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the origins of contemporary france-4-第92章

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aristocrats? In the twenty…four hours taken for one investigation you

might have twenty…four condemned。〃

'151' 〃Journal de marche du sergent Fricasse;〃 p。34。  (Narrative by

Marshal Soult。)

'152' Cf。  in the Bible; the story of Ahasuerus who; out of respect

for his own majesty; can…not retract the order he has issued against

the Jews; but he turns the difficulty by allowing them to defend


'153' Mallet…Dupan; II。; 47。

'154' Berryat Saint…Prix; 〃La Justice Revolutionnaire;〃 XVII。…Marcelin

Boudet; 〃Les Conventionnels d'Auvergne;〃 269。  … Moniteur; Brumaire

27; year III。; report by Calès。

'155' Paris; 〃Histoire de Joseph Lebon;〃 I。; 371; II。; 341; 344。…De

Martel; 〃Fouché;〃 153。  … Berryat Saint…Prix; 347; 348。

'156' Berryat Saint…Prix; 390。  …Ibid。; 404。  (On Soubrié; executioner

at Marseilles; letter of Lazare Giraud; public prosecutor): 〃I put him

in the dungeon for having shed tears on the scaffold; in executing the

anti…revolutionists we sent to be executed。〃

'157' Moniteur; XVIII。; 413。  (Session of the Convention; letter of

Lequinio and Laignelot; Rochefort; Brumaire 17; year II。) 〃We have

appointed the patriot Anse guilloteneur and we have invited him; in

dining with us; to come and assume his prescribed powers; and water

them with a libation in honor of the Republic。  … Paris; II。; 72。

'158' Marcelin Boudet; 270。  (Testimony of Bardanèche de Bayonne。)

'159' Guil1on; 〃Histoire de la ville de Lyons pendant la Revolution;〃

II。; 427; 431; 433。

'160' 〃Mémoire du Citoyen Fréron;〃 (in the Barrière collection;)

p。357。  (Testimony of a survivor。)

'161' Paris; II。; 32

'162' Delandine; 〃Tableaux des prisons de Lyons;〃 p。14。

'163' Camille Boursier; 〃Essai sur la Terreur en Anjou;〃 164。  (Letter

of Boniface; ex…Benedictine; president of the Revolutionary committee;

to Representative Richard; Brumaire 3; year II。) 〃We send you the said

Henri Verdier; called de la Saurinière。  。  。  。  It will not be long

before you will see that we make the guillotine a present。  。  。  。

The Committee begs you to send him sacram sanctam guillotinam; and the

republican minister of his worship。  。  。  Not an hour of the day

passes that new members do not come to us whom we desire to initiate

in its mysteries; (sic)。〃

'164' Thibaudeau; 〃Histoire du Terrorisme dans le départment de la

Vienne;〃 34; 48。  … Berryat Saint…Prix; 239。

'165' Archives Nationales F。7; 4435。  (Letter of Lebon; Floréal 23;

year II。) … Paris; I。  241。

'166' Buchez et Roux; XXXIV。; 184; 200。  (Depositions of Chaux;

Monneron and Villemain。)

'167' Register of the Revolutionary Tribunal of Nantes; copied by M。

Chevrier。  (M。 Chevrier has kindly sent me his manuscript copy。) …

Berryat Saint…Prix; 94。  … Archives Nationales; F7。  4591。  (Extract

from the acts of the Legislative Committee; session of Floréal 3; year

III。  Restitution of the confiscated property of Alexander Long to his

son。) Dartigoyte; at Auch; did what Carrier did at Nantes。  〃It

follows from the above abstract duly signed that on the 27th Germinal;

year II。; between eight and nine o'clock in the evening; Alexandre

Long; Sr。; was put to death on the public square of the commune of

Auch by the executioner of criminal sentences; without any judgment

having been rendered against the said Long。〃 … In many places an

execution becomes a spectacle for the Jacobins of the town and a party

of pleasure。  For instance; at Arras; on the square devoted to

executions; a gallery was erected for spectators with a room for the

sale of refreshments; and; during the execution of M。 de Montgon; the

〃?a ira〃 is played on the bass drum。  (Paris; II。; 158; and I。; 159。)

A certain facetious representative has rehearsals of the performance

in his own house。  〃Lejeune; to feed his bloodthirsty imagination; had

a small guillotine put up; on which he cut off the heads of all the

poultry consumed at his table。  。  。  。  Often; in the middle of the

repast; he had it brought in and set to work for the amusement of his

guests。〃 (Moniteur; XXIV。; 607; session of June I; 1795; letter from

the district of Besan?on; and with the letter; the confirmatory

document。) 〃This guillotine; says the reporter; is deposited with the

Committee of Legislation。〃

CHAPTER III。  THE RULERS。  (continued)。

I。   The Central Government Administration。

The administrative body at Paris。  … Composition of the group out of

which it was recruited。  … Deterioration of this group。  … Weeding…out

of the Section Assemblies。  … Weeding out of the popular clubs。  …

Pressure of the government。

To provide these local sovereigns with the subordinate lieutenants and

agents which they require; we have the local Jacobin population; and

we have seen the composition of the recruits;'1'

* the distressed and the perverted of every class and degree;

especially the lowest;

* the castaways;

* envious and resentful subordinates;

* small shopkeepers in debt;

* the migrating; high…living workers;

* barflies;

* vagrants;

* men of the gutters;

* street…walkers;

 … in short; every species of 〃anti…social vermin;〃 male and

female;'2' including a few honest crack…brains into which the

fashionable theory had freely found its way; the rest; and by far the

largest number; are veritable beasts of prey; speculating on the

established order of things and adopting the revolutionary faith only

because it provides food for their appetites。  … In Paris; they number

five or six thousand; and; after Thermidor; there is about the same

number; the same appetites rallying them around the same dogma;'3'

levelers and terrorists; 〃some because they are poor; others because

they have broken off the habit of working at their trade;〃 furious

with 〃the scoundrels who own a coach house; against the rich and the

hoarders of objects of prime necessity。〃 Many of them 〃having soiled

themselves during the Revolution; ready to do it again provided the

rich rascals; monopolists and merchants can all be killed;〃 all

〃frequenters of popular clubs who think themselves philosophers;

although most of them are unable to read;〃 at the head of them the

remnant of the most notorious political bandits;

* the famous post…master; Drouet; who; in the tribune at the

Convention; declared himself a 〃brigand;〃'4'

* Javogues; the robber of Montbrison and the 〃Nero of Ain;〃

* the drunkard Casset; formerly a silk…worker and later the pasha of


* Bertrand; the friend of Charlier; the ex…mayor and executioner of


* Darthé; ex…secretary of Lebon and the executioner at Arras;

* Rossignol and nine other Septembriseurs of the Abbaye and the

Carmelites; and; finally; the great apostle of despotic communism;

* Babeuf; who; sentenced to twenty years in irons for the

falsification of public contracts; and as needy as he is vicious;

rambles about Paris airing his disappointed ambitions an
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