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e power to open and to shut heaven。 They declare the conditions
upon which men are received or rejected。 Thus the work of those who preach God's word is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death。 Theirs is a mission weighted with eternal results。
The Saviour did not commit the work of the gospel to Peter individually。 At a later time; repeating the words that were spoken to Peter; He applied them directly to the church。 And the same in substance was spoken also to the twelve as representatives of the body of believers。 If Jesus had delegated any special authority to one of the disciples above the others; we should not find them so often contending as to who should be the greatest。 They would have submitted to the wish of their Master; and honored the one whom He had chosen。
Instead of appointing one to be their head; Christ said to the disciples; 〃Be not ye called Rabbi;〃 〃neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master; even Christ。〃 Matt。 23:8; 10。
〃The head of every man is Christ。〃 God; who put all things under the Saviour's feet; 〃gave Him to be the head over all things to the church; which is His body; the fullness of Him that filleth all in all。〃 1 Cor。 11:3; Eph。 1:22; 23。 The church is built upon Christ as its foundation; it is to obey Christ as its head。 It is not to depend upon man; or be controlled by man。 Many claim that a position of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what they shall do。 This claim God does not sanction。 The Saviour declares; 〃All ye are brethren。〃 All are exposed to temptation; and are liable to error。 Upon no finite being can we depend for guidance。 The Rock of faith is the living presence of Christ in the church。 Upon this the weakest may depend; and those who think themselves the strongest will prove to be the weakest; unless they make Christ their efficiency。 〃Cursed be the man that trusteth in man; and maketh flesh his arm。〃 The Lord 〃is the Rock; His work is perfect。〃 〃Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him。〃 Jer。 17:5; Deut。 32:4; Ps。 2:12。
After Peter's confession; Jesus charged the disciples to tell no man that He was the Christ。 This charge was given because of the determined opposition of the scribes and Pharisees。 More than this; the people; and even the disciples; had so false a conception of the Messiah that a public announcement of Him would give them no true idea of His character or His work。 But day by day He was revealing Himself to them as the Saviour; and thus He desired to give them a true conception of Him as the Messiah。
The disciples still expected Christ to reign as a temporal prince。 Although He had so long concealed His design; they believed that He would not always remain in poverty and obscurity; the time was near when He would establish His kingdom。 That the hatred of the priests and rabbis would never be overcome; that Christ would be rejected by His own nation; condemned as a deceiver; and crucified as a malefactor;such a thought the disciples had never entertained。 But the hour of the power of darkness was drawing on; and Jesus must open to His disciples the conflict before them。 He was sad as He anticipated the trial。
Hitherto He had refrained from making known to them anything relative to His sufferings and death。 In His conversation with Nicodemus He had said; 〃As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness; even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish; but have eternal life。〃 John 3:14; 15。 But the disciples did not hear this; and had they heard; would not have understood。 But now they have been with Jesus; listening to His words; beholding His works; until; notwithstanding the humility of His surroundings; and the opposition of priests and people; they can join in the testimony of Peter; 〃Thou art the Christ; the Son of the living God。〃 Now the time has come for the veil that hides the future to be withdrawn。 〃From that time forth began Jesus to show unto His disciples; how that He must go unto Jerusalem; and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes; and be killed; and be raised again the third day。〃
Speechless with grief and amazement; the disciples listened。 Christ had accepted Peter's acknowledgment of Him as the Son of God; and now His words pointing to His suffering and death seemed incomprehensible。 Peter could not keep silent。 He laid hold upon his Master; as if to draw Him back from His impending doom; exclaiming; 〃Be it far from Thee; Lord: this shall not be unto Thee。〃
Peter loved his Lord; but Jesus did not commend him for thus manifesting the desire to shield Him from suffering。 Peter's words were not such as would be a help and solace to Jesus in the great trial before Him。 They were not in harmony with God's purpose of grace toward a lost world; nor with the lesson of self…sacrifice that Jesus had come to teach by His own example。 Peter did not desire to see the cross in the work of Christ。 The impression which his words would make was directly opposed to that which Christ desired to make on the minds of His followers; and the Saviour was moved to utter one of the sternest rebukes
that ever fell from His lips: 〃Get thee behind Me; Satan: thou art an offense unto Me: for thou savorest not the things that be of God; but those that be of men。〃
Satan was trying to discourage Jesus; and turn Him from His mission; and Peter; in his blind love; was giving voice to the temptation。 The prince of evil was the author of the thought。 His instigation was behind that impulsive appeal。 In the wilderness; Satan had offered Christ the dominion of the world on condition of forsaking the path of humiliation and sacrifice。 Now he was presenting the same temptation to the disciple of Christ。 He was seeking to fix Peter's gaze upon the earthly glory; that he might not behold the cross to which Jesus desired to turn his eyes。 And through Peter; Satan was again pressing the temptation upon Jesus。 But the Saviour heeded it not; His thought was for His disciple。 Satan had interposed between Peter and his Master; that the heart of the disciple might not be touched at the vision of Christ's humiliation for him。 The words of Christ were spoken; not to Peter; but to the one who was trying to separate him from his Redeemer。 〃Get thee behind Me; Satan。〃 No longer interpose between Me and My erring servant。 Let Me come face to face with Peter; that I may reveal to him the mystery of My love。
It was to Peter a bitter lesson; and one which he learned but slowly; that the path of Christ on earth lay through agony and humiliation。 The disciple shrank from fellowship with his Lord in suffering。 But in the heat of the furnace fire he was to learn its blessing。 Long afterward; when his active form was bowed with the burden of years and labors; he wrote; 〃Beloved; think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you; as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice; inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that; when His glory shall be revealed; ye may be glad also with exceeding joy。〃