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the origins of contemporary france-4-第99章

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thousand five hundred of these committees in France。'55'

IV。  Provincial Administration。

The administrative staff in the provinces。  … Jacobinism less in the

departmental towns than in Paris。  … Less in the country than in the

towns。  … The Revolutionary Committees in the small communes。  …

Municipal bodies lukewarm in the villages。  … Jacobins too numerous in

bourgs and small towns。  … Unreliable or hampered as agents when

belonging to the administrative bodies of large or moderate…sized

towns。  … Deficiency of locally recruited staff。

 Had the laws of March 21 and September 5; 1793; been strictly

enforced; there would; instead of 21;500 have been 45;000 of these

revolutionary committees。  They would have been composed of 540;000

members costing the public 591 millions per year。'56' This would have

made the regular administrative body; already twice as numerous and

twice as costly as under the ancient régime; an extra corps expending;

〃simply in surveillance;〃 one hundred millions more than the entire

taxation of the country; the greatness of which had excited the people

against the ancient régime。  … Happily; the poisonous and monstrous

fungal growth was only able to achieve half its intended size; neither

the Jacobin seed nor the bad atmosphere it required to make it spread

could be found anywhere。  〃The people of the provinces;〃 says a

contemporary;'57' 〃are not up to the level of the Revolution; it

opposes old habits and customs and the resistance of inertia to

innovations which it does not understand。〃 〃The plowman is an

estimable man;〃 writes a missionary representative; 〃 but he is

generally a poor patriot。〃'58' Actually; there is on the one hand;

less of human sediment in the departmental towns than in the great

Parisian sink; and; on the other hand; the rural population; preserved

from intellectual miasmas; better resists social epidemics than the

urban population。  Less infested with vicious adventurers; less

fruitful in disordered intellects; the provinces supply a corps of

inquisitors and terrorists with greater difficulty。

And first; in the thousands of communes which have less than five

hundred inhabitants;'59' in many other villages of greater population;

but scattered'60' and purely agricultural; especially in those in

which patois is spoken; there is a scarcity of suitable subjects for a

revolutionary committee。  People make use of their hands too much;

horny hands do not write every day; nobody desires to take up a pen;

especially to keep a register that may be preserved and some day or

other prove compromising。  It is already a difficult matter to recruit

a municipal council; to find a mayor; the two additional municipal

officers; and the national agent which the law requires; in the small

communes; these are the only agents of the revolutionary government;

and I fancy that; in most cases; their Jacobin fervor is moderate。

Municipal officer; national agent or mayor; the real peasant of that

day belongs to no party; neither royalist nor republican;'61' his

ideas are rare; too transient and too sluggish; to enable him to form

a political opinion。  All he comprehends of the Revolution is that

which nettles him; or that which he sees every day around him; with

his own eyes; to him '93 and '94 are and will remain 〃the time of bad

paper (money) and great fright;〃 and nothing more。'62' Patient in his

habits。; he submits to the new as he did to the ancient régime;

bearing the load put on his shoulders; and stooping down for fear of a

heavier one。  He is often mayor or national agent in spite of himself;

he has been obliged to take the place and would gladly throw the

burden off。  For; as times go; it is onerous; if he executes decrees

and orders; he is certain to make enemies; if he does not execute

them; he is sure to be imprisoned; he had better remain; or go back

home 〃Gros…Jean;〃 as he was before。  But he has no choice; the

appointment being once made and confirmed; he cannot decline; nor

resign; under penalty of being a 〃suspect;〃 he must be the hammer in

order not to become the anvil。  Whether he is a wine…grower; miller;

ploughman or quarry…man; he acts reluctantly; 〃submitting a petition

for resignation;〃 as soon as the Terror diminishes; on the ground that

〃he writes badly;〃 that 〃he knows nothing whatever about law and is

unable to enforce it;〃 that 〃he has to support himself with his own

hands;〃 that 〃he has a family to provide for; and is obliged to drive

his own cart〃 or vehicle; in short; entreating that he 〃may be

relieved of his charge。〃'63' … These involuntary recruits are

evidently nothing more than common laborers; if they drag along the

revolutionary cart they do it like their horses; because they are

pressed into the service。

Above the small communes; in the large villages possessing a

revolutionary committee; and also in certain bourgs; the horses in

harness often pretend to draw and do not; for fear of crushing some

one。  … At this epoch; a straggling village; especially when isolated;

in an out…of…the…way place and on no highway; is a small world in

itself; much more secluded than now…a…days; much less accessible to

Parisian verbiage and outside pressure; local opinion here

preponderates; neighbors support each other; they would shrink from

denouncing a worthy man whom they had known for twenty years; the

moral sway of honest folks suffices for keeping down

〃blackguards。〃'64' If the mayor is republican; it is only in words;

perhaps for self…protection; to protect his commune; and because one

must howl along with the other wolves。  … … …Moreover; in other

bourgs; and in the small towns; the fanatics and rascals are not

sufficiently numerous to fill all the offices; and; in order to fill

the vacancies; those who are not good Jacobins have been pushed

forward or admitted into the new administrative corps; lukewarm;

indifferent; timid or needy men; who take the place as an asylum or

ask for it as a means of subsistence。  〃 Citizens;〃 one of the

recruits; more or less under restraint; writes later on;'65' 〃 I was

put on the Committee of Surveillance of Aignay by force; and installed

by force。〃 Three or four madmen on it ruled; and if one held any

discussion with them; 〃it was always threats 。  。  。  。  Always

trembling; always afraid; … that is the way I passed eight months

doing duty in that miserable place。〃 … Finally; in medium…sized or

large towns; the dead…lock produced by collective dismissals; the

pell…mell of improvised appointments; and the sudden renewal of an

entire set of officials; threw into the administration; willingly or

not; a lot of pretended Jacobins who; at heart; are Girondists or

Feuillantists; but who; having been excessively long…winded; are

assigned offices on account of their stump…speeches; and who

thenceforth sit alongside of the worst Jacobins; in the worst

employment。  〃Members of the Feurs Revolutionary Committee … those who

make that 
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