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the origins of contemporary france-4-第75章

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cares for its own honor it will select reporters of bills that are not

unworthy; and instruct them to support these with available arguments;

as closely reasoned out as possible; the bill; discussed and adopted

in full council; will show the measure of its capacity; the

information it possesses and its common…sense。

To estimate all this; read the bills put forth in the name of the

Committee; weigh the preambles; remark the tone; listen to the two

reporters usually chosen; Saint…Just; who draws up the acts of

proscription; special or general; and Barère; who draws up all acts

indifferently; but particularly military announcements and decrees

against the foreigner; never did public personages; addressing France

and posterity; use such irrational arguments and state falsehoods with

greater impudence。'65'

The former; stiff in his starched cravat; posing 〃like the Holy

Ghost;〃 more didactic and more absolute than Robespierre himself;

comes and proclaims to Frenchmen from the tribune; equality; probity;

frugality; Spartan habits; and a rural cot with all the voluptuousness

of virtue;'66' this suits admirably the chevalier Saint…Just; a former

applicant for a place in the Count d'Artois' body…guard; a domestic

thief; a purloiner of silver plate which he takes to Paris; sells and

spends on prostitutes; imprisoned for six months on complaint of his

own mother;'67' and author of a lewd poem which he succeeds in

rendering filthy by trying to render it fanciful。  … Now; indeed; he

is grave; he no longer leers; he kills … but with what arguments; and

what a style!'68' The young Laubardemont as well as the paid informers

and prosecutors of imperial Rome; have less disgraced the human

intellect; for these creatures of a Tiberius or a Richelieu still used

plausible arguments in their reasoning; and with more or less

adroitness。  With Saint…Just; there is no connection of ideas; there

is no sequence or march in his rhapsody; like an instrument strained

to the utmost; his mind plays only false notes in violent fits and

starts; logical continuity; the art then so common of regularly

developing a theme; has disappeared; he stumbles over the ground;

piling up telling aphorisms and dogmatic axioms。  In dealing with

facts there is nothing in his speech but a perversion of the truth;

impostures abound in it of pure invention; palpable; as brazen as

those of a charlatan in his booth;'69' he does not even deign to

disguise them with a shadow of probability; as to the Girondists; and

as to Danton; Fabre d'Eglantine and his other adversaries; whoever

they may be; old or new; any rope to hang them with suffices for him;

any rough; knotted; badly…twisted cord he can lay his hands on; no

matter what; provided it strangles; is good enough; there is no need

of a finer one for confirmed conspirators; with the gossip of the club

and an Inquisition catechism; he can frame his bill of indictment。  …

Accordingly; his intellect grasps nothing and yields him nothing; he

is a sententious and overexcited declaimer; an artificial spirit

always on the stretch; full of affectations;'70' his talent reducing

itself down to the rare flashes of a somber imagination; a pupil of

Robespierre; as Robespierre himself is a pupil of Rousseau; the

exaggerated scholar of a plodding scholar; always rabidly ultra;

furious through calculation; deliberately violating both language and

ideas;'71' confining himself to theatrical and funereal paradoxes; a

sort of 〃grand vizier〃'72' with the airs of an exalted moralist and

the bearing of the sentimental shepherd。'73'  Were one of a mocking

humor one might shrug one's shoulders; but; in the present state of

the Convention; there is no room for anything but fear。  Launched in

imperious tones; his phrases fall upon their ears in monotonous

strokes; on bowed heads; and; after five or six blows from this leaden

hammer; the stoutest are stretched out stupefied on the ground;

discussion is out of the question; when Saint…Just; in the name of the

Convention; affirms anything; it must be believed; his dissertation is

a peremptory injunction and not an effort of reason; it commands

obedience; it is not open to examination; it is not a report which he

draws from his coat pocket; but a bludgeon。

The other reporter; Barère; is of quite another stamp; a 〃patent…

right〃 haranguer; an amusing Gascon; alert; 〃free and easy;〃 fond of a

joke; even on the Committee of Public Safety;'74' unconcerned in the

midst of assassinations; and; to the very last; speaking of the reign

of Terror as 〃the simplest and most innocent thing in the world。〃'75'

No man was ever less trammeled by a conscience; in truth; he has

several; that of two days ago; that of the previous day; that of the

present day; that of the morrow; of the following day; and still

others; as many as you like; all equally pliant and supple; at the

service of the strongest against the weakest; ready to swing round at

once on the wind changing; but all joined together and working to one

common end through physical instinct; the only one that lasts in the

immoral; adroit and volatile being who circulates nimbly about; with

no other aim than self…preservation; and to amuse himself。'76'  … In

his dressing…gown; early in the morning; he receives a crowd of

solicitors; and; with the ways of a 〃dandified minister;〃 graciously

accepts the petitions handed to him; first; those of ladies;

〃distributing gallantries among the prettiest;〃 he makes promises; and

smiles; and then; returning to his cabinet; throws the papers in the

fire: 〃There;〃 he says; my correspondence is done。〃 … He sups twice

every decade in his fine house at Clichy; along with three more than

accommodating pretty women; he is gay; awarding flatteries and

attentions quite becoming to an amiable protector: he enters into

their professional rivalries; their spites against the reigning

beauty; their jealousy of another who wears a blonde wig and pretends

〃to set the fashion。〃 He sends immediately for the National Agent and

gravely informs him that this head…dress; borrowed from the

guillotined; is a rallying point for anti…revolutionaries; whereupon;

the next day; wigs are denounced at the Commune…council; and

suppressed; 〃Barère roared with laughter on alluding to this piece of

fun。〃 The humor of an undertaker and the dexterity of a commercial

drummer: he plays with Terror。  … In like manner he plays with his

reports; and at this latter exercise; he improvises; he is never

embarrassed; it is simply necessary to turn the faucet and the water

runs。  〃 Had he any subject to treat; he would fasten himself on

Robespierre; Hérault; Saint…Just; or somebody else; and draw them out;

he would then rush off to the tribune and spin out their ideas; 〃they

were all astonished at hearing their thoughts expressed as fully as if

reflected in a mirror。〃 No individual on the Committee; or in the

Convention; equaled him in promptness and fluency; for the
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