire of ages-第151章

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t。 Turning to the disciples; he asked; 〃Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence; and given to the poor? This he said; not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief; and had the bag; and bare what was put therein。〃 Judas had no heart for the poor。 Had Mary's ointment been sold; and the proceeds fallen into his possession; the poor would have received no benefit。

Judas had a high opinion of his own executive ability。 As a financier he thought himself greatly superior to his fellow disciples; and he had led them to regard him in the same light。 He had gained their confidence; and had a strong influence over them。 His professed sympathy for the poor deceived them; and his artful insinuation caused them to look


distrustfully upon Mary's devotion。 The murmur passed round the table; 〃To what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much; and given to the poor。〃

Mary heard the words of criticism。 Her heart trembled within her。 She feared that her sister would reproach her for extravagance。 The Master; too; might think her improvident。 Without apology or excuse she was about to shrink away; when the voice of her Lord was heard; 〃Let her alone; why trouble ye her?〃 He saw that she was embarrassed and distressed。 He knew that in this act of service she had expressed her gratitude for the forgiveness of her sins; and He brought relief to her mind。 Lifting His voice above the murmur of criticism; He said; 〃She hath wrought a good work on Me。 For ye have the poor with you always; and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but Me ye have not always。 She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint My body to the burying。〃

The fragrant gift which Mary had thought to lavish upon the dead body of the Saviour she poured upon His living form。 At the burial its sweetness could only have pervaded the tomb; now it gladdened His heart with the assurance of her faith and love。 Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus offered not their gift of love to Jesus in His life。 With bitter tears they brought their costly spices for His cold; unconscious form。 The women who bore spices to the tomb found their errand in vain; for He had risen。 But Mary; pouring out her love upon the Saviour while He was conscious of her devotion; was anointing Him for the burial。 And as He went down into the darkness of His great trial; He carried with Him the memory of that deed; an earnest of the love that would be His from His redeemed ones forever。

Many there are who bring their precious gifts for the dead。 As they stand about the cold; silent form; words of love are freely spoken。 Tenderness; appreciation; devotion; all are lavished upon one who sees not nor hears。 Had these words been spoken when the weary spirit needed them so much; when the ear could hear and the heart could feel; how precious would have been their fragrance!

Mary knew not the full significance of her deed of love。 She could not answer her accusers。 She could not explain why she had chosen that occasion for anointing Jesus。 The Holy Spirit had planned for her; and she had obeyed His promptings。 Inspiration stoops to give no reason。 An unseen presence; it speaks to mind and soul; and moves the heart to action。 It is its own justification。

Christ told Mary the meaning of her act; and in this He gave her


more than He had received。 〃In that she hath poured this ointment on My body;〃 He said; 〃she did it for My burial。〃 As the alabaster box was broken; and filled the whole house with its fragrance; so Christ was to die; His body was to be broken; but He was to rise from the tomb; and the fragrance of His life was to fill the earth。 Christ 〃hath loved us; and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet…smelling savor。〃 Eph。 5:2。

〃Verily I say unto you;〃 Christ declared; 〃Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world; this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her。〃 Looking into the future; the Saviour spoke with certainty concerning His gospel。 It was to be preached throughout the world。 And as far as the gospel extended; Mary's gift would shed its fragrance; and hearts would be blessed through her unstudied act。 Kingdoms would rise and fall; the names of monarchs and conquerors would be forgotten; but this woman's deed would be immortalized upon the pages of sacred history。 Until time should be no more; that broken alabaster box would tell the story of the abundant love of God for a fallen race。

Mary's act was in marked contrast with that which Judas was about to do。 What a sharp lesson Christ might have given him who had dropped the seed of criticism and evil thinking into the minds of the disciples! How justly the accuser might have been accused! He who reads the motives of every heart; and understands every action; might have opened before those at the feast dark chapters in the experience of Judas。 The hollow pretense on which the traitor based his words might have been laid bare; for; instead of sympathizing with the poor; he was robbing them of the money intended for their relief。 Indignation might have been excited against him for his oppression of the widow; the orphan; and the hireling。 But had Christ unmasked Judas; this would have been urged as a reason for the betrayal。 And though charged with being a thief; Judas would have gained sympathy; even among the disciples。 The Saviour reproached him not; and thus avoided giving him an excuse for his treachery。

But the look which Jesus cast upon Judas convinced him that the Saviour penetrated his hypocrisy; and read his base; contemptible character。 And in commending Mary's action; which had been so severely condemned; Christ had rebuked Judas。 Prior to this; the Saviour had never given him a direct rebuke。 Now the reproof rankled in his heart。 He determined to be revenged。 From the supper he went directly to


the palace of the high priest; where he found the council assembled; and he offered to betray Jesus into their hands。

The priests were greatly rejoiced。 These leaders of Israel had been given the privilege of receiving Christ as their Saviour; without money and without price。 But they refused the precious gift offered them in the most tender spirit of constraining love。 They refused to accept that salvation which is of more value than gold; and bought their Lord for thirty pieces of silver。

Judas had indulged avarice until it overpowered every good trait of his character。 He grudged the offering made to Jesus。 His heart burned with envy that the Saviour should be the recipient of a gift suitable for the monarchs of the earth。 For a sum far less than the box of ointment cost; he betrayed his Lord。

The disciples were not like Judas。 They loved the Saviour。 But they did not rightly appreciate His exalted character。 Had they realized what He had done for them; they would have felt that nothing bestowed upon Him was wasted。 The wise men from the East; who knew so little of Jesus; had shown a truer appreciation of the honor due Him。 They brought precious gifts to the Saviour; and bowed in hom
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