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the desire of ages-第125章

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 woman; were disregarding its provisions。 It was the husband's duty to take action against her; and the guilty parties were to be punished equally。 The action of the accusers was wholly unauthorized。 Jesus; however; met them on their own ground。 The law specified that in punishment by stoning; the witnesses in the case should be the first to cast a stone。 Now rising; and fixing His eyes upon the plotting elders; Jesus said; 〃He that is without sin among you; let him first cast a stone at her。〃 And stooping down; He continued writing on the ground。

He had not set aside the law given through Moses; nor infringed upon the authority of Rome。 The accusers had been defeated。 Now; their robe of pretended holiness torn from them; they stood; guilty and condemned; in the presence of Infinite Purity。 They trembled lest the hidden iniquity of their lives should be laid open to the multitude; and one by one; with bowed heads and downcast eyes; they stole away; leaving their victim with the pitying Saviour。

Jesus arose; and looking at the woman said; 〃Woman; where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said; No man; Lord。 And Jesus said unto her; Neither do I condemn thee: go; and sin no more。〃


The woman had stood before Jesus; cowering with fear。 His words; 〃He that is without sin among you; let him first cast a stone;〃 had come to her as a death sentence。 She dared not lift her eyes to the Saviour's face; but silently awaited her doom。 In astonishment she saw her accusers depart speechless and confounded; then those words of hope fell upon her ear; 〃Neither do I condemn thee: go; and sin no more。〃 Her heart was melted; and she cast herself at the feet of Jesus; sobbing out her grateful love; and with bitter tears confessing her sins。

This was to her the beginning of a new life; a life of purity and peace; devoted to the service of God。 In the uplifting of this fallen soul; Jesus performed a greater miracle than in healing the most grievous physical disease; He cured the spiritual malady which is unto death everlasting。 This penitent woman became one of His most steadfast followers。 With self…sacrificing love and devotion she repaid His forgiving mercy。

In His act of pardoning this woman and encouraging her to live a better life; the character of Jesus shines forth in the beauty of perfect righteousness。 While He does not palliate sin; nor lessen the sense of guilt; He seeks not to condemn; but to save。 The world had for this erring woman only contempt and scorn; but Jesus speaks words of comfort and hope。 The Sinless One pities the weakness of the sinner; and reaches to her a helping hand。 While the hypocritical Pharisees denounce; Jesus bids her; 〃Go; and sin no more。〃

It is not Christ's follower that; with averted eyes; turns from the erring; leaving them unhindered to pursue their downward course。 Those who are forward in accusing others; and zealous in bringing them to justice; are often in their own lives more guilty than they。 Men hate the sinner; while they love the sin。 Christ hates the sin; but loves the sinner。 This will be the spirit of all who follow Him。 Christian love is slow to censure; quick to discern penitence; ready to forgive; to encourage; to set the wanderer in the path of holiness; and to stay his feet therein。


                              Chapter 51

                              〃The Light of Life〃

Then spake Jesus again unto them; saying; I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness; but shall have the light of life。〃

When He spoke these words; Jesus was in the court of the temple specially connected with the services of the Feast of Tabernacles。 In the center of this court rose two lofty standards; supporting lampstands of great size。 After the evening sacrifice; all the lamps were kindled; shedding their light over Jerusalem。 This ceremony was in commemoration of the pillar of light that guided Israel in the desert; and was also regarded as pointing to the coming of the Messiah。 At evening when the lamps were lighted; the court was a scene of great rejoicing。 Gray…haired men; the priests of the temple and the rulers of the people; united in the festive dances to the sound of instrumental music and the chants of the Levites。

In the illumination of Jerusalem; the people expressed their hope of the Messiah's coming to shed His light upon Israel。 But to Jesus the scene had a wider meaning。 As the radiant lamps of the temple lighted up all about them; so Christ; the source of spiritual light; illumines the darkness of the world。 Yet the symbol was imperfect。 That great light which His own hand had set in the heavens was a truer representation of the glory of His mission。

It was morning; the sun had just risen above the Mount of Olives; and its rays fell with dazzling brightness on the marble palaces; and


lighted up the gold of the temple walls; when Jesus; pointing to it; said; 〃I am the light of the world。〃

By one who listened to these words; they were long afterward re…echoed in that sublime passage; 〃In Him was life; and the life was the light of men。 And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not。〃 〃That was the true light; which lighteth every man that cometh into the world。〃 John 1:4; 5; R。 V。; 9。 And long after Jesus had ascended to heaven; Peter also; writing under the illumination of the divine Spirit; recalled the symbol Christ had used: 〃We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed; as unto a light that shineth in a dark place; until the day dawn; and the daystar arise in your hearts。〃 2 Peter 1:19。

In the manifestation of God to His people; light had ever been a symbol of His presence。 At the creative word in the beginning; light had shone out of darkness。 Light had been enshrouded in the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night; leading the vast armies of Israel。 Light blazed with awful grandeur about the Lord on Mount Sinai。 Light rested over the mercy seat in the tabernacle。 Light filled the temple of Solomon at its dedication。 Light shone on the hills of Bethlehem when the angels brought the message of redemption to the watching shepherds。

God is light; and in the words; 〃I am the light of the world;〃 Christ declared His oneness with God; and His relation to the whole human family。 It was He who at the beginning had caused 〃the light to shine out of darkness。〃 2 Cor。 4:6。 He is the light of sun and moon and star。 He was the spiritual light that in symbol and type and prophecy had shone upon Israel。 But not to the Jewish nation alone was the light given。 As the sunbeams penetrate to the remotest corners of the earth; so does the light of the Sun of Righteousness shine upon every soul。

〃That was the true light; which lighteth every man that cometh into the world。〃 The world has had its great teachers; men of giant intellect and wonderful research; men whose utterances have stimulated thought; and opened to view vast fields of knowledge; and these men have been honored as guides and benefactors of their race。 But there is One w
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